When Latency Is Good, It's Time To Own

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ent|ty, Jun 10, 2013.

  1. ent|ty

    This is the difference it makes when latency on the server is nice and crisp, like a fresh spring morning, and not the sluggish low fps rate affair of last weekend.

    Good latency Infantry 30+ Killstreak (Esamir Outpost Battles)

    I get to go on good killstreaks, and tactics and good shooting pays off.

    Now if I would stop crashing into things in my Scythe, there wouldn't be so many suicides.

    I tend to suicide a lot in these situations, not on purpose, but because I usually have a group of very angry enemies coming after me that want revenge (or the menace XP) and I have to jump out windows or off ledges in order to try to flank, and realize I dont have enough health or ammo to continue.

    Note: This is not a brag post, this just shows what can be done with good latency. Bad latency usually catches up, and suddenly I'll go all nub and not kill anyone. This is when I rage quit.
  2. PhiladelphiaCollins

    You killed a bunch of sub BR10's...want a prize? :p
  3. LonelyTerran

  4. ent|ty

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  5. Angry Scientist

    How do you know that they weren't the ones that were suffering from the latency instead of you?

    I've had epic kill streaks myself, and sometimes I just know when I should have died. When that happens a bunch of times in a row, I tend to figure that I'm just getting the short end of the ping stick for once.
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  6. IamDH

    I suck when i lag
  7. tomatocatA2A