Im fedup of people driving harrasers into me and my TR chums in what appears to be a clumsy attempt to get into a prime farming plot or simply drive round bases flat out looking for easy road kill. Is that what these people are doing? Or am i miss understanding what they are doing and its something for the greater good and worth sacrificing a few friendlies for? Ive started revenge killing them (respawn as a heavy/engineer/la and blowing them up). Now im all against revenge TK's. Accidents happen, there is a real enemy and im guessing most of the good or adult players understand this. But the haraser and even flash TK's are on the face of it incredibly stupid. Last night i even had one (zorscz or something) shoot me with his vulcan after i fired some sabre rounds at him for using me as a brake. As if the gods sided with me, i got a VS kill as i tripped a c4 in a lethal response! But surely we should be fighting the enemy not each other? So is it just me or are many harraser drivers a liaibilty? At one point i was even wondering if it was VS players swapping sides ive seen some running over so many TR. Also, do other factions get this problem or is it another stupid thing only TR do? Me and my mates have had some great laughs in a harraser, but never do we drive through ranks of TR.
It has to do with a combination of poor traction, bad physics, and the ability to hit 175kph in a few seconds.
When you drive a harasser people isn't actually were they are on your screen. If you try to run over a guy you notice that you need to drive slightly infront of the direction he's running. This is what i belive is causing many TKs.
You'll run over friendlies while trying your best not to and somehow miss enemies even when they clearly seem to be in the middle of your windshield. Emersion isn't exactly the games major selling point. Would be funny if the game had a trial lawyer class that could sue friendlies. Someone gets tagged and they instantly grab their neck and fall in mock pain while calling their lawyer.
I just barely dumped a bunch of certs into my harasser. I was amazed at how hard they are to control with max racer chassis. I'm scared to drive it around any friendlies at all.
i will admit , driving my harasser ive hit people that werent in my way by sheer magic or by accident on multiple occasions , if any shoot me i just keep driving no need to keep making fuss so much this ^
ah so a lot of it comes down to the hit detection. tbf ive noticed that driving a lightening repeatadly trying to run over enemy heavies - forward, reverse, foreward, reverse and all he does is laugh at me. Then a flash drives across my Max's toes and i die. Still, i think means people should be a lot more careful, specially in bases. I drive tanks at walking pace anywhere there are friendlies Thats a good idea
As mentioned, hitting people with vehicles is extremely, extremely unpredictable in this game and you will constantly roadkill dudes that you're nowhere near on your screen while missing enemies who are dead center. If I'm actually trying to run over people on a flash, I've got to aim like 10 feet in front of my target and you still never know if that's going to be enough/too much because it depends on his ping. When you have fast vehicles that need to constantly be moving like flashes/harassers, you're going to hit friendlies due to this. The fact that you're going way out of your way to revenge TK over it is super ******. Like, you're really going to say this when you're opening fire on your teammates after they've hit you by accident, and probably didn't touch you on their screen at all?
I do that when its in or around bases. It might be an accident they ran us all over, but its also incredibly stupid. Im not talking about a panick retreat over the brow of a hill into a friendly im talking about squezing through gaps in bases, then when they dont make it frantically going back and forth with no consideration to all the friendlies around them. It seems everyone knows hit detection is out, so why not be more careful in that case? tbh blowing them up is doing the whole team a favour. Im not sure what they are trying to achieve, by the time they have got into there farming position the base is usually taken. So they then repeat the tk's trying to get back out. I understand a harraser in the right place can be very dangerous to the enemy, but I think to many unskilled drivers try this and just cause chaos.
I get most TKs from hitting friendlies in vehicles when im in a battle. If there are enough people in the battle sometimes infantry wont render until they are 5 feet infront of me. By then its too late...
TKing people over this is really stupid. Just deal with it. Those guys had to congregate at a single location and pay a ton of resources to pull this vehicle which can be destroyed in mere seconds if it stops moving. Your justifying ruining this for both players because you had to sit a few seconds and redeploy. I'm sure over 90% of the time the harasser had little control over the situation, and there is a good chance they didn't even hit you on their screen. Have some respect for the other players on your team because nothing is worse then a player who decides he needs to TK a friendly for revenge in the middle of a fight. I've seen, while I'm in my lightning, that infantry have absolutely no regard for the friendly vehicles around them. I'll move my lightning at 15 km/h and kill 2-3 people. They just keep right on trucking. What can I do? Do I hit there and let the vanguard hit me? To make it worse, I can't even see the people I'm hitting. I just get yelled at by papa vanu. Now, I've had people who I killed, and apologized to, c-4 me. One c-4ed me while I was destroying the only sundy in a tech plant. Well Done. Thanks to this the sundy lived and the NC kept pouring in.