When do we see Mechs???

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GImofoJoe, Jun 28, 2013.

  1. HellasVagabond

    PS2 is BROKEN already.....We have lockons like the STRIKER, buggies like the Harasser, AV weapons like the Engineer turret that can fire from beyond rendering distance, unbalance in MBTs/ESFs and stupid changes all the time. It CAN'T get any worse and even if they introduce BFRs they will be spammed to the ground by STRIKERs and everything else so no i doubt they will drive away people.
  2. Tekone

    It is very clear that you did not play Planetside 1.
  3. Kristan

    If devs brought untested mechs in PS1, doesn't means they will bring crazy OP mechs again.
  4. Tekone

    You're right. It's not like SOE would ever introduce something OP in this game....

    Maybe if it was so fundamentally different? Like Voltron! Woohoooo!! X number of max units biomechanically combine to form one hilariously epic monster warrior! Fun times to be had, for sure.

    But seriously tho..
    (which included)
    It's really not worth the risk and they know it.
  5. asmodraxus

    The real question is how many veterans from planetside 1 are there playing?

    How many of them would leave instantly?

    Then how many servers would get closed? Miller I know would become a ghost town.

    How many of said veterans have/are spending money vs how many new players are/have spent money?

    If veterans cash spent is higher then newbie money spent then don't expect BFR's any time soon.
  6. GImofoJoe

    It's only a matter of time. Most of the vehicles in PS1 are slowly appearing in PS2. They might add BFR right around Q1-Q2 2014, when Titan fall to stay competitive.
  7. adaroe

    It doesn't have to be mechs, have you considered four-legged walker siege tanks. for example a vanu carcinus (mythological greek crab :p) would be a 3 man vehicle. capable of strafing and climbing hills.
    1 driver/gunner wielding a forward facing machine gun with a 90 degree arc.
    1 gunner sporting a 180 (to the front) main cannon with no projectile drop (like a big lancer)
    1 gunner with a 360 missile-based-defense-system or mbds. similar to a javelin the missile shoots up in the air and is guided to where the gunner is aiming. there is a minimum 50 meter area around the tank where the missile cant hit.

    in short most of the weapons aim forward and work best at a distance making it great for long range support. also it travels at a mere 35 kph (45 with a speed frame, but loses out on hill climbing). the harasser is its mortal enemy, as it has little defences up close and none directly behind it.

    no bfr's give me walkers with a defined role!
    And 4 legs!
  8. Liewec123

    as someone who's poured a ton of certs and real cash into max i really wouldn't like a better mech to be added.
  9. malden


    Think of it as a Lib that all three guns point in the same direction and can turn on a dime and use cover.

    BFRs will ruin the game. A transport buggy is more powerful than a MBT you think they can get this right?
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  10. Vanus Aran

    Sorry but the Charge-up weapons ARE not as good.
    I use the Max and the old and "new" AV-weapon. I keep forgetting the name of the new weapon but, "Comet" is better in many aspects.

    Simply because the Charge-up Mechanic weapons that are OBVIOUSLY made for long-range -> are half-cripples when it comes to long-range simply because: ZOOM ?!?!?! <- where is zoom?! Why cant I ZOOM ???

    You got no idea how absolutely annoying it is to pull this weapons because the enemys are a bunch of cowards who tries to SNIPE you with Tanks from the Horizon and so you pull this weapons in order to counter them, but you must still EXPOSE yourself to their line of fire as well and then YOU CANT EVEN ZOOM ?!
    Im "badrear" here, so no complains. I can still aim and hit but I like Comets more.

    Comets really are stronger and way more effective against Infantry. I think on the level of Fractures.
    Thats funny actually the OLD AV-weapon of the VS is a little effective against Infantry like the NEW AV-weapon from the TR.
    But oh yeah ZOE was overpowered, huh? Delusional freaks everywhere.

    The charge-up weapons should got a x2 zoom at least.
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  11. Izriul

    So, where did I say they were good? Do point it out.

    Considering I main VS and own every max weapon except the vortex's, due to previous purchase of the Lancer, I know exactly how it is.

    And where did I mention anything....at all, about ZOE, but for the record, having rank 5 since day 1, yes, it was overpowered when it was released.

    So yeah, you're the delusional one here.
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  12. Vanus Aran

    Everything is connected even if lattice denys that. Thats why offtopic is not offtopic but ontopic.
    And stop voting yourself up with friends or other accounts. :)
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  13. G3arfried

    They could make them three person.

    1 driver, 1 main gunner and 1 secondary gunner.
    Main gunner with aI weapons 2nd with either AA or AV. Make it like lib where it requires the 3 ppl to be as one.
    The top one can only see like an obtuse angle front to top slight back and nothing under that so it will be like a artilery unit where as the front guy has ai weapons that do small dmg to av just to get some defence going if ppl get too close. It Should require a lot of team work to use.

    Make it so front gunner can shoot when ever but secondary can only shoot when the driver deploys.

    pacific rim anyone?
  14. Dingus148

    I upvoted him. ****. You need to learn to read what he says...he wrote a funny piece of satire and it went right over your head. Check yourself before you throw accusations around.
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  15. G3arfried

  16. IamDH

    Lol sad but true
    That is exactly what will happen :(
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  17. Kristan

    He said that during Alpha. If he'd say "Yes, we will have BFRs" that will scare away lot of people. Yet as we see SOE tends to change their mind and they add things they didn't plan since beginning, and that's PS1 things. And so I saw their facebook post about their interest in revamping BFRs as bigger version of MAX suit.
  18. Izriul

    Haha, reading comprehension goes right over your head doesn't it?

    You know, you're not the first to accuse me of upvoting myself, I'm going to assume you're the guy with numerous accounts considering that guy also blabbered garbage, while acting jealous of "likes". How sad.

    And the interesting thing


    Seems to have only liked your posts. You might be shocked to know, the majority of people don't give a **** about likes, and realise it's utterly pathetic to use multiple accounts.
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  19. IamDH

    How the hell did you turn that into a whine post let alone a lattice topic lol. He did it for comedy purposes and i upvoted him btw
  20. MonnyMoony

    Yeh - that would be good. A multi crewed super heavy - something like a 40K baneblade.
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