What would you do if you saw this

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Haquim, Sep 7, 2014.

  1. Alarox

    It fascinates me that people like you exist.
    • Up x 2
  2. Haquim

    It fascinates me even more that there were people unaware of the stupid things you can do with deployables.
    It was by no means the first engineer that was hampering our own efforts in this or similar ways - what got me a little bit, well, troubled was that it was a group of 5 or 6 of an outfit that did this, not a single... warpgate.

    Also: How the hell does he want to do this in a ZERG. Those are by definition attacking and steamrolling the enemy. This can only be done when you have to defend and know where stuff will be spawned.
  3. NoBuddy

    Turrets inside base,
    today any r****d teamkiller posted that thread to me.
    I bet it was a self-righteouse teamkiller, a so called "UberSoldier" stuck in an "all seeing eye"?

    Is there any rule from the developers that forbids putting an engeneer turret behind the blue energy field?
    Is there any rule from the developers that forbids sniping spys behind blue energy field?
    Is there any rule from the developers that forbids cloaked spys to kill anybody from behind - unseen?
    Is there any rule from the developers that forbids spanwroom camping?
    Is there any rule from the developers that forbid base camping at Hossin by flying mobs?

    Each nation is crying when they will be spawnroom camped. The point is, that the bad lads are always the others!

    I bet that no rule exists for the manner above and no rule exists for teamkilling players.
    So, no rule from the developer?

    If the enumerated points of peeve would be a rule, the developer had made something to satisfy you!

    Some "UberSoldiers" from PS2 think they are eating more holy s**t then others and playing god in an anarchistic game to make missing rules to whose law and doing its self-righteouse teamkills.

    This game is war.
    War is always dirty.

    I don't agree to your selfmade rules.
    Thats my perception by playing PS2 for a long time.
  4. FieldMarshall

    You did the right thing.

    I probably would have put him on ignore then sat near the v-term and killed him every time he did it until he left or logged off.
    Asserting dominance is the only thing some of these sub-human animals understand.
  5. The Rogue Wolf

    His respawn is free, too.
  6. NoBuddy

    That was not the 1st time that I've been teamkilled by an "UberSoldier".
    I always falling into revenge mode.

    BTW "UberSoldier" have been used by me as any nickname.
  7. BrbImAFK

    To the OP : Personally, I would have considered it my fault... just as I would if I spawned a vehicle and ran straight over enemy mines (or friendly ones that a nasty Inf EMP'd as I went over). It's my feeling that I'm responsible for my own success / failure in this game, and I view what happened to you as a failure. You didn't check, you paid for it.

    Now, am I disputing that the dude doing it is a jerk? Absolutely not. But this is an online game. On the internetz. The haven for trolls, scum and assorted other villainy (see whut I did thar?! :p ). Anyways... there's no "teaching" these people, you can't make them better than they are, all you can do is (like you did) feed their lulz. Even getting TK'd to them is not a penalty, it's just proof that they pissed you off enough to hunt them down, and they lurved it! So... don't feed the trolls is I guess what I'm saying.

    As for reporting the dude.......

    The report system is a joke and nothing ever happens. Just last week, I saw a dude exploiting a glitch to get inside the terrain (or something like that anyway). Since it was a player I'd previously considered pretty good, I sent him a "WTF, dude?" tell. He replied back that is was an exploit, told me how to do it, that he was doing it for lulz, and that I'd do it too if I knew how (on a side note... I now know how, since he told me, and I still haven't done it and am not going to!).

    I was not amuzed so I reported him. Nothing happened. I complained on the forums. People told me to open a customer support ticket. I did so, and provided the screenshots of the conversation where he basically admitted to cheating, said how to do it, and used the excuse that anyone who knew how would do so. They gave me a stock reply, close the ticket and, as of last night, he's still playing.

    TL;DR : Proof that even with screenshots of a cheater admitting to cheating, DBG won't ban people. Go ahead, do as you like. The game is officially in it's End Times (TM - in case GW sues me for not putting it there or something).

    Umm.... no... this "game" is A GAME!!! It's not a war, FFS, it's just a game about war.

    As for things always being dirty, that's ********. This is a game, played by real people, in real life. There are no NPC's, so everything you do affects other, real people.

    It's my opinion, and I'm perfectly prepared to admit that it's only an opinion, that we have a duty as decent, upstanding folks, do be decent and upstanding to each other. Just because you can do things to make somebody else's life miserable is absolutely no excuse to actually do so. You can be a dick in real life too, but that often has consequences...

    Being a dick on the internet seldom has consequences, and doing so only proves one of two things. Firstly, anybody that is a dick on the internet is a person who's own actions brand them the scum of humanity - people who are so selfish that they consider themselves above all others, people who care for nothing but themselves, people who's system of morality is so warped that it rewards negative behaviour patterns. Secondly, anybody that is a dick on the internet and not in real life is either a) a coward, who's so afraid of the consequences that he'll only act one when he can get away with it; or b) delusional to the extent that he can only consider people "real" if he actually knows them in person.

    That is perfectly acceptable. Much like the free speech "I don't agree with what you say, but I will defend your right to say it" idea, I support freedom of action (at least, in as far as it's not illegal). You are perfectly permitted to be a dick - so long as it's legal - but make no mistake..... you ARE a dick.