When are the problems fixed?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by PalleTheSlasher, Feb 26, 2013.

  1. PalleTheSlasher

    I really want to know when all the problems related to Februrary GU is fixed?

    How long has it been now, a month?

    The real annoying ones...
    - Repair gun broken
    - Ammo packs broken
    - Drawing distance (i dislike the fact that you put in this overpowered av turret, but when you get shot by one and you cannot see from where he is shooting i get right out mad...). I think the drawing distance was better than before the GU actually.
  2. beefrobo

    Eventually? Calm down, it's a free game and it came out just over 2 months ago. They're doing very well for what they have. Fixing these issues is not as simple as changing 1 number somewhere in a config, it requires testing to make sure those things work as well as it doesn't cause problems to other parts of the game.
  3. PalleTheSlasher

    Free game? Hmm you are a bit naive heh? Do you really think the SOE made the game for the sake of just your blue eyes (hmm danish expression, does not sound that valid in english - but i hope you get the meaning)?

    I pay premium membership, plus i have invested lots of station cash on useless stuff, which makes this game the single one game I have spent the most money on since wow (which i stopped playing years ago). So I guess I am allowed to have a bit of expectation on quality.

    But what i do not like to see is announcement of yet another game update, even though i do know there is a road map to follow. I would really like SOE to focus on eliminating the really annoying issues before releasing anything new, like the AV turret for instance.

    Besides that I cannot find any official post about these issues, so i am not sure if SOE in fact are working to solve them. I would really like information on whether these bugs are known and if a solution is near? I did only browse page 1 of the Bugs forum, so you could call me lazy ...

    What I do know, is besides the drawing distance problem, the 2 other problems is what I hear most complaints about in platoon chat.
  4. Joclemen

    It's free to play. No-one is forced to pay anything. No-one held a gun to your head and said pay for stuff. Probably drop the attitude if you want people to support you, or if you want a serious response from an admin.

    The fact that you pay is irrelevant. Think about that for a second. You received items and services for the money you paid - that's what you paid for. You didn't pay for an express bug-fixing service, whereby SOE will drop EVERYTHING else involved in designing, building, maintaining and fixing a persistent game world populated by hundreds of thousands of players, in order to attend to the specific problems you and your platoon are up in arms about. If you would like to condescend people, and talk to them about naivety, I would at least hope you had some perspective on how tremendously difficult a project like this is to organise and execute. Of course, don't let that get in the way of your self-entitlement as a 'paying' customer.

    In your head, does everyone in SOE focus on one thing at a time? No, different departments will handle certain things - different people within departments will work on different things.

    For every thread moaning about bugs, there's a thread talking about future developments and the roadmap; the community wants everything, so SOE has to do everything. Everything. What is most important to you is not most important to everyone. By your tone, I assume you believe that SOE doesn't want to fix the bugs? Do you believe that?

    Personally, I find the AV turret brilliant. I don't use it, I just pick off the poor guys who do.

    You're lazy.

    Get them all on here to contribute to threads about the bugs in question then. Don't come on to the forums throwing your toys out of the pram, spouting self-entitled BS about being a paying customer. You can help SOE to prioritise by contribution, not by throwing a tantrum.
  5. PalleTheSlasher

    That is completely true. But his argument was that i should calm down (maybe even forget about it) because its a free game. I made a decision to pay for it and therefore i expect exactly the same terms as i would if i had payed for any other non-free-to-play game.

    We might not agree here. As i said before SOE's point of the game is of course to make money. If the customer is not happy they throw away the product (or in this case stop playing and paying). In my opinion i did not only buy services, i also support the business model for the game (i contribute to pay for the investment SOE has put into the game).

    Was not my intend to condescend , and i do apologize if anyone feels upset about my comments.

    I am well aware of the complexity. But the paying customer is what keeps this thing going. What would happen if people quit, especially the paying customer?
    I have a feeling that population is dropping more rapidly because of the currently existing issues after the GU. I have no info to support this statement so i might be totally wrong here.
    So that is your point of view ... What is important is to uphold the business model. If there is no money to be made the product is canceled.
    Is there a drop in population/players (ESPECIALLY the paying customers) because of critical issue as in really annoying (at least in my own opinion). Or do people drop because of missing gameupdates (especially if there is no new stuff this month)? Think about it ...

    Could be true, but you got any evidence that support that statement? (see ... i am still lazy, hoping for someone to find the information for me)...

    Hmmm i play NC, you really think i can get anyone to come to the forums, when i cannot even get them to guard the damn ACU?! ffs...

    true... but do think of my tantrum as my small contribution ... i am an emotional person and this is how i communicate ...
    • Up x 1
  6. Fairlightfire

    I hope more people will contribute their disapproval if that's what it takes for devs to fix crashing and performance issues. And I hope they will lose a LOT of players if that's what it takes. Amen. :)