What would ACTUALLY happen if we nerfed VS?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TriumphantJelly, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. Paragon Exile

    There are literally tens of people who would notice when they used the Phaseshift. Check your privilege m8
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  2. Bankrotas

    I'll go step by step.
    It would open up chance to buff up the main cannon damage and maybe a bit of resistance from shots, maybe even making Mag a bit smaller. Though mag does perform quite nicely atm acording to Oracle.

    People would maybe start using other secondaries aside from PPA. Hell knows at this point.

    SVA would actually benefit a lot from it, cause it doesn't benefit too much from 0,75xMM and all the negatives it brings, that don't make it a good midranger.
    Orion could have less drift, better moving accuracy, bit better reload speed.

    I'm guessing it's either. Maybe would make scythe leaner and longer while fatter.

    Wouldn't change much. You'd still look like wanabee *****.

    Some velocities would be buffed, Eidolon and Semi autos would drop in performance, you already whined out of the "negative" long time ago with the damage profile change, which made VS uniqe compared to TR...

    Accuracy nerf maybe leads to better ammo in clip or better TTK/DPS, less controlable to newbies, but better in more skilled hands.

    All in all VS would look more like crazy TR with pew pew toys instead of toy guns and guns. Though, being more like TR was movement of VS for longest time ever. Starting with quite cool and interesting damage profile change and lastest getting stuff like Terminus and Zenith.
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  3. Bankrotas

    Hey, it's fun to speculate and blame VS, that they've been first at fault of losing their own faction identity :D
  4. Jawarisin

    Or there's also players who aren't as horrible as you and can fight VS on par because they know they aren't overpowered. You're just bad.
  5. Popper100

    Overarching question: Nerf VS

    Result predicted: Game dies.

    Reasoning: Mass exodus of players to a game whose players don't start a witch-hunt on anything and everything in the game every second hour of every day. AKA A playerbase that isn't bat**** insane.
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  6. Dieter Perras

    I would be very very pissed off for SOEs lack of back bone
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  7. Xasapis

    "Nerf the VS" ...

    Funnily enough, VS are nowhere near the top, as far as the list of things that are about to be, justifiably, toned down.
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  8. asmodraxus

    No one would notice if the mag had the same hill climbing abilities as it already has the same hill climbing as that got normalized in gu2.

    If the strafe speed got reduced then arguably the weakest tank gets weaker.

    Let's see the mag
    Same health as the Prowler
    Same top speed as the Vanguard
    Same main gun drop as the Lightning
    Lowest damage per second on the main gun including the lightning
    Mid damage per shot
    Same projectile speed as the lightning

    The Magrider 1/2 is ironically balanced around combat against the lightning, the Prowler and Vanguard are balanced fighting each other and destroy lightnings in a fair fight.

    Can not dodge shots at less than 150m from any of the tanks as the speed of the projectile is greater than the ability of the mag to go sideways.

    Same goes for the PPA as it may be what is skewing the mags kills upwards.

    As to the Orion well lets make the only decent vs lmg worse than its TR / NC counterparts then wonder why there is a lack of heavy in the vs but then complain about the max units they pull instead.

    As to getting rid of bullet drop, thanks for giving all vs weapons more velocity to compensate, or is this lets just make it so those vs have to aim 1 or 2 pixels higher? The only ranges that bullet drop become a serious problem is at sniper ranges and higher ie 250m plus except infantry only render at 300 so feel free to get rid of it.
  9. Rovertoo

    I don't think we need to remove or nerf those things that make the VS different, i.e. Hillclimbing/.75/range, etc. We can 'nerf' other aspects of the questionable members of the VS arsenal. As for what would happen if we did? I think it depends on how far it goes. If everything is somehow balanced properly and fairly (which I doubt would happen, since balancing is a tricky business), then I think the game would be just plainly better off. In the likely chance that things are over-nerfed, then I think we run the rather high risk of putting VS at a major disadvantage for a potentially long time (just seeing how ZOE hasn't received a needed buff yet).
    So I'd suggest nerfing only small parts of VS (PPA one month, see how it goes, etc.) so that we can cautiously watch how little nerfs take the situation on their own.
  10. Ronin Oni

    too late, you just did
  11. Ronin Oni

    Barring lancer/vortex/saron?

    Nope, not at all.
  12. TheScavenger101

    People can call for nerfs and have stuff nerfed all they want. What will happen is simly that people will move on to the new "OP" thing.
    All though right now each faction has there own "OP cheese", I guess at this point the question is which faction has the most op, op things ? XD
  13. Ronin Oni

    You missed the point. We should be overdrastic and hypothesize worst case scenario!

    Seriously though, Making PPA bloom to force short pauses would be a good first step.

    I really don't think anything else is OP though.
  14. DHT#

    I don't think most VS stuff needs a nerf, just the PPA and possibly a slight tweak to the Orion. PPA could probably be fixed simply by not having sniper-rifle levels of accuracy, and the Orion just needs to lose .75 ADS and get a clip increase. Right now it's hard to kill more than 2-3 people in a clip, so it's more of a tweak than a nerf.

    Actually, the lancer needs a change, too. I love using it, but it's definitely way more effective than the phoenix or striker. Maybe a max range in exchange for a shorter charge time or something.
  15. Atis

    Ye, pure 1v1 faction fights, no crappy 1v1v1. SOE doesnt have enough creativity for 3 factions anyway.


    On topic: we would see very few VS, what else could we answer?
  16. CaptainGallows

    I think I'mma have to try TR and NC more ... I wonder why they whine about PPA so much... In my eyes our downsides seem to be just as big as the plussides... (at best)
    The REAL problem I have... is with the new deployment shield for sunderers :) Hijackingtime
    (one person can place one, needs teamwork to destroy... **** logic)
  17. Bindlestiff

    Gee, thanks. Let me just equip one of the weapons where that is actually a thing and get into a niche situation where it is remotely of any use. I'll see you in a week.
  18. Huishe

    I don't think the magrider needs a nerf. It might actually need a buff. Same about prowler. Alternatively, vanguard needs to be nerfed...

    However, we don't know how tanks are going to be reworked, and higby said they will be, so it's probably pointless now.

    PPA might need a nerf, i guess. But higby said they're gonna rework marauder, so maybe we should better wait and see what happens to it first.

    Orion, well, i honestly think the whole 0.75 ADS idea is stupid. I don't want to play unreal tournament with people twitching left and right, i'd rather play a game about careful positioning and aiming. Instead, it's better to ADADADAD and maybe even crouch-stand while trying to hit. Meh.

    Carbines are fine, i'd rather keep them alone and buff tr carbines to their level. I mean, i tried serpent today and it was better than lynx in close combat. But hey, nc also has godlike gd7f, so if you nerf vs carbines, you need to nerf nc carbines too. Too many things were hit with a nerf bat so maybe stop nerfing it?

    All in all, i say buff tr instead, don't nerf vs.
  19. Maphreal

    This is about it for me. Other than that, I don't mind fighting VS. If it's night time, I don't fight VS. Otherwise, I pick my fights based on balanced populations and geographical location.
  20. NinjaTurtle

    I am aware all the weapons where drop would be useful don't have it.... go complain to SOE that their weapon design is illogical

    I think all VS weapons should have no drop