[Suggestion] When Planetside "dies", make Forgelight open source?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mechwolf, Jan 25, 2024.

  1. Mechwolf

    In all honesty, I want to eventually make maps for Planetside as well a few weapons, maybe even a vehicle or two.

    But in the current state, I can't think of how to make one that would feasibly work in game, or if I could implement them via a private server.

    Not now, but when the game dies and we're all saying how great of a time we had playing this game, I implore you try to get your company to agree to make the developer tools and general server information open source so we may be able to update and play this game long after the company leaves it.

    We know we won't have the same numbers, and our community probably couldn't keep the game running 24/7. But when you're scouting for Planetside 3 developers, you'd know where to look!
  2. ganthercage

    this is a common issue that needs to be solved