What would ACTUALLY happen if we nerfed VS?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TriumphantJelly, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. SerasVic

    Just delete VS so we can fight NC vs TR in peace
  2. Tyrant103

    You mean the no bullet drop that effects and is only useful for 0.0001% of our weapons?
  3. Xasapis

    I disagree. I think that VS weapon should have drop. It's too OP not to. If any perk should be given, VS should have double the projectile speed that they currently have. That sounds more reasonable, doesn't it?

    (well, if you're clueless about the game, it does :rolleyes:)

    :D :D :D :D :D
  4. Chris Bingley

    As far as the VS colours go, you can achieve the same effect on NC and TR by equiping the Cells camo that you get for free from the class quiz.

    Just saying.
  5. Bindlestiff

    They should, but they don't and let us be honest - they never will. Complaining to SOE about this will result in nothing (except perhaps more charge weapons).
  6. Zotamedu

    I think a couple of teal highlights would be enough actually. Then an overall nerf to all camos for all factions that completely cover the faction colours.
  7. Xasapis

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  8. OminousZ

    Since beta i've been a NC soldier. But recently I switched to VS to see what all the qq was about, (i was included myself), and TBH, it's all the same **** just different weapons with same strengths and weaknesses. So, my curiosity has been met. Nothing needs changing. NC has kick*** weapons, and some that sucks...so does the VS. Actually, i'm having a hard time with VS weapons coming from NC. I do miss the NC max...So...nothing here to see. End thread...
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  9. z1967

    Nerfing Magrider strafe would mean that buffs to compensate would be made in the cannon and armor department.

    A PPA nerf would be less necessary if the magrider is (for seemingly no reason) nerfed. However my problems is the range on it, and I would imagine they would cut down the range and buff up the ROF.

    No LMGs with .75 ADS? Good, finally the factions are balanced in this regard and the Heavy class isn't dancing like a pixie. ROF, Accuracy, and reload buffs will be added to compensate.

    Scythe being taller would likely be the result of some stretching and thinning in other areas. Don't underestimate the space pancake.

    Useless to remove no bullet drop, but it would likely lead to the high FSM being removed for most VS weapons.

    Accuracy nerf would likely either just add random jitter (like TR) or add v-recoil (like NC).

    That being said most of these are stupidly unnecessary and would likely never happen. Except .75 ADS removal on LMGs, that would be great.
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  10. Nogrim313

    I'd uninstall, casual payer since launch taken a few breaks but yeah if the vocal anti-VS community got all their wishes they might as well remove them and make it just red vs. blue. im BR70 and have no real interest in switching empires after all the VS gear i bought that won't be unlocked on my TR/NC
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  11. Ragnarox

    If you think VS is OP then try to play with them, soon you will end up playing your favorite NC character with 200 dmg weapons. Troll thread.
  12. Xasapis

    Why remove 0.75 only on LMGs and not on absolutely everything?
  13. Diilicious

    lets see, from the TR perspective its now Vanuside 2

    id proably uninstall

    another 3rd of the population would leave, mostly VS and TR players, mostly TR. the only solace TR seem to get is that they can hide in a corner somewhere and fight NC. having to fight VS or the VS clones, id rather play candy crush. lol jk.
  14. OminousZ

    Exactly!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss the NC weapons, but the VS ones are not that bad. Have to change my play style a little though
  15. Ztiller

    VS is finally getting a competitive player-count after being the underdog for the last year and a half.

    Better nerf them.
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  16. z1967

    I find the fact that the Heavy class is dancing like its quake is sad. Heavy weapons indicate a loss of mobility to compensate. .75 ADS is something that should have been included on any LMG, NS-15m included. A downside of using an LMG should be mobility, since you gain a heavily increased magazine size.
  17. Pirbi

    You just need to show red how to fight purple. Then all is balanced.
  18. Xasapis

    So we should put rocks in the pants of TR soldiers, looking at how they got more bullets per magazine?

    0.75 ADS on a heavy plays the least role compared to any other class that has 0.75 weapons, sometimes with higher dps. Once the heavy activates the shield, any advantage that was gained by the ADAD is nulified. If he doesn't activate the shield, then he's basically an engineer with an LMG in his hands.
  19. \m/SLAYER\m/

    You must be more specific, nerf - supposed to balance gameplay, you suggesting to nerf most ES features.
  20. z1967

    The issue is that .75 ADS negates the disadvantage of the shield, and still has the advantages of being an LMG. SMGs have disadvantages associated with being an SMG and having .75 ADS. Shotguns are only bearable in ADS because of the .75 ADS. Pistols are disadvantaged without .75 ADS. LMGs do not need .75 ADS, because they don't need mobility.

    And no, that makes no sense as I was talking about the Rocket launcher. Its heavy, and I don't like that the heavy class has speed weapons associated with it.