What's your opinion?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Schwiizer, May 6, 2015.

  1. Schwiizer

    Many things have changed since I started playing Planetside 2 2.5 years ago. And I think it was better the way it was. So I just want to know whats your opinion?

    The most important features for me:

    Capture points:
    Do you remember when 6 people had to stand on every capture point? If not, the base wasn't captured at full speed.
    Why was it better? These people can't camp the spawnroom.
    SOE removed it and now it's nearly impossible to get out of the spawn, good job there... -.-
    Sure, it was frustrating when you didn't have enough people, but there would be better options. Like adjusting the required people based on the population in that base...

    Resource system:
    Getting only 15 resources every 5 minutes was quite bad sometimes, but we had a reason to fight, we had a reason to capture these bases. To get more resources and cut off the resources of the enemy. And you recieved more resources of the type the base was you were fighting.
    If you hadn't air resources, you we're forced to follow other tactics than your enemie, other tactics than usual. So there was some variety in the game. Now it's everywhere everytime the same fight, made for the mainstream!

    Lattice system:
    The feature I hated from the first moment! And everyday I hate it more and more!
    Since we got the lattice system, we fight always in the same bases. Sure, ghostcapping was a problem back then without lattice, but it was still better. And combined with the old resource system even a small squad could have quite an influence when attacking important bases. They gave us 3, and now even 4, huge continents, but they don't give is the freedom to do what we want.
    They wanted massive battles? There we're always enough. And enough space for small, organised squads. Now there are only zergs...

    My opinion? These 3 features were better the way it was. We don't need a lattice system for huge fights. Since the whole continent should be one massive battle.

    What do you think?
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  2. PrimePriest

    Devs tried too hard to make this game like Battlefield. Catering to casuls.
  3. n0pax

    I hated that point capture system. iirc originally before that it was influenced by how much adjacent territory you own to the current territory, I preferred that the most.

    I agree with your other two points. The game has made many changes, but overall gotten significantly worse than it was in beta. Server performance was much better back then too. Over the last two years I have lost about ~15 FPS as well, despite upgrading from a radeon 5850 to a titan X. The old alert system was vastly superior as well, no alerts during primetime and when they did come focusing on certain facilities.

    The beta version of this game was great, but the patches have made this game drop and BF4's patches have made it rise to the point where BF4 > PS2 for me.
  4. Ballto21

    All this can be fixed with a nerfed commissioner
  5. _itg

    I think if they reverted all those changes tomorrow, you'd quickly remember why they did it.
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  6. Leftconsin

    I just want this game to be like Starcraft, except I get to play as the units.

    I wanna be an Ultra.
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  7. Alan Kalane

    I think that wouldn't work as you expected, because if you have to place 6 players on a capture point then for bigger bases you have to bring at least 18 players just to hold the points, what about defending the sunderer or keeping the outside secured? That would take at least 35+ players to pull it off and that automaticaly encourages zerg tactics. Just bring 200+ players with you and suddenly those 18 players who have to stay on point don't matter so much anymore. Adjusting based on pop probably wouldn't work either because it's too complicated

    Resource system is broken atm.

    Lattice is probably a good idea with poor execution. I won't get into the details but I think that there are better ways of using the lattice than the way it is currently used.
  8. MikeyGeeMan


    1. Remove lattice
    2. Increase cost for maxes
    3. Buff armor
    4. Nerf av
    5. Remove excessive flash from tr weapons
    6. Implement influence
    7. Link up multiple platoons and allow command chat people to see on map where the forces are
    8. Nerf Orion and beetlegeuse

    This is my opinion and has no real facts to back it up, thus being called an opinion.
  9. FateJH

    The old resource system was bad because it very easily descended into to a cycle of failure. The more you lost the fewer resources you had to work with. Generally following that, the fewer resources you had to work with the more you lost. This is especially true when it came to having to contend with Air. Contrapositively, systemic player stupidity notwithstanding, the more you won the more resources you had to work with. Generally following that, the more resources you had to work with the more you won.

    That Sunderer that cost a lot of resources for you to field while you're only earning at a rate of 10/tick? Someone who is earning 100/tick just pulled an even more expensive Vehicle, threw it away dealing damaging and destroying your Sunderer, thereby making it less likely you'll capture the first base just outside your own Warpgate, and he can pull that same Vehicle again very quickly.

    In resource-starved situations like this, most players just went to another continent where their faction was winning to fight or loiter about while their resources recovered. What was the point of punishing players for losing territory on one battlefield by destroying their resource income if they can just sidestep the punishment by going to another battleground unconnected from the first?
  10. Shiaari

    And, this.

    Before they brought back the lattice system it was next to impossible to actually stop an axis of advance, and ghost capping was rampant, because you could go where ever you wanted just after beta. With the lattice system your path across the map is somewhat--thought not completely--predictable, and that forces battles to happen. Your options are little constrained, and so the lattice funnels players into an area so that you actually have a game to play.

    I did actually like the old capture system better, but giving XP and certs to players who actually stay next to the point while capture is in progress has been much more effective at keeping players at the point. Capping faster wasn't a very good incentive. Certs, however, now control nodes are surrounded by players.

    And as for the resource system, they've been promising a revamp for years. It is what it is.