When are Domeshields going to be implemented?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PastalavistaBB, Apr 23, 2014.

  1. Paragon Exile

    I take it you don't play on Mattherson then. No matter.

    It doesn't take much flak to deter a liberator, even one Burster MAX can sometimes suffice. Flak isn't there to outfight kill enemy air, it's there to make them cautious and prevent them from dominating you. You need air of your own to properly counter air, as only other air units have the same mobility.
  2. Goden

    You, right there, just described the reason why nobody wants to use AA. Who the hell wants to spend 1000 certs/$7 on a weapon that, by design, cannot kill the thing it's made to counter? That sounds boring as ****. All AA can do is shoo the enemy away meanwhile the enemy can rain fire and death from above and destroy entire squads with ease. That's horse**** and you know it.

    I was just using my twin-burster MAX and I was standing on the roof of a Skyguard as we did some AA duty. A lib flew right down beside us (literally 15 meters away) and tried to be cocky and make a move on us. Both of us opened fire and, due to the short distance, EVERY SHOT WE FIRED HIT HIM. Damage fall-off isn't an issue either due to the short range. Did we kill him? What do you think. He was barely even smoking when he flew away to safety. We must have put over 200 rounds into him. No kill.

    There is nothing else to say here. That vehicle takes way too much damage to kill.
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  3. Paragon Exile

    No actually, I don't. You're complaining about the concept of air superiority, which is unavoidable unless air is useless. It's the very nature of air units to have a large advantage over ground units based on, if nothing else, their incredible mobility. Ground units, both in reality and in every game where it is relevant, have deterrence weapons, and call in their own air to compensate.

    You're either lying or using hyperbole, as I and members of my faction/outfit regularly trash liberators and ESF's who are a bit too adventurous with just a handful of MAX units or skyguards. You'd have to be incompetent for it to be otherwise.
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  4. Goden

    What else do you want me to say? It was right beside us and we unloaded everything we had into it and it still wouldn't die. Sorry but that is what happened.
  5. Paragon Exile

    So it's your experience against mine.

    Well... crap. lol

    Try capturing a video next time.
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  6. Tuco

    Liberators kill skyguards in 3 seconds. You suggest skyguards kill liberators in 3 seconds?
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  7. Tuco

    None of this would be an issue if we had long range flak to begin with.

    Doubling as an AT gun wouldn't be too shabby either.
  8. r1stormrider

    something that also really pisses me off is the decent pilots know what the range of AA is. All they have to do is just stay out of firing range and bombard to their hearts content. They sit in their flying cert/xp palaces having tea while the rest of us who cant fly worth a crap or want to fly just get farmed. Ill say screw it and pull an esf anyway. Well damn look at that lib just fly upside down so his gunner can annihilate me.

    Then if we have moderate airspam myself and the rest of my outfit (bout 3 squads strong) have to completely dedicate ourselves to AA duty because nobody else will.

    We're busy shooting libtard pilots and esf lolpodding morons while that gives the enemy chances to bring in armor/sundies en masse to roll over everybody. The rest of the our friendlies In the area should be handling that but they cant. Theyre busy getting blown up from the sky and the ground. Airspam eats alot of resources from ground based crew to deal with and it consistently leads to this experience.

    So it goes back to what I said earlier. Want to win? Spam air. Watch the defense start trying to shoot them down and the lack of AV for tanks shows itself allowing them to just roll in and overrun (if they even bother to pull AA). Thats what ive come to believe the metagame for ps2 is.

    The game is bleeding out players because nobody likes getting farmed by airspam or tanks. I cant get my friends to play because all they see is the spawn shack with fire and screen shakes. GG
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  9. r1stormrider

    sorry for double post but i have to add that when people are doing things like pulling galaxies to suicide into airspammers, that means something is seriously wrong.
  10. Zar

    Good tihn
    good thing its not and People just need to learn dual bursters with extended mags are gods gift to ground troops
  11. z1967

    Burster MAXes are my favorite to find trying to deter aircraft. An ESF with an AI nosegun can shred MAXes like they are pansies. I don't know if Connery is special but the best they could do is make me come at a different angle (unless they are in a spawnroom, **** those guys for exploiting perfect safety). THey are powerful weapons, but nothing compared to Skyguard and nothing compared to what Libs and ESFs can do to them.
  12. Thefailknight

    Against ESFs sure. Hell I I don't even have extended mags and usually the ESF doesn't survive their rocket run. Libs however laugh at dual bursters unless you have upward of 4. Even then they can normally get away. Gals...well I don't bother shooting those. At all. Whatever they've decided to suicide bomb is likely dead unless you have about 7 bursters or 4 and a skyguard ALL focusing them.

    My problem is mostly with libs though. Ridiculous, overpowered pieces of crap. I'd rather fight a heat MBT with a pounder max one on one than a lib with another burster and two heavies backing me.too much firepower combined with too much armor and the ability to just bug out at will. Maybe if they made it possible to lock onto libs from a greater distance than ESFs.
  13. SharpeShooter

  14. Andy79

    roll back the burster nerf ? or add some precision AP anti lib/gal ammo

    give all players a free AA lock on rocket launcher, or double the speed of dumb fire rocketlaunchers

    the problem with AA is that you play the good samaritan for the rest of the people and get a pittance exp for it all the while flushing lots of ressources and being helpless against any other threat,

    deter = awful exp
  15. Zar

    i can keep libs up to two out of my air space by myself i will not kill but they will not kill within 400 meters of me
  16. GaBeRock

    All air units require resources to spawn, and the minimum loadout for a lib to be effective against ground is 284 certs (NAN 1, fire supp 1, tankbuster, 1 cert upgrades for belly/nosegun, 1 rank of either precision bomber or high-g) and to be truly effective, you need 583 certs (rank 2 NAN/fire sup, tankbuster, infrared for the shredder, 1 cert upgrades for belly/nose, precision bomber/high-g 1) (I may be miscalculating, mind you) and all those certs are just to get the liberator to do its intended role, and you stil need to find yourself a gunner. A lightning requires almost no certs to get going.

    The minimum loadout for an A2G esf is even more expensive, because if you want to kill vehicles effectively, hellfires are 1000, plus you need fire supp 2 or flares 1, NAN 2 either hover or racer frame (plus lumifiber if you really want mlg360noscopeheadshot skills ;) ) and far more practice than a skyguard to get into the airgame.

    I'm not saying that G2A doesn't need to be rebalanced, but I'd rather not see current A2G options changed, but instead a skill based A2G option added plus either loadout switching or advanced vehicle deconstruction (because you can just deconstruct a vehicle and then spawn a new one with changed loadout) so pulling a skyguard doesn't feel like a waste as soon as the air is gone.
  17. D3GGY

    A Lightning requires at least 250 to get going, the Viper is laughably ineffective now.
  18. GaBeRock

    I'm not really going to argue with that, since I wouldn't know (being TR, solo prowler is more effective anyways :) )
  19. GaBeRock

    This sounds like an optimal-case scenario, where the lib unloads a full tb clip into the skyguard's back. TTK against libs of skyguards needs to be high because flak stacks much better than air.
  20. Teshrrar

    I don't agree with a domeshield. SOE should balance correctly the game instead of try this anomalies.

    Air unity shouldn't resist versus AA. That's why an Anti-Air weapon was made.
    Infantary shouldn't destroy a vehicle with a single skill.
    Tanks shouldn't climb mountains or enter enter in "urban" bases and still rule infantary. It's a siege weapon, which should lost his strenght against infantary in tight spaces.
    Air unity shouldn't tank and have agility.
    A tank air unity should scare front a light agile air unity, that's the principle of the light air unities.
    Light air unity shouldn't have to "stop" to fight another light air unity, this is stupid.
    Light air shouldn't be destroyed super fast by machine-guns as we see today. How is possible a futurist missile be more weak than common bullets?

    But all the problem started with the fact that all the air unities can stop in the air. This allowed the Lib farm, the anti-game which fly an ESF without follow all the "meta" is today, the impossibility of put a Lib with a good "pilot" down, the tanks having to try counter the air unities, etc.

    I would love to see a game like Planetside 2 with logical features.

    [sorry my imperfect english, still improving]