What's the appeal of playing on the high pop faction?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ziggurat8, Sep 27, 2016.

  1. AllRoundGoodGuy

    I've always thought the the mag is the most fun to drive.
  2. Fullgrym

    Playing is fun, but winning is even more fun. Well, yes, getting into battles of 70% to 30% might get a little bit dull, but it is absolutely frustrating to be on the 30% side, so no one changes sides. Probably the difference will be lowered if the empires are less... different than each other. Newer people are totally alienated by the VS just based on the looks of their soldiers and their lore (although i think very few NEW people read about the lore) and TR seems the most "generic" so they get the most new players.
    But making the empires less different will surely ruin quite a bit of the fun...
  3. FieldMarshall

    It probably gives people a sense of "winning", even though (relative to experience, certs and kills,) they dont.
  4. TrolKabu

    After all, I wonder why you stick with your TR outfit. By integrating another one your experience could become closer to the one you have with the VS, even if the population on continents is still unbalanced.
  5. AxiomInsanity87


    If i'm feeling the need for a challenge i'll pick the lower pop

    If I just want to chill and kill i'll join the zerg and fight the nc zerg, sometimes against a vs zerg.

    Really though I just love TR.
    • Up x 1
  6. Rhello

    Even thought I got two NC alts, I just never play them, the average NC players are a pain in the @ss to play with, even thought TR new players are quite dense tbh. And don't even get me started on spandex and laser stuff, no way I just play vanu, their cloak sounds like some weird gurgle noise, their camos make my eyes bleed and their voice packs are even cringier than the russian voice pack for TR, plus DIG is the most cancerous zergfit I know.

    But here is why I'll never leave TR :

    - Best cloak sound
    - Most badass lore
    - I hate spandex, and I can't bear NC, even thought I like their weapons.