What's worse; tying with NC or losing to NC?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Paragon Exile, Sep 26, 2014.

  1. Paragon Exile

    Hi :3

    So we just tied the NC in an alert, and man-oh-man did it crush my self-esteem like a milk carton under a truck. It hurts more than losing to them by a significant margin. The thought of them in their space pickup trucks, stroking their shotguns and saying "we didn't lose!" makes me mad.

    To you, is it worse to A) Tie a match with futuristic space-peasants or B) Lose a match to futuristic space- peasants?
  2. Contego

    Your spandex are on too tight :rolleyes:
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  3. Ribero

    C) Being NC.
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  4. NinjaTurtle

  5. ajma

  6. Diilicious

    D) fighting VS
  7. Solidpew

    It's honestly not that bad being NC. Something important to remember is there's no true 'winning' in this game. Focus on the smaller picture if the NC isn't doing good as a faction- strengthening your own outfit is a good goal.

    Perhaps the NC isn't able to take a base. Perhaps the NC's got more pop. That's not your problem right now. What's your outfit/platoon doing in its own way that's contributing to the alert? You can't get to every fight, but you can make an effort to do something effective- even destroying enemy armor/logistics at a key point counts.

    It's important our outfits/platoons cooperate together in the long term, sure, but how can we as the NC focus on this issue when we're struggling to maintain cohesion/consistency within outfits?

    Build the foundation before you build the house.
  8. BaronVonVirtu

    For the most part, NC just needs active leadership to point it in the right direction so people just stop falling on their faces. I was playing alt Emerald NC today solo and ended up trying to wrangle command chat during the last 50 minutes or so of that alert and it ended up mostly fine.
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  9. Devrailis

    Orders given to me by my glorious dear leader today.

    "Chaaarge guys."
    "That's our only objective. Chaaaarge!"
    "Your job is to listen to me!"
    "Chaaarge! Come on! It's not that hard!"
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  10. Paragon Exile

    Wisdomcube detected.


    There aren't enough insults *unsure*
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  11. Devrailis

    What no, it was some other guy. Actually pretty friendly, possibly drunk.

    It's a Friday evening, NC drunk ops are not that unusual.
  12. Dracorean

    Its nice to tie up with the VS, but its even more nice to watch the VS collapse in the last 30 min of the alert putting them dead last. Winning or losing doesn't matter to me so long as those VS understand that they can lose badly rather than remaining confident that they could win every alert.
  13. KenDelta

    C - Them winning...
  14. Paragon Exile

    Losing to them sorta' implies they win :3
  15. KenDelta


    Losing to them is basically.... they win... it all makes sense now...
  16. RenegadeHelios

    Eh, I dunno.

    90% of NC players and zergfits are pretty terrible. The other 10% can win a 1xV4x fight no problem.

    Most follow the zerg, few follow strategy, even fewer follow through on the strategy and do something with it. When they do, a singular effort can change a 96+/96+ fight no problem.

    In otherwords, I question your logic. I replace your logic with the following.


    I feel sorry for your spandex when the glorious Eagle returns.
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  17. Pikachu

    Yeah that spandex hood under the helmet is causing too much pressure.
  18. doombro

    A is definitely worse.

    Any day NC loses is sad day for the USA.

    As a true american patriot, it's best if we beat up VS as much as possible and give liberty a chance.
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  19. DHT#

    Man should be replaced with Uncle Sam for more freedom.
  20. iller

    ^Colbert IS this generation's uncle sam
    Meh... depends on the time of day.

    I'll tell ya who should REALLY feel bad... the always over-popping night VS on Connery a week ago who lost Indar to the NC at 1am in morn b/c they greatly underestimated the T.R.'s ability to take Crossroads with a last minute 48% pop VS defending it. That's usually when they call in their Spec Ops FCRW team 6 to hold anything with only 40% pop. Nope, they surrendered all their prime southern realestate at the worst possible time while us Blue Necromancers overloaded their Heat Sinks and won by attrition

    That's SO TYPICAL of connery VS by the way. Always zerging in at the last minute with like 8 Squads all at once.