What's the point behind Player Bases anymore?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MichaelMoen, Jun 20, 2018.

  1. MichaelMoen

    Back when Cont Locks half depended on refined Cortium, there was a legit purpose behind plopping a base in a good spot, because you had a Hive to defend, which helped lead your side to winning an Alert.

    But now with Hives gone, there's practically no point in building a base. We have the Flail now, but once you've spent the time building a bare bones Firebase to provide Artillery support, the front line has moved already by then, so the fight has now moved either out of range to the next base, or in your direction and you've now been steamrolled by a dozen Prowlers making your time and effort worthless. I relocated my Flail base three times without actually using it because the battle kept moving too quickly. And then there's the fact that the game won't let you call down Artillery in a no-deploy zone. Being able to fire Artillery on an particularly defended Outpost would've been neat.

    And in the case of enemy bases, they're no longer important targets for the Zerg to stop at between Caps. At most they're an annoyance on the side of the road that you either ignore, or you throw yourself against a myriad of Anti-Infantry defenses and they're staunch protector(s) for no game deciding reason.
  2. Demigan

    Logistical base: You can provide safer and closer vehicle spawns for allies to defend or attack a base.
    Logistical base 2: Provide spawn support through routers. Place one in a base to provide an escape route out of a camped spawn or create a new avenue of attack the enemy doesn't expect because it can be placed in far more interesting places than a Sunderer.
    Fire support base: With an OS (flail is currently pretty bad I hear) you can provide wonderful support. If an enemy foxes himself in and is hard to defeat you can kill or at least severely weaken them all with a strike. You can also take out just about any deployed Sunderer.
    Roadblock: As much as people claim that these PMB's are useless now, a PMB that has a defense force is still incredibly powerful. Ofcourse "defense force" means that you have a few vehicles as well as infantry are still woefully underpowered vs tanks, but with a PMB to back up your vehicles it pitches the battle heavily in your favor.
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  3. karlooo

    Yeah roadblocks are useless (walls got nerfed too, allies never use it), Glaive IPC and Flail are worst weapons in the game and super overpriced.

    Well the only useful thing that you can do right now is OS attack lattice bases (cause you can do that now), but I don't rly get the point of it. When are you supposed to use it? It just nukes the whole base lol. Like I do get kills but I get same amount of team kills so it solves nothing.
    Also the idea devs where talking about...they don't want bases built on hills and holes...well these nerfs and OS encourages players to hide.

    The best way to use your OS is when your allies have trouble pushing. You OS the enemy front line but that doesn't even help, the tanks escape and infantry spawns in seconds...sooner than your allies can run there.
  4. Jac70

    There most useful as FoBs now (Forward Operating Bases) - you can have a spawn point with access to vehicles and aircraft, as well as some offensive capability. I do think there should be more reward for the builders who provide this service to their fellow spray and prayers.

    For example, if someone spawns a tank from your vehicle pad you should receive some XP. 'Vehicle Logistics Support 25XP. Someone spawns at your Elysium Tube you could get 10XP. All sorts of things could reward the builder in some way, and perhaps the person that provided the Cortium that was used for the function.

    It would have to be carefully considered though. If it became a massive cert fountain then people would just do that rather than fight at the lines.
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  5. LtBomber

    Rewards: Mining and delivering cortium allready hand out XP, building does not, as well as using of said buildings. This should be adjusted, as destroying buildings gives XP, too

    Defense/roadblock: I build a quite big base with some randoms, and i have to admit, the repair module is quite powerfull, buying some time to fight off attackers. The true power comes from infantry using the base as cover, reinforcement. The welding device is great.

    Attacking: OS is in a sweet spot, not overpowered, you can ignore it for one death every 10-15 minutes completly. Knowing how to save yourself from knockback (sticking to the right wall) saves you indoor. Flail and IPC can only be used against construction or on vehicle cap points, quite lacking. Enemies have to activly ignore the flail in order to get killed by it.

    Support: providing "free" spawn, vehicles and aircraft is very beneficial.

    Mining Laser: The overheating damages structures. I tried with the topgun, but it is a waste of time! Basi does more damage over larger range. Not tested front Laser, as i was disappointed.

    Range: When holding a target device, it should show allways minimum, maximum fire distance and No construction zones. No more guessing please.
  6. TomoB

    Previously I liked to look for HIVEs and deliver cortium there. Now I have to drive around to find any meaningless random base within minimap radius to deliver cortium to as I can't even see them on main map. Bases seem even more pointless now than before as there no "greater good" to be achieved like generating hive points to win alert. Also seems weird that there's no XP whatsoever to be gained by building a base and delivering support actions. No points for ammo resupply, soldier respawn etc. etc. even if I get XP from deployed sunderer each time someone spawns. It's like base building is still at beta stage after all these updates.
  7. Who Garou

    The bases are no long resource refining a heart.

    They are now offensive strike bases with increased defensive and offensive abilities.
  8. Blam320

    HIVE bases were pretty cancerous. They were nearly impossible to destroy from the outside thanks to the old Repair Module, and more often than not would be built deep inside friendly lines for the sole purpose of refining Cortium for VP; bases were never built on the front lines to support or break up an attack. With the change, bases are much more aggressive and play bigger roles in the PS2 meta.
  9. Pacster3

    Well, wait..something you can't destroy while sitting in a MBT and shelling away from the horizon? How horrible is that? That was sarcasm...

    There are hardly any serious PMBs left in the game anymore...and that's right after the update. Wait another month and even those few will be gone. Then you will only see silo+orbital+tube and silo+tube+router(near warpgate) "bases". Maybe add a vehicle pad and a repair module into the mix.
  10. TR5L4Y3R

    except that people repeatedly say that walls are paperthin, repairmoules only have a shorttime ability, and turrets nerfed to the ground ...
    no one ever invests into glaives except that <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< maniac here to assault other PMB´s...
    also haven´t seen supportive´s pmb´s yet (likely how weak they seemm to be)
    the only pmb´s build so far are OS PMB´s ..
    other problem appears to be pmb deccay/high cortioumdrain
  11. Tombabmo

    Yeah like lonely silos and spawn tubes/vehicle pads because people don't bother to build anything else knowing that enemy either steamrolls them before anything else is ready or battle has moved on and that magnificent base no longer has any use. With HIVEs there was at least purpose to generate points towards victory. Also this so called ps2 meta still seem to be thing devs are desperately trying to figure out. "Anomaly, what is that? Boring, better just ignore it and go shoot something somewhere else". See, I just imitated majority of ps2 players.