What's the deal with TR on Matherson?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DXtreme, Jan 3, 2013.

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  1. Aerius

    99% of TR clan tags I see are TE lol. You occasionally see BONK and A??[AOD? ADO? Something like that], but the vast majority of TR players in an outfit seem to be TE.
  2. LightningDriver

    You're right that this has a lot to do with Buzz and the Enclave. They are so large, it's hard to ignore them. It's history repeating itself. In PS1, they were a deadly force at the start of the game. Things are getting tough for TR with the other two factions repelling the Enclave's boring, predictable tactics. Eventually, they will leave, and things will be tough for a while, but TR in PS1 was much more enjoyable after the Enclave was gone. I can't wait for that to happen in PS2.

    I have no idea on Buzz's personallity, if your kills made him upset enough to send a hate tell, but I have seen his personal attacks on fellow TR soldiers on the command chat channel. Judging by the pattern of movement from the rest of the faction, other than his outfit, nobody what he thinks.
  3. inigma

    TR on Mattherson need more organized outfits. Maybe even a TR outfit alliance much like the VS have. Much of my time engaging TR is really only on Indar, and really only at Allatum and the Crown, and sometimes Quartz and their western territories when VS have pop. I only see a TR outfit, TE, on Esamir, or sometimes Amerish, but I don't see the zerg or other large TE outfits or coordination. Rather sad actually.
  4. Nofreenames

    matherson tr seem to belive air countering air is a lie and spam more ground units when air shows up most of the time, whats also real disapointing is when an air swarm shows up we useally drop pop on that cont heavily. Or even better is we get the lemmings rushing into death I spawned in a spawn toom to see a constant non-stop explosions at spawn door from a couple libs and watched for 5 min as people kept spawning running out door intagibbed, respawning and doing it again...

    btw [GOON] how much XP/certs do your lib gunners get per hour against tr, versus how much you get against vs?

    as for buzz, seeing him calling other TR outfits bads in orders chat just seems petty and makes me want to ignore him, orders chat isnt for bloody namecalling but that seems to wht is happening now...
  5. DeadOnArrival

    WTB good leadership for TR on Matherson PST.
  6. Madmojo

    I know you're right. My Beamer kill followed by his hate tell and you guys moving to Esamir was a more fun coincidence. Trust me when I say we have our share of terribads. I hate the mag, love the lightning, but I am afraid to get out because I'm so sick of being mag mowed 5 times a night. I can attribute at least 50 of my deaths to Magriders in the last month.
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  7. Bavieca

    Be the change you want to see.
  8. Avicii

    The Enclave on Mattherson TR provide a tremendous population boost, especially during prime time hours during the week and run ops 5-11pm EST. Another factor that has damaged the TR across the board, especially on Mattherson, were the stealth nerfs to the CARV and CARV-S that occurred in mid-December's patch. A lot of players flocked to TR to play the FoTM heavy assault class and now that the Orion and Gauss SAW are better choices, we lost a lot of the FoTM pop. That is going to happen in any game to any faction -- but the population problems started around this time.

    When the Enclave finishes ops and/or logs off for the night around midnight, TR population sinks -- it's no coincidence. It has nothing to do with our tactics either -- the TR fail because they cannot muster up any organization outside of our outfit. Buzz tries to coordinate and communicate over command/leader chat with other faction/outfit leaders but they're either too ******** or inept to do just the simplest thing like holding down a minor base outside our warpgate (happened on Esamir last week when we tried to save our cont lock). Also, it gets boring fighting on Indar night after night after night when Amerish especially, but Esamir too, provide more compelling battles and a fresh change of scenery. Too bad no body seems to want to fight anywhere other than Allatum, Crown, Hvar, or Rashnu on Mattherson.
  9. Bavieca

    My guess is that "BuzzCutPsycho" is not being played by the same person at all times. I have noticed wildly different levels of skill and behavior from him depending on time of day. This is not just at the personal level, but there are times when the toon is on and TE as a whole is operating less effectively. I could be wrong, it doesn't really matter to me who is playing the toon or who is leading the org.
    Organization is one of the first principles of strategy and you shouldn't be so down on the rest of your faction like that. You will not correct the failings of your faction by being antagonistic to them. You need to provide the leadership and be willing to reach out to the smaller groups.
  10. Madmojo

    You guys definitely bring it. I shhot down these libs and skeeters piloted by medics and heavies all the time. But the great thing about The Enclave is they keep the game epic wherever you go. I think that is awesome. Unfortunately, the rendering issues kind of ruin the experience.

    With TE, AT, SG, Goons and GoTR, I think we have the best server.
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  11. Clay Pigeon

    I'm in NC on mattherson, and we usually try to hold Amerisha, to keep VS from capping out Hoth, and to stalemate Indaria.
  12. SKYHEX

    Well, the biggest problem I see is that leaderships on all three sides lack any cooperation and coordination. Command channel is downright stupid and by the gods most of the orders are terrible as a result. I don't know why, but Indar seems to be at the core of this problem. The hotzones of Hvar, Allatum, Tawrich and sometimes Mao seem to flip everyone's doodoo.

    I swear, when we almost capture Esamir or Amerish and suddenly I hear from my outfitmates that other outfit leaders pulled the forces to RECAP THE FRIGGING ALLATUM again, sometimes just to piss off Buzz, or start to push NC back because they dared approaching Peris, I want to tear their heads off. And then the stupid zerg forms and almost warpgates NC and TR despite the fact that WE ALREADY HAVE THE FRIGGING CONTINENT CONTROL. Seriously, just let the NC cap it for once, when's the last time NCs saw, for example, Saurva biolab?

    Honestly, I am sick and tired of the demented Indar. I would encourage both VS and TR to start focusing Esamir and Amerish, all NC do there is essentialy Flash racing. I love Amerish, yet I have problems remembering when was the last time I had a realy big, enjoyable fight in there. Last night I could not even join my mates, because the thought of fighting on Indar ad nauseum is making me want to explode with rage and diarrhoea.
  13. Flarestar

    Because most of the TR outfits on Mattherson are kinda terrible, frankly. You were never really competitive. You just happened to have the largest outfits for a while. Once the Vanu and NC started building up more cohesive outfits, you started getting rolled, leading to the current state of things where TE, AOD, and Bonk all hole up in Bio Labs or the Crown and leave the rest of your faction to swing in the wind. Every now and then they'll try to lead an offensive, make headway briefly until they get dick-punched back to the warpgate, and then they go back to a farm spot.
  14. inigma

    No joke. TR just need one more large outfit to cement this title forever. Mattherson really rules. I hope this is a wake up call to those looking to start a TR outfit and are trying to pick the best server.

    Currently the major outfits on Mattherson are:

    TR: TE
    NC: GOON, SG
    VS: GOTR, AT
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  15. turtlestation

    Do you Enclave drones really believe that the Enclave is the only thing supporting the TR on Mattherson? What about TR on other servers? How come TR can do well against the same factions and just as well organized VS and NC outfits on Miller and Connery without the help of a population boost and the oh-so-glorious Enclave? Mattherson TR is the only faction that can have the majority of the pop but fail to own a single continent. I'd say that's the fault of all TR combined, not "incompetents" failing Glorious Leader Buzz's ego.
  16. Jackalmaster

    The TR numbers started dipping just before holidays which means alot of ppl went away. My outfits active numbers dropped because of that. But holidays are over so they should be coming back.
  17. DeadOnArrival

    I will agree it is all of our faults, problem is i have no idea how to fix it.
  18. Bavieca

    I was at Saurva last week at least 3 times, I spend more time at Hvar and Mao though. Indar has had on average the best population balance for fighting at Prime Time (for NC, we usually are outnumbered there). The other two continents are ridiculous. They usually have one faction with 60% plus population and the other two factions fighting each other instead of harassing the larger force.

    Every time I log in I am looking for the continent with the most balanced population so I can find good open field battles. Otherwise I look for a continent where my faction is within 20-30% of the highest faction on continent so that I can find some epic alamos and guerrilla warfare opportunities. I don't ever want to be on a continent where we have greater than 50% of the pop, but sometimes it happens.

    The problem with Indar as far as I have heard from other NC is that the terrain is terribly unfavorable for us. I just think they are showing a lack of creativity. For god's sake people! stop getting in slugging matches in the canyon at Broken Arch! You are just asking for it. I have spent maybe 70-80% of my time on Indar the last few weeks and am starting to get tired of it too. I can almost predict every fight I get in on Indar now because I have seen so many, all I need to see is the enemy's composition. Hell, I don't have to guess the composition for VS, just need to know the numbers. That will determine how much air and how many magriders are coming at me.
  19. PineSG

    I think it rather unfair to 'blame" the Enclave for an entire factions showings. The Enclave is only responsible for thier own actions, and at a leadership level the only thing thier leadership is required to do, is provide a fun time for thier outfit. It ia also incorrect to assume that Buzz is only dedicated to one playstyle or another. This goes for outfits across factions, a large outfit owes nothing to those not in the outfit. Granted, they generally share an interest ( in moving the map), but it is not an obligation.

    As for me... Buzz got me night before last at the bio dome, but they left before I could return the favor. He missed me last night, but only because another TR/TE got me first (many times). Whats wrong with the TR? Nothing, good times on Matherson and TE is part of that.
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  20. KodiakX

    I notice TEST, TAS or BL more than I do SG or GOTR.
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