What's the upside to the "President" aurax repeater?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stigma, Oct 1, 2015.

  1. Stigma

    Hey all,

    I finally got hold of the pistol auraxium weapon - the President (for the TR obviously).

    I thought that what I was getting was essentially a repeater with a non-removable silencer that according to the text didn't suffer quite as much from the supressors drawbacks. Ok fine - I don't like silencers that much, but it might find some use in silent CQC once in a blue moon while playing a silent stalker, and the repeater is a decent base gun.

    But then I realize quickly that the President has:
    - Atrocious velocity (188ms/sec) - granted it is suppressed, but apparenty the special suppressor isn't doing much here
    - Damage dropoff range of nearly half (30meters to 50 on stock repeater). Is this even applied to normal suppressors? I am honestly not sure.
    - No lasersight AND worse hipfire... really really bad hipfire
    Even a repeater with no laser is significantly more accurate in hipfire (1.5 to 1.8 standing, 2.0 to 2.4 moving), so it can't be purely lack of a laser. The hipfire is horrible for a sidearm. This is by far the most crippling factor.

    So what are you supposed to do with this gun exactly? Primary ADS it in CQC? (that's a joke in itself). In return for what? ... I'm having a hard time in even identifying how this suppressor does anything better than a normal one (granted I don't have hard numbers for a suppressed repeater for easy comparison).

    Am I missing something here, or is this just another example of an auraxium weapon that is not just flat out worse than its stock weapon but actually critically crippled in its intended role?

    Siderant: One has to wonder why LMGs exclusively get attention when it comes to rebalancing auraxium weapons. Even initially - they were already hands down the most usable of all the categories. At least situational sidegrades even at their worst. Most of the rest of the aurax weapons are pure junk. Yet only the LMGs have at this point gotten several rebalancing passes - and arguably they have only increased their value. The other weapon classes have been forgotten and swept under the rug apparently...

    • Up x 1
  2. RedArmy

    than u get to call yourself "el presidente"
    • Up x 3
  3. SwornJupiter

  4. Imp C Bravo

    Mainly the problem is that the stock Repeater is so OP that everything else pales in comparison. That's why it feels like a crap gun when in actuality it isn't bad.
  5. TheFlamingLemon

    Earning the respect of your victims
  6. ALN_Isolator

    All the directive pistols are BAAAAAAAAAD (I personally laugh hysterically at everyone who grinded the Immortal before bed every night) but at least you can say you completed a directive that you actually grinded really hard for and got a worthless reward. Kinda like getting the araxium chainblade but I'm about to get that and I honestly never started trying.
  7. Stigma

    Are all the directive pistols like this? Ie. horribad hipfire?
    All the aurax weapons that didn't get special attention yet tended to follow a unifom pattern across the factions, so I'd guess yes.

  8. ValorousBob

    Sup Stigma,

    Yeah from what I've heard they're all ******* terrible, much like the directive Battle Rifles.
  9. DingDindDead

    So, just like you?
  10. AxiomInsanity87

  11. ALN_Isolator

    They're HORRID!