What would you do if you saw this

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Haquim, Sep 7, 2014.

  1. Haquim

    Unfortunately I can't really think of a title that says what it needs.

    Its a short story but with many words, please bear with me: Just a couple minutes ago I pulled a Prowler at Eisa. I was wondering why nobody was driving away from the vehicle spawn but I thought they would start moving soon. Then my tank spawned and immediately hit something and started flipping. When I got out I noticed what: Some TR engineer had deployed an AV turret right in front of the spawnpoint. And I already saw the next tank flipping on it.
    So I destroyed the turret and looked for the engineer responsible under the crowd that was looking at the spectacle. I found the only engineer, killed him and (of course) got teamkilled by the rest of the crowd.
    Respawning and running there again I saw another turret, but couln't find the one responsible this time. Killed it and moved on.
    A couple minutes later I'm fighting on the roofs around the vehicle spawn and notice the very same guy I killed first setting his turret down. I killed him attacked his turrets and got killed for it. Since I now could be sure that he was the trusted companion responsible I wrote in /y chat to be careful and to report him for harassment.
    Now this earned me a hatetell from one of his teammates - with the same outfitname.

    So what would you have done? What could I have done? The guy hampered our armor deployment for at least several minutes, maybe even lost us the base. If things run extremely bad for me he actually did this with his outfit and I now have two dozen reports on ME for stopping him.

    TL;DR. Spotted an ******* destroying assets for the rest of our faction and stopped/killed him several times. Might get reported a lot by his allies. Alternative solution for the problem in your opinion?
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  2. Auzor

    I run into this NC side too.

    For the record: it seems to work with anti-infantry turrets too.

    -> Report.
    If I know who it is, I report.
    And yes, I TK the jerk.
    I even destroy enemy turrets that are put in front of enemy vehicle pads. (And if I can, I'll put a few mines. I'm friendly like that :p)

    For this particular purpose, it would be nice to have the name of the turretbuilder listed on the turret, for your own team.
    (doing this for enemy turrets means you wouldn't know wether the turret was abandoned or not when spotting. This would give the wrong feedback).
    But, you would be able to take a screenshot, or even upload that crap to youtube, to show 'this person is a _censored_'.

    Alternatives are deployed sundy's and similar shennanigans. The thing is those are actually hard to destroy now for most classes. Grr.
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  3. a-koo-chee-moya

    Jeez, you didn't need to TK him, just put it in yell chat, report, and move on.
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  4. KenDelta

    There is no alternative solution , what you did is the right thing.

    Personally I would just ignore that vehicle terminal(if you'\re speaking of the Eisa garage) and went for the spawn room vehicle terminal if some ***** is trolling with turrets and such.
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  5. Dinapuff

    What would I have done? Spawned my tank at the warpgate. Avoids all the problems.
  6. Tyrant103

    I would have just killed him, went to the nearest AMS or spawnroom and killed him again.
  7. MajiinBuu

    What if someone places a turret in front of the pads in the warpgate? :p
  8. Dinapuff

    Nobody does that, but even if they did there are like 4 pads to put turrets at and they have to gamble on which one to block.
  9. Cyrek

    If you're going to pop him and his friend, do so, then go into some sort of mini exile, don't show face in like 10-20 mins; do stuff on another grid, you'll be easily forgotten if you aren't anywhere to be seen.
  10. Haquim

    So.... basically let him carry on? if I destroy only his turret without killing him he will simply put another one down, the things are for free....
  11. a-koo-chee-moya

    Report him, and then others might decide to do something about it.
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  12. Morti

    I find it very unlikely that anybody gets banned for jerking people around, so I don't report for stuff such as that.

    If I'm really bothered about it, I'll hunt the guy and make sure he gets what's coming to him.
  13. Archiadus

    In a world where the report function actually does something... :rolleyes:
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  14. Alarox

    This exactly. Kill him 4-5 times with a pump-action to the face and he'll get the message.
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  15. Rogueghost

    Whenever I encounter someone doing this I tk them, knife their turret, send a hate tell and go on my merry way.
  16. Yeahy

    Or he'll put more down to troll harder.
  17. Rift23

    That message being, "I can get random people weapon-locked." Big thanks to OP for telling me how to alleviate some boredom when stuck in a ghostcapping zerg.
  18. LIKE A BOSS!

    WIll try thanks OP!
  19. Kociboss

    If you had Eisa, you could've pulled it from some other base.

    All of this TKing mumble jumble took you more time than redeploying and spawning a vehicle from one of the satelites.
  20. CursoryRaptor

    What would I do?

    If I had the time, I'd ask my teammates if they'd seen the same thing happening by the same guys. If so, then I'd get a light assault, and just as the next victim goes up to the vehicle terminal, I'd C4 him, his friends, and his turret.

    I have very little patience for trolls.
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