What's better for a battle Sundy? 2 Furys or 2 Bulldogs?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hunterion, Jul 11, 2014.

  1. Hunterion

    Which one is better for AI and which for AV? Also suggest the loadout.
  2. Elrobochanco

    2 Basilisks.

    If you plan to be parking indoors, probably the bulldogs, if outdoors, but still somewhat enclosed maybe the furies. But both make it difficult unless you have support and can assure you will always be able to get into range versus what you intend to shoot.
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  3. Govedo13

    Furies are overnerfed bulldogs with bad magupdate scaling. They used to be extremely OP with OHK kills on Infantry and other goodies and got overnerfed.
    Bulldogs cannot shot air and cannot shoot accurate at more then 100m. Tanks can shoot you on mid/long range and you cannot shoot back. I am not sure but I guess they do a bit more AV damage compared with Basilisks provided it is CQC AV fight and you land all shots. Also they would be nerfed soon- the changes are on test server.

    2 Basilisks with Zoom and extended mags is the best choice. I prefer them with 1.5X zoom only because they are a bit better against infantry compared with 2x zoom. Does not forget to bump your ammo reserve up to level 4 at least on both guns, in intense fights they go dry fast.
    If there is ton of infantry get one bulldog with thermals and extended mag together with the Basilisk. Bulldog got plenty of ammo so you could just buy 1-2 levels only. Two bulldogs build totally annihilate infantry in choke-points but you would need 1-2 guys to repair the sundie all the time.

    The only obvious slot loadout is full blokade armour full fire suppression and full racer.
    If you cannot cert all at the same time get 2 levels of FS first together with 1-2 levels of blokade, then do the rest focusing on blokade first. Blokade gives more resistance on your back so driving backwards to enemies makes a lot of sense.
    Also you would need 1 driver and 2 gunners however having 1-2 maxes inside with double AV/AA arms gives you a chance vs Liberators and AP tanks, the rest should be easy to kill with 2 average gunners.

    Having good crewed battle sunide is the most fun thing ever. If you manage to have 7-8 good organised team-mates to drive with you along then your force becomes lethal and can swing the tide of battle.
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  4. Hairspray

    Bulldogs because ttk close range is the fastest. You can repair thru most air attacks or just have one member a burst max, during mag reloads all out to repair and if you ever come on a group of nme nothing is going to kill them faster. BEST in AMP stations

    Basies are your mid road weapon they can hurt everything but do nothing great. So it comes to play style.
    Aggressive play = Bull
    Jack of all trade master of none = Basies
  5. doombro

    Basilisks all the way.

    One basilisk isn't much to worry about, but two will shred everything.
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  6. Hunterion

    You should advertise more the URL in your sig. Now I can check my certs offline. :eek:
  7. JibbaJabba

    If you intend to go up on armor then 2x Basilisks with some zoom and mag size is the way to go.

    If you intend to battle-bus into infantry land then 2x 50cal Kobalt with thermals is the way to go.

    Neither the bulldog nor the fury really live up to the my expectations of them.
  8. RHINO_Mk.II

    Unless your gunners are really, really good with drop just get the basilisks.
  9. lawn gnome

    2 furies will drop a HEALTHY lightning instantly. i have been on the receiving end of this several times. one volley from each will completely destroy a lightning tank.
  10. Diggles

    Bulldog + Basky for general purpose...all bases covered.

    I take Basky x2 in very open maps, but generally most basky gunners have a hard time killing any half decent infantry
  11. lawn gnome

    i do bulldog / ranger because the bulldog is awesome for AI work with thermal (will probably switch to fury at some point, because i think it may be better) and the ranger is pretty good AA with zoom (also i am a dedicated skyguard so i have a hard time not choosing some form of flak). mine is a general defense build for holding a location while i spawn troops.
  12. Kevin49704

    I see most people using the basilisks unless they are going for something really specific such as using it at walled bases and using bulldogs to mortar the inside.
  13. Frozen-K

    I use a kobalt/bulldog pair for my anti infantry battle bus. While two kobalts is good for infantry, I find the bulldog helps flush people out of cover or saturates a group better than another kobalt would.

    My gunners often go on 40-50 killstreaks before I lose the bus to whatever happens, so it's a largely successful vehicle for its intended purpose.
  14. DrBash00

    Idk, why they nerfed the "classic" battle sunderer to death... you needet 3 - 4 Persons in teamplay and Situational awarness....
    RIP Fury -.-
  15. FrozenCustard

    I would suggest duel Bulldogs + Blockade for when taking a tech plant
  16. Iridar51

    I have no authority on the matter, but I'd say two basilisks. They maybe not so good at cheesing infantry kills, but they're by far the most versatile option, and if you're gonna have randoms/normal squad members instead of dedicated gunners = masters of bulldog/fury, then you're better of with Basilisks.

    Myself I groan in pain everytime when I jump in a Sundy and it has bulldog/fury, because it means I'll never hit anything. Probably I'm just bad, but I feel like bulldogs/fury is complete trash for head-on combat, and are good only for spamming doorways/windows.

    They're also can't be used effectively against aircraft, basilisks don't have that problem.
  17. Verviedi

    I run Bulldog with ammo and thermals, and a walker with zoom and ammo to kill aircraft.
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  18. Plunutsud pls

    I use Bulldog + Walker.

    Wanted Fury over Bulldog but the price was too high.

    Walker is great for AA and you can also use it for AI if you get the right angle.

    Basilisks are too average to use against anything.
  19. reydelchicken

    If you're going to be running with another sunderer that has AA equipped then dual bulldogs is a great way to go assuming your gunners are good.

    Otherwise it's better to run with dual basilisks since they're not only easy to use, but unlike the bulldogs you can also reliably hit air.

    Two other loadouts that are nice and I've been using for solo sunderers are bulldog + walker, and fury + ranger. Keep in mind that these loadouts aren't particularly strong, and you won't really be able to fight anything head on. But they're good weapons to have if you're only expecting to defend your sunderer when deployed against air or maybe a single tank at a time.
  20. Ryker

    Bull dogs for infantry and furrys for armour or close infantry.

    Basics work well against armour long range but i know you are looking to farm and not be a tank so nvm.

    Edit: the reason i say bull dogs for infantry as apposed to fury is because its easier to hit them farther away due to the larger blast.