When is VP system going to be removed?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Uranoob, Nov 19, 2015.

  1. Goldmonk

    In the alert's first iteration, it actually was. If a faction captured a certain percentage of territory (90% I believe), the alert would end. Now it's only part of a greater objective. Players have to focus on other territories beside the hexes near the warpgate.
  2. Cheetoh

    Not really. You're still capturing and defending.

    What's next? A ticket system to make the game even more like mindless Battlefield and other K/D farms?
  3. Crator

    Um, that's what Planetside game play is. So you want some sort of side scroll mini-game added or something?
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  4. Cheetoh

    And losing facilities and territory erases VP points.

    You can lead and gain, then have it all lost when you log off cuz you got bored after 4 or 5 hours and the continent still isn't locked.
  5. Cheetoh

    You're the one wanting more things to win a continent.
  6. Goldmonk

    You act like 1 person makes the biggest difference. A group of people can hold a base easily and even push forward.

    So you want Zergside?
  7. Who Garou

    Yeah, but cut-off territories didn't count against your total or four anyone else, so you couldn't just circle around and take the area near the warpgate and win (Not that connecting to both the warpgate causes continent lock any more either).

    It was a matter of getting the 90% and not the warpgating that cause the continent lock.

    I was helping the factions that I was playing on at the time win Alerts by taking territory that wasn't near anyone's warpgates before the VP system stated. I've seen more "connections" to Warpgates with the new VP than before. I've also seen less battles for territories in the middle that aren't latticed to Bio Labs, Amp Stations, or Tech Plants.

    But I'm not trying to argue about it, and I think I've strayed away from the main topic.

    I kind of liked the old Alert System better. I'm glad that they working on refining the VP system. 10 is a nice round number, but I'm thinking dropping it down to 7-8 might not be a bad idea. I don't know how busy some of the other servers are, but I haven't seen all 4 unlocked due to population for a long time and having more continent rotation going on is a good thing from my point of view. Fighting on the same maps all the time because it takes so much longer for continents to lock at this point is getting a bit old.
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  8. Cheetoh

    It's actually worse than before.

    Factions zerging back and forth between two bases for hours without accomplishing anything except farming each other is very common now since there's no time constraint.

    They basically took what made Planetside different from other FPS, and threw it in the trash.

    What other shooter made capturing territory a thing? Now we have a points system like every other game.
  9. Cheetoh

    VP points that took countless players and resources to gain can be erased by ghost cappers a few hours later. That's all you need to know.
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  10. Scr1nRusher

    Forumside pls calm down.
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  11. Who Garou

    I understand, but the condition wasn't to warp gate another faction - it was to get 90%.

    There is a difference.

    Warp gating didn't cause the lock.

    Getting 90% caused the lock, but you had to warp gate to gain the 90%.

    I'll admit it is semantics.
  12. TacoMasters(PS4)

    I'm surprised no one here knows that Victory Points will connect to the newly construction system (Base Building, ANT Vehicle, VP Generators, etc). Daybreak pushed it out now than wait later. Ah, clueless forumers. lol
  13. sebastian oscar post

    this is part 1 of implementing victory points.
    the construction system will merge with it as well.
    one thing by itself is dull and boring but two coinciding with each other:
  14. Atakx

    The problem with tho old alerts is everything you do in game is based around a two hour time limit, and honestly its not even about making the right calls its about hoping you don't start in the lead and get focused out, were about to see alerts themselves change from a worthless meta stand in to rule sets that drop and drastically change the rules you play by. The game is now reaching the point in terms of metagame that it should have been at all along. To a lot of the newer players that never saw the old alerts with no locking yeah it might seem bad, to us older guy's this is a blast from the past and a welcome one at that, fights don't just vanish when the alert starts and ends its no longer a chore to find a fight and my fun is no longer on a two hour time limit and that's if i get in when the alert starts come in half way you got an hour to have fun because everything stops when the alert ends you are not aloud to have fun until the next one.
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  15. TheRunDown

    I like the VP system, it stops the filthy Zerg Fits from ruining the game and Every other Alert means nothing.
    You can still lose the Alert but if the other Empire does nothing by Zerg and abuse the Redeploy "Reinforcements Needed System" they end up with more territory than they can defend, and end up losing the continent anyway, which I approve of. If they're going to play using filthy tactics and not tactically play the game, then they deserve to lose. This game is basically a RTS at the end of the day with muiltiple squad commander choosing destinations to attack and defend.

    My experience with Alerts on Miller as a TR before the VP system, was always the majority would double team TR or Farm TR throughout the Alert, then NC or VS would try back stab each other at the last critical minutes after they've reached a point where they can't take any more TR territory because they're either too close proximity to each other and start overlapping or to well defended to gain a few more percentage to win the Alert.

    It's still not PlanetSide but it adds a tiny piece of tactical game play that this game is missing.
  16. Foxirus

    They removed the alert win rewards?
  17. FateJH

    You make it sound like the procedure for capturing bases wasn't already an abstracted simplification of something.
  18. stalkish

    Different people post different opinions at different times on this forum.
    Would have thought that would be obvious........

    I take that back, your absolutely right.
    People have complained about lack of meaning forever, now they complain its the wrong meaning.....
    Complaints never cease.
  19. DestinyXYZ

    this VP system is terrible. some boring continents like esamir are unlocked all the time while other more interresting ones are not. and its the same fights all day long. please removes that VP system and bring back the old full length alerts!