What would ACTUALLY happen if we nerfed VS?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TriumphantJelly, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. BobSanders123

    People might actually have a higher percentage of vs killed than the other factions. As of now most TR and NC have killed more of eachother percent wise against VS. Maybe it's because playing against VS sucks.
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  2. vanu123

    Dear God our pistols are already the worst in the game, imagine how bad they could be after the nerf.
    ZOE is already the most useless thing in the game, spiker is easily the worst pistol in the game. Zeinith, Orion, Terminus, Sirius, Thanatos, Hv45 are decent guns but they don't stack up to their counter parts due to them being copies with no bullet drop and a painfully slow velocity.
    Lasher..... Worst heavy weapon in the game, situational yes, but it is by far the worst performing Heavy weapon

    Magrider has the lowest armor, lowest dps, slowest speed, most drop, hill climbing and maneuverability were already heavily nerfed, belly shots are rear shots, you can't look up, no rear view, magburn is okay but doesn't stack up to being mobile artillery or the IWINSHIELD, PPA is decent but Kobalt out dps' it and is semi effective against esfs, Saron again is okay but our old 1 shot saron was robbed from us.

    We already stick out in day time and in the case of ZOE you are a walking bullseye
    No bulletdrop being taken away, no one would even notice, NC and TR wouldn't notice a thing and VS already have bullet drop on sniper rifles, tanks, shotguns, etc.
    Everyone would just go play NC or TR especially since we are already playing with inferior weapons and we lack any faction trait.
    Better yet our faction trait is that we lack one, or if we do have one it is that we have AWFUL pistols, AWFUL abilities, and AWFUL weapons outside of a select few.

    "VS cried their way out of any buffs"
    "VS don't use anything that isn't OP."
    - Higgles.
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  3. Shootybob

    Onomatopoeia is not a substitute for actual numbers. Halberd is 300 more damage per clip, instead of 6, and one hits infantry. Saron requires three direct hits to kill infantry
  4. Donaldson Jones

    If all that happened, it wouldn't affect me as I snipe most of the time. However if I played heavy i would use grenades even more than i do now..which is alot.

    You would see alot more lasher I think..why be accurate when you can spam.
  5. a-koo-chee-moya

    Well, I personally don't think that they are performing very well (Every Class except infy can counter armor) , just that the average player in this game plays infantry, and well, Combined Arms is not in most of their dictionaries.
  6. a-koo-chee-moya

    Sure, if you give my mag a DPS buff and the ability to effectively triple that DPS.
  7. Ragmon

    What would happen? The VS would loose all their unique features.

    Off-topic but, give more unique features to the other factions, so they stop being jelly at our cool gear. :p
  8. D.C.V.

    I hate VS with a passion but i don't want to see them getting nerfed. I'd prefer to see the other factions getting buffed instead. Especially those poor TRs.
  9. TriumphantJelly

    Obviously this is your opinion, and that's fine, but I disagree enormously, because:
    -10+ in some clips, So goddamn handy!

    And they're going to swap the functions of the Vulcan and the Marauder, so look forwards to having any-range-land-Banshees!
    Oh, and NC:
    -That pistol (the 600dmg one)
    -And some more.

    VS, however:
    -............. Oh dear.

    Clearly, you're entitled to your opinion, but I'm "just saying".
  10. D.C.V.

    My main is NC and i have no problem dealing with TR. I think they need buffs. They can reliably kill if they engage in medium range. Long range i just turn around and kill them, short range JACKHAMMER TO THE FACE. Prowlers are stationary during lockdown, so rocket sniping them is easy(ravens/comets). Pounders are annoying, but all MAX AV weapons seem to be better at infantry killing in big fights so nothing special. As for the Banshee, i don't mind. Sure, i've had my fair share of surprise buttsex but i don't think it's anything special either. Also add Orion in your VS list, as well as the Lasher(don't laugh, when you face 3-4 guys spamming those in 48+ battles it gets really annoying as it basically means free nade spam and suppressing).

    P.S. The MCG is god tier though. I have a level 21 TR soldier where i've been playing only MCG Heavy Assault since lvl 1. I love this thing.
  11. r4zor

    TR are just as invisible at night... And what you guys always forget is that our weapons are far more visible at night, making us easy to spot. And this goes for VS infantry weapons AND vehicle weapons.
    Ever used a Lasher at night? One shot and every goddamn sniper around will focus on you. Similarly our RocketLaunchers tracers are glowing and longer visible while the TR & NC one's are just dark smoke that also disappears faster (except for Phoenix).