When did air denial become a TR faction trait?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SebDollar, May 22, 2013.

  1. SebDollar

    First Strikers, now this?

    You won't see me in TR airspace anytime soon.
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  2. Ennkay

    We finally got our ROF trait with this patch.
  3. Spartan 117

    Strikers have denied air since they were added. The moment I fly over TR occupied territory its:


    I don't even bother pulling Reavers anymore unless I have a death wish.
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    Well, TR is the professional military. And as such, we should have total air superiority. And now we do. I look forward to using the tears of flyboys to fuel my Striker rockets.
  5. Nicholai

    Ehh. Doesn't matter.

    90% air superiority with the striker, and you were still terrible.
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  6. Caserion

    Getting locked as TR happens quite often too, remember that the Striker isn't the only G2A lock on launcher...?

    How about you start using your lock on launchers for a ******* change? SOE even significantly lowered their cert price for you spoiled brats.
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  8. HJK148

    Since SOE had the brilliant idea to change the TR's faction traits from high ROF, fast vehicles and high accuracy to air denial and losing the ability to move. Also we have an easy-mode lock-on ESRL which none of us wanted in the first place.
  9. ArmedGoose

    There you go, fixed that for you.
    And you are welcome! :D
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  10. Snarfy

    Teamwork op cant lone wolf QQ derp
  11. Myka

    Supporting OP.

    TR get massive airspace denial with the Striker, and then Lockdown affects Bursters - even though they said it wouldn't.

    Might as well not bother flying as NC/VS - hell, **** it - might as well not bother playing NC or VS after today.
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  12. Xale

    Keep in mind due to the lack of power / trade-offs of the others, its about 50% less likely that a non-TR ground trooper is carrying AA.

    And when said TR troopers AA weapon is still superior you basically end up with aggregate 200-300% better anti-air support.
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  13. Caserion

    But you still can't blame us if you the other factions don't want to use AA launchers which are around 25-33 % less effective... It's more expectable now to see people running around with lock ons for air since the cert reduction, Striker being 1000 certs, the other G2A being 250 certs and having dumbfire.
  14. kadney

    Funny that nobody seems to give a dime about ZOE and spawnshield peek-a-boo with increased movement speed. But yet, the bad lockdown TR flak sitting ducks are OP as hell. Okay... :rolleyes: