What's the big issue with 0.75 ADS?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Talthos, Jul 25, 2015.

  1. Scorpion97

    Seriously,there isn't a SINGLE vanu weapon that people didn't contain about before

    Most popular 3:
    PPA was spammy then they nerfed its clip from 50 to 20 and everybody at that time agreed that it balanced it,yet,more tears showed resulted in overnerfing the PPA

    ZOE was yes a beast ability but don't try and convince me that it's better than the aegis shield plus the lockdown deployment got buffed.yet,they turned the ZOE into a self weakening system

    What you guys don't know is that VS is suffering from your LMGs as much as you suffering from ours

    And now the LMGs??come on guys?you all know pretty damm well why VS use the Betelgeuse frequently(and don't complain about unlimited ammo becouse it's a VS trait) besides,TR have 3 750 rpm LMGs(2 of them with SPA) while VS have only 2 and without SPA even.overall,VS have nothing to compete with other than SVA,Orion or BG,of course they deserve to be OP,otherwise,what will VS play with?
  2. Scorpion97

    ops,double post
  3. ATRA_Wampa-One

    That's mostly because outside of a few stand out weapons (3 of which have 0.75 ADS) the VS arsenal is comically bad.

    Like for real, I dare you to find an assault rifle that's worse than the Equinox. Or find a weapon made more totally useless by an NS weapon than the CME... and the CME is one of our better assault rifles.

    Nahh, most VS will probably switch to the NS-15, Pulsar LSW, or Polaris, but generally the defaults get a ton of play just because they're defaults.

    Coordination actually doesn't really improve weapon stats, but they absolutely improve alert win stats.

    This actually disproves the part that I bolded. Coordination and leadership will trump a disorganized but superior equipped (or over pop) enemy in this game.

    While I agree that current base design sucks and could be improved significantly, infantry weapons being the cause of alert wins is not a factor at all.
  4. Taemien

    I wouldn't. Have you seen the stats they are buffing? Sure its getting a velocity nerf, but 540m/s is still pretty good. But its getting a predictable recoil pattern. Its like a mini-SAW without the high recoil.

    I've seen pretty good coordination in the NC lately on Connery. And I really doubt that across 5 servers, that VS is coincidentally better always in coordination. There's two factors:

    1. Late Night overpop (can't do anything about this.. well you can* but that's beyond this discussion).
    2. Some are just refusing to fight in the alert.

    I know 2 is happening. Most of the coordinated squads I've joined avoid going to the alert entirely. They usually only fight the VS if they absolutely have to. So there IS a reluctance to fight VS. Again I don't believe its because they have better outfits. But that its terribly annoying to do. Their words not mine.

    And I believe the 'terribly annoying' means "We can take the base, but we'll be trashing our KDRs for the evening doing so." Its not that people are caring so much about KDR (some do though I'm sure) but they just don't have fun dying over and over taking a base.

    The world record event alert is only one alert. But damn does it give some great data. I wish they'd open Jaegar up more often or at least instance it so that coordinated play can focus there. That would give us and the devs some super really great data on how to really balance weapons.

    I mean would you rather a weapon balanced around camping a spawn? Or balanced around the control points and other important areas?
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  5. Kentucky Windage

    Not another one of these lets blame those purple bastards for killing me threads. I hate the VS with a passion. However, I'm not about to blame them for my poor performance. I'm better than that and so are most of you. Although I do believe the changes for the Orion and BG are coming out of PTS in the near future and that has the VS pissed. You guys wanted the .75 gone for VS LMG's and you will get your wish. You also will now be facing a more focused group of players ANXIOUS to prove how utterly wrong you were.
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  6. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Yes, and it's still not even close to the MSW-R let alone the SAW... which is also seeing a huge buff, not to mention that the SVA-88 will be flat out useless next to the Pulsar LSW.

    Also, for future reference horizontal tolerance is what determines if a weapon has a predictable recoil pattern and the Orion's will still be at 0.88 which is still really, really bad.

    I can't speak on Connery, but Emerald NC has the same problem along with there being only 12 year olds in command which is why NC/TR don't usually win prime time alerts unless they decide to both hellzerg VS in the last 15-30 minutes or we're on our alt's.

    And yes, I am absolutely saying that a very well coordinated platoon can swing alerts more often than not since we've done it multiple times on all factions.

    KDR is temporary, winning is eternal (or at least until the continent unlocks tomorrow)

    For real though, my KDR should be much higher than it is... but then I take rez nades to make sure a cap goes through because this is a team game and it's much better to win that way than just go for stats.

    I would rather that bases didn't have high points outside of a base that vehicles can camp a spawn room with almost total immunity. Probably why I hate Esamir so much.
  7. Yuki10

    Agreed - 0.75 is not a big deal. People are mistaken if they think it is making a huge difference (which would also show up in the heavy stats).
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  8. Scr1nRusher

    0.75 ADS is not a VS Empire trait.

    0.75 ADS should be restricted to SMG's and pistols.
  9. Scr1nRusher

    "not a big deal"

    Until you try to remove it and then its the end of the world and of days and fire and brimstone happens.
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  10. ATRA_Wampa-One

    It wouldn't be if DBG actually buffed the guns that had it enough to make up for loosing that stat.
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  11. Necron

    If they buffed them that much there would be no reason to nerf them in the first place. This is what's called: Having your cake and eating it too. You don't mind the VS LMG nerfs, as long as there are not any actually VS LMG nerfs. No one talked about how the 0.75 ADS mattered until there was talk about removing it. Now it's not important and should be left alone. What you are asking for is a buff to an already OP LMG set that makes it as OP as it was before after the nerf.

    This is called hypocrisy; and the VS are not alone in this. No one likes to see their best gear (in this case grossly best gear) brought down to level the playing field.

    There's a reason that HA is the most played class for the VS, and it is NOT how your *** looks in tights.
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  12. ATRA_Wampa-One

    The Orion is actually performing slightly below the Anchor and MSW-R at BR 100... you know that right? But hey, like every other time people want to nerf 0.75 ADS it's just a dog whistle for "nerf VS" and yeah we're really getting sick of getting everything nerfed to totally uselessness.

    Because the PPA and ZOE were totally brought down to a level playing field and not completely below it right?

    HA is the most popular class across all factions... guess the NC and TR need their LMG's nerfed as well then by that logic.

    But for real, VS weapons outside of a few stand out ones are really bad yet here is another thread where more people are calling a nerf to them because we win.

    Don't belive that we have bad weapons? I dare you to find a worse assault rifle than the Equinox, or find a weapon made more useless by an NS one than the CME.
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  13. Kentucky Windage

    I never said it was specific to the VS. I'm just the messenger. You have been one of the most if not THE most strident advocates for removal of the .75 modifier from VS LMG's. I was merely pointing out that your group of nerf herders are going to get your wish. However, you're going to find the VS Veterans anxious to prove your entire argument is garbage.

    You scoffed at Farmers League stats as others have and said those are not reflective of common pool players stats. That is true to some extent but it at least demonstrates other players of higher or mid level skill can utilize non .75 LMG's from other factions and kill with just as much effectiveness as those who are equipped with this functionality. The argument is therefore not about VS LMG's with the .75 movement modifier but about player skill.

    DBG can change the VS LMG's all they want. I think you'll find most of the VS will be just as effective. Then what? Another utterly fraudulent thread about another perceived advantage that the VS have. I have no doubt it will be so.
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  14. Scr1nRusher

    I've been about removing 0.75 ADS in general.
  15. Bearlover

    It will be so, because VS has the largest player base of veterans and high ranking BR100s. Experience will ALWAYS win the day no matter what especially if you are outpopped by 20% by a uncoordinated zerg.

    Compare outfit platoons in all 3 factions, mediocre ones start at that. VS has an average BR of over 75, TR 50, NC 40 ( just an example but you will know what im talkin about if u see and experience it for urself ) Experience trumps everything, no matter if you remove .75 ads or not.

    But you realize you have to think realistically for the sake of the game and its course. Either you continue to be a fanboy subsequently holding on to a toy, or you sacrifice and show the majority that they were wrong.

    FOTMs or FOTY always exist in free to play , beta games. It exists in war thunder, it exists in Tera, any f2p game shows this. An overpowered UFO , players of war thunder will flock to that nation, or an overpowered class, tera, " gunner" players will flock to that class. It is all about balancing out what needs to be balanced. People talk crap against one another and for so long no changes to that particular nation or class, they become comfortable with it AND once its time for a change they complain, because too few are playing a nation or having class variety. Sometimes it is necessary to rebalance the population so more players play TR and that more players will stick to NC.

    Idk about u guys but i see a planetside in which all servers have a different faction dominating, not jus vs mainly.
  16. Kentucky Windage

    Just because you have experience with "something" doesn't mean you are good at that "something". It just means you're familiar. Does that translate into skill? It could. Then again they could be of mediocre skill yet have all the experience in the world and be a BR100.

    As you said the VS have plenty of salty highly skilled players. Most of those players play other factions and are just as effective. Removing the .75 movement modifier will accomplish nothing relating to rebalance. It will only harden those playing VS to disprove the notion they had any kind of advantage. Their resolve will be felt by all making my job all the harder having to fight fanatical players on a quest of sorts to quell the notion they were cheating in some way and getting an unfair advantage over their counterparts.

    You're entitled to your opinion but I have no doubt the VS will take this personally and engage in operations specifically designed to demonstrate for all to see there is more to the VS than the Orion or BG. It's almost funny. The very thing the nerfers are trying to nerf isn't the thing that make the VS the hardest or the toughest to fight against. Being the most coordinated, skilled, and experienced is and no amount of NERFING will take that from them.

    It's my opinion and I'm just inclined to believe this entire ordeal has pissed them off to no end and they can't wait to show everyone precisely why they are what they are.
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  17. Bearlover

    I totally agree with this but you just repeated my first paragraph. Experience wins, and yes you are skilled compared to one who does not know any chokepoints, or what is a chokepoint, or one who does know how to conserve resources effectively or knowing simply how to redeploy using the lattice aystem effectively or even knowing what a sunderer is. Yes experience wins.

    And i also agree the VS elitist will show their wrath, and it will show the first few months after the "nerf". But guess what, more and more people from tr and nc are not avoiding fights against the Vanu now. That mentality will die out soon enough, and everything takes time to adjust.
  18. Kentucky Windage

    We could have just had a High Life and called it a day then. We seem to agree on a lot. I'm just not so show the level of"experience" we are talking about is the same but that's not a huge deal. Either way I'm sure I'll have more fun than ever fighting the VS. Cheers
  19. ValorousBob

    Honestly I'm pretty excited for them to "nerf" the Orion and actually buff it's accuracy, I'm just sad they're ruining the SVA-88.

    And btw, this is the platoon of VS ~militant jihadists~ that will be butchering TR/NC scrubs on Miller as soon as they "nerf" the Orion. Check the continent populations and our platoon composition... something makes me think "OP weapons" isn't what's responsible for Miller VS winning 48% of the Alerts on the server.
  20. Saokeh

    Are you crazy? Every single thing that was nerfed to Vanu had a REAL reason to be.

    PPA because the Top gun PPA on a Magrider was outperforming HEAT guns when they were super strong. The Scythe had and still has the ability to kill WAY more infantry per mag than both Banshee and Airhammer. So yes, in a large infantry fight that's called Skewed towards VS with one weapon.

    ZOE was the biggest mistake SOE ever put in the game. Because it wasn't just limited to short range encounters. I ask you to pull 2 year + Videos of ZOE Comet maxes and let me know if it wasn't needed.

    As for LMGs. Numbers wise Orion and BG are by far the best performing LMGs in the game. As a starter weapon for new players that's insane. You're not taking into account of the low end new players that brings the stats down. And it still beats the msw-r. The BG is a better representation of how strong it really is. So yes...it needs to be removed. No more of this woe is me VS victim stuff. The devs designed the Vanu with horrible foresight end of story.