When can we expect the Heavy Assault shield changes to finally come?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Xebov, Jun 16, 2014.

  1. Scr1nRusher

    Both players need accuracy in engagements, also your factoring out things that happen in gameplay such as different weapons, player skills, cover etc.

    Also the other player facing the HA doesn't need twice the damage to take him down.

    and i can speak from experience the better player regardless of class will always win engagements if they are knowledgeable and also have good accuracy.

    what server are you on?

    And so what if the low level guys choose HA? they eventually play the other classes aswell.

    I've been playing since the beta days man, and have uninstalled this games and deleted past characters many many times.

    I know how shields work aswell, and I also know how to use them properly.

    If your mad that you got beat by a low level HA, just say it, be honest.

    I'm fast typer aswell, but spellcheck exists my friend, proof reading isn't a bad thing,
  2. Lord_Avatar

    Barrel to barrel ARs lose to *nothing*. They are the best class of Infantry primaries in the game (by a small margin only - which is good).
  3. DHT#

    So what you guys are saying is that LMGs are so bad compared to the other guns you need 2.5x the shields of other classes to compete?
    Get real.
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  4. Chazt

    No, heavies need their shields in order to do their job they have one simple job they can do. Kill things, they cannot heal their friends, they cannot repair vehicles or maxes, they don't have the maneuverability of a light assault and they cannot hack terminals. Their only goal is too absorb damage, and kill the enemy opposition. That is all they are good for and their shield is made just for that purpose.
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  5. DHT#

    Oh, so now HA needs to be the one class that isn't vulnerable while they do their job? Then why don't we give medics a shield when they're reviving people. Or engineers a camera to watch their back while they repair things. Or radar immunity for light assaults. Or complete invisibility and no dark light for infiltrators. Every other class in the game is vulnerable when they do their job. The HA has the tools to do it's job already. It doesn't need a free pass on extra defense.

    Not like it matters. You claim the shield is there to help an HA clear out a room, but everything dies so fast under concentrated fire in this game that it can't possibly be used for that, so the only thing it's used for is small scale fights where the extra shield translates to a free win even against better players. That's all it's ever used for, which is why people are complaining about it.

    Hell, I just went over my deaths for the last 2 days. Nearly 80% of them were HA weapons. Are 80% of players HA, or do HA weapons out-perform 80% of all other weapons combined?

    And there's this final tidbit: The only BR 100s I see are HAs. I do not see them of any other class. If the most experienced players in the game only choose to play a single class out of 5, that clearly shows there's a problem. Because why not have another 750 shields? It's not like it costs you anything.
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  6. NCstandsforNukaCola

    Much debate such wow
    No. The Idea "I'm gonna clean this room so let the shield up" is simply bad.

    Concentrated fire will get HA down with ease.
    Truly bad idea. I wonder who think of this.
  7. Edubs McCool

    There is no reason to play as any other class in 1 -12 and 12 - 24 situations. I used to play as medic exclusively, until I hit a barrier; no matter how skilled I was, there would be HAs I could not beat simply because of the extra shields. It was insurmountable.

    (Yes, you may check my stats. I am good at infantry play. http://stats.dasanfall.com/ps2/player/EdubsMcCool) Whatever accuracy/headshot arguments you would use are invalid.)

    I began an experiment. I would play as HA exclusively instead. This started about 3 weeks ago.

    The results have been wonderful. My overall k/d ratio has already risen by .8 as compared to my previous method of play, and even further by the infantry v infantry metric.

    It's not just the NMG either, which makes me nearly unbeatable 1 v 1. In fact, I have yet to run into anyone who -can- beat me 1 v 1 consistently now. Especially non-HAs. They have no chance.

    It's the fact that I can stop 1 - 2 ESFs from farming me and my teammates (Liberators are still a problem), since I can deter them easily. (I carry the G2A launcher by default), and I can also stop the jerk who pulls a max in a small scale fight. Concussion grenades are incredible.

    Having a medic is nice, but honestly, I feel like I do more to keep a group alive as a HA than a medic, by simply preventing them from dying in the first place. Chances are if I go down, the medic is going to go down as well.
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  8. Casterbridge

    I'm not even sure what to say to this post...
  9. Scr1nRusher

    I'm tired of the anti HA posts.....

    half the time they don't know what they are talking about, or understand that if a player is a good shooter, no matter the class or ability they will win.

    Also don't take bad engagements.

    BTW the HA is actually least played compared to the other classes, but it gets used alot when vehicles/aircraft & infantry groups are out in force..... which is logical considering the classes role.
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  10. DHT#

    You should be tired. Every post you've made in this thread is complete bs, and that kind of imagination takes work. Take this latest post for instance. Not only are HAs not the least played class, they are the MOST played class.
  11. Scr1nRusher


    Also sir......

    That thread(that you linked) is a Anti HA thread that also lacks basic knowledge about squad class comps purposely for bias to prove a point that isn't true.

    You need HA's as the Spear head of the assault to deal with vehicles & groups of infantry and be the Frontline or Break the front like.

    The medic Supports the HA and fellow infantry units and keeps the assault alive.

    The Engineer can lock down points, provide surpessive fire, and keep people filled with ammo, keeping the assault going.

    The Infiltrator can detect enemies, and take out key targets/Spot incoming enemies and do fantastic flanking and with a SMG + Motion spotter help lock down a building defense wise.

    The LA is very useful at flanking and gaining the high ground( allowing for spawn beacons in hard to get areas and also suprising enemies in areas they wouldn't expect thanks to the jet pack., 1 Well placed C4 from above can take out vehicles and enemies gathered by doors.

    All classes are useful in squads.

    You need in squad comps primarily more HA's to deal with threads, Medics & engies to support, then you do infiltrators and LA's because these classes, while useful(especially the sensors the infiltrator has) are specialized and do not make up the cores of squads for a good reason, but they are valuable in individual usefulness to squads never the less.
  12. Xebov

    I factoring them out for a reason. I know that stuff like cover, accuracy and so on will modify the battle. The point here is in the end its a player with 1k total health will fight a player with 2k total health. Mathematicaly speaking the palyer with the lower health will either need double as good accuracy, the ability to dodge 50% of the dmg or an enemy that has only half his accuracy to at least get a draw. The fact that otehr factors can come in has nothing to do with the pure math behind the fight.

    Im not sure about your math skills, but if you leave Nanoweave out and dont take in Infiltrators every class has 500 Shield, 500 Health. If a Heavy then uses Max Rank Resist Shield he has 1k Shield and 1k Health, sicne he has 50% Resistance. So the other class needs to deal double the dmg.

    As i said its fine if HAs get there shield out for doing the things they are made for: storming rooms and defending buildings. Both things are predictable as other classes can provide intel and tehy know whats going on so a ramp up wont hurt that part of gameplay. But im not fine with HAs being able to instantly get there shield out when being unaware or to compensate for bad skill when getting into a fight they didnt expect. Outside of the storm and defend stuff where they should hold or get positions HAs should be treated as normal infantry and shouldnt get any bonus over other classes.

    Also as a sidenote, could you pelase use the propper reply tags? Its the ones you see on top of a quote if youpress reply. These help to see who you replyed to and also generate an alert for the palyer you replied so they can see that you replied them.
  13. Scr1nRusher

    nanoweave was changed to not give a flat HP bonus a long time ago.

    Also the playerr will not have 2k HP, what game are you playing? lol

    thats.... completely wrong...

    Resist shield just gains a extra second for its activation duration per rank not HP.

    Also the resistance is 45% not 50%.

    And further more Resist shield and the changed nanoweave do not stack anymore interms of resistance.

    Resist shield is activated pre combat... thats for storming rooms at such.

    ADS & NMG is for during fights.

    Also in tower fights(defensive wise) you rarely need to activate your shield if your in a good postion.

    I know what your saying, but at the same time I don't understand what your saying.

    HA's job isn't to provide intel that is techincally the infiltrators job and to some extent the LA's.

    Also..... if they activate there shield when you catch them offguard..... just shoot them in the head, it works every single time.

    Also all classes ARE DIFFERENT.

    BTW the HA's primary role is well...... ASSAULTING/OFFENSIVE. not just defensive which your fixated on.
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  14. DHT#

    1750 instead of 1000. Oops. Only 175% of another player's health instead of 200%. That's totally balanced! /sarcasm

    And yes, HAs are offensive. That's why they have the weapons with the biggest clips, that retain the most accuracy while being fired, and have good damage through medium range while still being fairly decent at CQC. You know, CQC, where the infiltrator and LA are supposed to shine by flanking and catching people off guard. Too bad that I-win shield is even more effective in CQC than it is at range.

    And you know it's bad when even the devs call it an instant win button.
  15. Xebov

    I didnt count in Nanoweave as it doesnt stack with the resist shield.

    So we end up with 1900, now thats a big difference....

    With the Other shield we end up with 1700. If count Nanoweave in its up to 1950.

    Thats why i said ->others<- can provide intel so the HAs know when enemys come close.

    Yes and no other class has the ability to instantly change the odds with a press of a button. You know there is a reason why we have so much HAs (including you).
  16. MajiinBuu

    If someone with my level of skill can win 1v1 by activating the shield, you know there's something wrong with it ;)
    Just kidding, I'm awesome at everything. I hope they don't change the shield.
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  17. Scr1nRusher

    to deal with vehicles/Maxes/Large groups of infantry?

    Also the medic class is the most played class.
  18. Chris Bingley

  19. Chris Bingley

    So, let's look at the history of 'balance' within PS2.

    Infiltrators - A nerf to strafing speeds, especially when aiming down sights, making HAs using lock-on launchers free kills. The slide action bolt, changing BASRs into semi-auto sniper rifles with the same damage, allowing for extra shots if the HA has their shield up (especially if the infi is using the Hold Breath implant). Nanoweave armour no longer protects from headshots. All buffs that make the class a lot easier to use and reduce the level of skill required to play it.

    Engineer - The AV MANA turret, even after it's nerf is still more accurate than lock on launchers due to the fact that is isn't affected by smoke, and can shoot round corners (this is a little difficult, I can't do it, but I've seen Wrel do it in his videos). It also does more damage than most rocket launchers and at range is more effective against infantry.

    Medics - Have recieved buffs (in the form of improved accuracy and CoF) to their ARs, and have been given access to Battle rifles.

    Light Assault - Some quality of life changes to how Drifter Jets work.

    Heavy Assault - CoF nerf on LMGs. ESRLs nerfed. Not to mention the fact that most of the buffs mentioned above nerf the HA. Now people are whining that they can't beat a HA in a 1v1 fight!!!! Guess what, you not supposed to unless you get the drop on them as a LA or infiltrator. They are the HEAVY class, same as a fighter in fantasy MMOs. They are their to soak up the damage so that you don't have too (unless you're also a HA). They are Auraxis' cannon fodder, bullet magnets, whatever you want to call them. Additionally, PS2 to was supposed to be based around teamwork and large scale fights. Although these days it has seen so many changes that you actually better off playing as a lone wolf, especially if you like being a LA with a shotgun, or an infiltrator. Your medic keeps dying to heavies? Stop trying to kill the heavies 1v1 and heal/revive your squad mates so that they can kill them. Your infilrator/LA keeps dying 1v1 to heavies, stop taking them on from the front and try out-flanking/out-positioning them.

    This is very much a L2P issue, but will no doubt end up in yet another HA nerf, as will RL primary threads and whatever else come next until all you see are medics and engies, and maybe the odd infiltrator/LA when you get to your death screen.
  20. Chazt

    Pro tip: No one will ever know if you respond to them if you don't quote them, I don't spend all my time checking up on every thread I have posted on in forumside, so you shouldn't respond as if people do.

    Anyway on to the main point, which you are missing entirely, I will take the liberty of quoting myself

    They are shock troopers, that is their point and how they were described in the first place. They are meant to go in, take the hits and clear out the enemy opposition to let their team move up. If you came in to planetside with the goal of killing a ton of enemies as an engineer or a medic, then you don't know what those classes are for. There are only two classes that rely on killing enemies, infiltrators and heavy assaults, infiltrators being long range specialists (who can equip an smg for short range lolz) and the heavy assault who focuses on close-medium range. The difference here is that an infiltrator can help his team in other ways besides killing, he can hack turrets to cripple an enemy forces defenses and can hack terminals to cripple their ability to pull vehicles while giving those things to their team, they can also fire recon dart or place motion sensors to spot enemy forces and give your guys an idea what they are running into.

    What can a heavy assault do? Kill things. That is it. That is his only purpose in life and his ability is made for that purpose. If you can outshoot a heavy you will regardless of his shield, and the best case for a heavy assault engaged in a 1 v 1 is that he come out of the fight alive but with his only helpful ability on cooldown, meaning he wont be able to use it for the next fight. You are clearly over exaggerating the power of a heavy assault. **** dude, a medic inside a regeneration field or using his ability can easily compete with a a heavy assault do to constant healing, and he gives those things to HIS ENTIRE TEAM