When is the Fury getting "Fixed", It doesn't make sense that is is better than

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DrazahNede, May 27, 2013.

  1. DrazahNede

    Marauder ....or alternatively Marauder could use a buff, since it is crap
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  2. Johalt

    The marauders not bad, plenty of my outfit members love it. It would be nice if its damage was buffed slightly but honestly id say they are both fine.
  3. Dragonblood

    So the fury should get nerfed, because the Marauder is crap? (your opinion)
  4. DrazahNede

    then plenty of your outfit members are noobs.

    Marauder is a dual fury, yet fury outperforms it by far
  5. Efrizial

    The marauder have 200 rpm compared to the 175 of the fury, yet the fury is a OHK while the marauder is a 2HK.
    The marauder need something to compensate its slower TTK against infantry.
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  6. Eclipson

    The Maurader is not bad. Its really good for spamming nades into large groups of infantry because of its larger ammo capacity. But the VS and NC would whine if the Marauder was better then the fury, like they whine that the Striker is better then the Annihilator.