When do we see Mechs???

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GImofoJoe, Jun 28, 2013.

  1. Voiidd

    hahahahah... this one made my day :D
    Got one word for you: ZOE.
  2. Takoita

    I also distinctly remember them singing "there would be no lattice". Guess where we are now?
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  3. Maarvy

    I could see some kind of giant mech / titan being a realy fun addition to the game if it was implemented correctly .

    Lets say they have a weeky spawn of 1 per faction , which is granted to the highest scoring Outfit of that particular faction for any given week . This way they could make the titans / mechs very large and very powerful platforms that require a 4-5-6 man team to operate without necessarily breaking game balance .

    A titan would act as a status symbol for the outfit who control it and provide some inter faction competition to be the outfit that gets the 1 titan spawn that week . Also a massive focal point for battles other than facilitys .

    sadly BFR discussions are always shot down by the ps1 vets , who almost to a man instantly pee there knickers as soons at the letters B F and R are strung together .
  4. Vanus Aran

    I liked your post just out of cynism.
    Cant stop this guy from liking my posts. Told him that already.
  5. Enxel

    I don't understand the hate on BFR's on PS2 since MTB's on PS2 are the same as BFR's wore on PS1.
    Just think about it, they could make BFR's like tank's wore on PS1 1 Driver and 1 Gunner, the Driver moves is and uses skills while the gunner has all the firepower.
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  6. TeknoBug

    Nope, no BFR's in PS2, PS2 is already poorly balanced so we don't need another problem to deal with.
  7. Stingrayl

    The game is already broken to pieces of random Nerfs, Buffs, new useless weapons variations, lattice and so on... what could go wrong ?

    Add the dawn Mechs and watch the newcomers buy them by the buckets, after a while just nerf them in a way even the Newly nerfed Fury + Flash will be their nemesis.

    After that pour in some new cosmetics for a last minute Gold gathering and....

    SOE way to make a living working again :D

    repeat for richness and a lousy game.
  8. that_darn_lurker

    Bring on the Mechs! They'll just be XP pinatas anyway. I can't imagine the surviving very long unless you give them a ridiculous amount of HP.
  9. Kristan

    You mean that funky Vanu MAX shining before he dies? Rrriiight...
  10. Tekone

    Almost guaranteed to lose all PS1 vets the day SOE implements anything remotely close to a BFR. But who knows, might not be a bad marketing scheme for when this game drops on consoles.

    Who cares what the bottom line product is so long as it makes the company $$$$$$$ amirite?
  11. Dethfield

    Aside from being a ridiculous and idiotic design idea (giant target with giant weak spots), mechs/walking tanks really do not not have anything to offer that isnt already present in PS2 (kind of like IRL actually).

    You want to be a walking tank? Pull a MAX, they are more viable than mechs anyway.
  12. that_darn_lurker

    How about giving us the ability to form a voltron-like super robot from the mechs?
  13. Ravenwolf Foxtrack

    SOE Pres John Smeg told me directly in person at fan fair in 2009 that BFR's will not be in PS2. I will hold him to that.
  14. Kaesarr

    If I wanted to play a mech I would play Mechwarrior or Hawken. :eek:
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  15. Kristan

    They changed their minds about lot of things in PS2 that they weren't plan to implement. So who cares about something being said 4 years ago if that thing will make $$$?

    In MWO or Hawken there is no such threats as tanks, infantry with AV and aircrafts. I love MWO as well, but PS2 will provide more realistic mech warfare.

    Does MAX have speed of 60 km/h? Does MAX have durability of a tank? Devs will make BFRs just for profit because it's gonna be with two kinds of weapons like ESF, which means $$$ for each weapon slot.
  16. wolfhowl12

  17. Dethfield

    Why would you want a useless vehicle put in the game when there are other potentially useful ones that could be put in? Self-propelled artillery, for example, would be a much better suggestion.
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  18. Untouchable

    Because if there's anything PS2 needs, it's more explosive spam.
  19. Dethfield

    Well, i assume it would have be discussed alot before actually implementing it, but i believe it could work.
  20. BlazingTiger

    May I introduce Battlefield 2142. Check the Walker. Not OP at all, especially in the hands of an inexperience player. Fun to use but not too hard to destroy.