What would ACTUALLY happen if we nerfed VS?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TriumphantJelly, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. Bixli

    ...shhhttt , pls ...quiet op , don't give them such "good" statements ..otherwise all that gonna happens soon & i would be jobless then as an' vs.
  2. squarebug

    With the greatest mobility of any tanks. I've seen some crazy crazy sad things with magriders in this version of PS2. Hard to kill. Give Prowler stable hover, give Magrider tracks.
  3. Xasapis

    The shield slowdown completely negates the 0.75 speed bonus as you go even slower than 0.5. So no, it does not negate the disadvantages of the shield. In fact, I would say that that bonus is only bearable in the heavy, exactly because of the shield, while other classes seem to lose frames warping around in low FPS situations.

    How many people pick the NS-15M due to the 0.75 bonus?

    (To clarify, I don't defend Orion's 0.75 ADS bonus, I'm merely saying that this bonus should be removed from all weapons that have it, not just this particular one).

    How would that balance anything? Prowler has been the best performing AI and AV tank in the game, since launch and only recently lost the AV crown to the Magrider.
  4. squarebug

    Because I want to be the one avoiding missiles, have them go under me.. strafing, climb anything. Another thing OP Saron's damage close range is ridiculous.
  5. Stormsinger

    Why not, i'll give this a go.

    Strafe speed is already terrible, my guess is that this would give the Magrider as much trouble getting up slight inclines as the flash, perhaps more. My giant lego brick would become a semi stationary turret until it exploded. Eh, it already has the worst primary cannon anyway, nor can it aim up / down properly without moving.

    Sooo, it's now a 20 shot, slow firing, slow projectile speed, explosive balloon cannon? Eh, whatever - I like the current Kobalt more then the current PPA anyway. I do actually like the current PPA, but i'll take 150 rounds / 1k+ max rounds / massive projectile speed over the PPA any day. It was a toss up for me pre-PPA-nerf, but now I just plain like the Kobalt more. If this nerf were to happen, the PPA would be flat out 20% the strength of the Kobalt, and that's only counting the clip size of an unupgraded kobalt. You can safely rephrase this question as, "What would happen if the VS ES AI secondary was removed from the game?" There would simply be no reason to use it, other then squeaky plasma noises.

    Heavies would move slower when ADSing - I personally have no real issues hitting .5 ADS vs .75 ADS, it's a finger twitch of difference, so I really don't care. If I go down vs an LMG, chances are I would have gone down regardless of my opponent's ADS speed modifiers.

    I like the scythe's stability, but it has a tendency to fall out of the sky when aiming at the ground - the other two ESF's dont have this issue. It's an advantage in A2A, but otherwise... I enjoy my reaver / mossie more already. The only real reason to use my scythe these days, combat-wise, is hornetting unwary armor, or providing scout radar support while rocketpodding through trees on Hossin. On the plus side, I do enjoy C4ing the tips of my Scythe's fins, then ramming tanks / sundies / galaxies at full burn. The scythe's biggest (and weapon-wise, only) advantage is it's default nosegun. It is, in my opinion, the most versatile ESF weapon for all ranges.

    Fatter...? (in the now removed vehicle forums, sorry, I cannot provide source for this, as it was removed. Anyone have it saved? ) A year or so ago, someone went into the game files and grabbed all the ESF graphics, then did painstaking testing in the VR... shooting every pixel surrounding the model, then marking the position on the model. In short... here https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/standardize-esf-hitboxes.192951/ - the scythe does present the smallest target when dogfighting at even altitudes, but it has sizable disadvantages from every other angle. If buffed slightly in other areas, i'd be fine with making the scythe slightly larger, sure. Slightly less faceplanting when aiming down would be nice, or perhaps another 5-10 max KPH.

    Sure, but when light purple Barney the friendly VS-o-saur comes to hug you, just remember: You asked for it.

    At this point, I really don't care. Remove the slower projectile speed that every vs weapon ever has, and I'd be fine with this. I'm better with TR / NC weapons in general, despite the thousands of hours I have in VS. Projectile speed is better then no-drop, as it gives you more control over where your round will land relative to the other guy. The PhaseShift charged BA mode is the only Bolt Action with no-drop, and a quick read through the forums will demonstrate what the VS thinks of it. It's poop. Poopy poo poop. I'll take the NC / TR ES BA any day of the week. For all other weapon types (Except the Eidolon) ... No drop really doesn't matter all that much.

    Oookay, this combined with "remove no-drop" ... You want the VS to be TR? We tried that, it didn't work out all that well. This is one of the few points that the NC and the VS agree on. You aren't being specific enough here, so I can't really offer a good opinion on this one. Do you mean recoil? If so, horizontal vs vertical? Random? Predictable? How about bloom? Do you want our projectiles to apologize when striking enemy targets? We can develop that tech, but i'm pretty sure that VS-Canada is already working on it.

    There would be a global Auraxian Cabbage shortage. Because it makes just as much sense as most of these suggestions.

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  6. TriumphantJelly

    Right; from what I've seen people think I'm actually trolling.

    I'm not, I just tried to play on Emerald. And...

    It's bad.

    But only because of zerging and overpop.
    Faction balance is fine, and I can kill VS with the repater more than they can find me. :p

    Okay, thank you people.
  7. Shootybob

    Weird. Saron is largely outclassed in close damage than the halberd, and is worse against infantry. The only advantage it has is it's accuracy over range.
  8. patrykK1028

    I would go back to BF3
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  9. Gemenai

    Leave the game, because why should i play VS any longer then.
    Not because i drasticly need all mentioned points, but what would there be left what makes VS significant?
    I also wouldn´t want to raise another char on an other faction.
    In addition some more VS people would leave,too. Because i don´t think i´m alone with those upper mentioned thoughts.
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  10. Yuukikun

    I don't pose any opinion in what i'm going to say next. This is only by looking at your own argument and how you are actually going against your own ideology.

    If the majority wants to have all tanks and air removed because they are performing amazingly well against infantry, then you are agreeing that you are a minority who wants to keep them, which leads to having SOE pleasing a minority of players by keeping vehicles in their present state. Not to forget that if only a minority is pleased, the majority is not, which puts vehicles as the reason why the game is not popular at all compared to other games which, the majority of player base believes are more balanced (no infantry farming specialized vehicles).

    Again this is not my opinion, but just the interpretation of your own post. It's up to you if you want to learn something from your own words or not.
  11. Stormsinger

    I just enjoy delivering wry, cabbage related sarcasm with accompanying replies.

    You asked some valid questions, if taken on their own - together, it a list of how to eliminate anything that could be considered as VS faction traits, thus, people did not take it seriously. Without at least most of the traits you listed, the VS may as well be renamed NS. The situation on Emerald is more a result of the server merge, and the conditions on Mattherson / Waterson before it occured.

    Mattherson has excellent VS leadership, Waterson had directionless zergs of VS that did well occasionally, but had no real core leadership that helped herd the zergs. (As I understand it, at least. I played waterson TR, mattherson VS. )

    Mattherson TR were dwindling in numbers, but still had a couple good leaders here and there. Waterson was about the same, but as I understand it, pop was dwindling.

    So... lots of leadership + eighteen berjillion zergs resulted in what we have now on emerald VS.

    Also, because cabbage.

    Ok, I'm done with cabbage for now :p
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  12. DatVanuMan

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  13. Champagon

    Then the CoD kids will finally win, and i will uninstall PS2 and never touch another SOE game again. Like i currently do with EA

    Protest via money folks....Protest via money
  14. Stormsinger

    I budgeted about $500 to support F2P games I enjoyed. A major bug ate about 2k certs uselessly on one of my alts, and after a protracted series of messages with support, they refused to help, despite acknowledgement of the bug. What was their advice? Go post in the roadmap thread for the re-cert item topic. I went to the thread, it was locked.

    Secret world and swtor got it all.
  15. DatVanuMan

    WELL, let's just say NO ONE would ever know about this game. On a more hopeless note, no one would even know what spandex means.
    In other words, a lot of people and I would leave the game.
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  16. dciz2legit

    Yep! i think this would kill the game permanently since i started in jan 2013 Nc and Tr(more so Nc) have always been crying Vs OP please nerf! and every 6 months or so Vs gets a nerf the game slowly dies, so stop with the crying and learn to play. i dream about scatmax nerf almost every night, its some lame as cheese when you cant react fast enough to even run away but most vs players dont come on here a make cry threads about it.....they do it on reddit lol cause thats were the cooler older people hang.
  17. iller

    umm... you somehow totally missed the cue in what I was saying, where I'm also lumped in with the few people who still fight the VS. I wasn't making excuses. I don't have to. My outfit has the 2nd highest volume/rate of VS vehicle kills for the connery NC right after recursion.
  18. Jawarisin

    Oh, wait you're playing on Connery? Haha ok, nevermind that. Thought you played on the king of all servers: Emerald. As far as goes, your outfit isn't you ;), but I can't really tell.

    Hahaha Connery, hehehe.
  19. squarebug

    PEWPEPWPEPWEPWWPEPEW sunderer's halfway dead.
  20. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Hey now, it's not nice to make fun of Connery now that they finally won a server smash.

    Of course it was against Miller but at least they have a notch in the "win" column now.