What would ACTUALLY happen if we nerfed VS?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TriumphantJelly, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. TriumphantJelly

    So, if we went with the majority, VS would recieve a nerf.

    The Magrider would have the same hill climbing as other tanks, and the strafe speed would be reduced by 5 or 6 kph.

    Effects? Discuss.

    PPA; damage reduction, splash reduction, large damage fall-off, What'd happen?

    LMGs would have 0.75 ADS removed.

    Scythe would be fatter, maybe a muzzle-velocity nerf.

    Camo would be considerably brighter.

    No bullet drop would be removed,

    Most weapon would have an accuracy nerf.

    What would ACTUALLY HAPPEN???

    Discuss. Not a troll thead.
  2. Koldorn

    I'd play NC.

    Or leave.
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  3. Maljas23

    Higby would say: "VS only use things if they are obviously broken", while proceeding to nerf bat everything they have.
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  4. BeefySleet

    The game might finally be somewhat balanced and playable.
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  5. iller

    none of these would happen. ...the PPA was specifically brought up by Higby in his stream infact as getting a different firing mechanic, aka compounding acc bloom. Nothing else above is on the horizon and the scythe itself specifically pays for its smaller hibox by being slower than a Moskie. ....the ones I snipped out though, definitely do need to happen and the vocal majority has stated as much.

    As for the results: The VS would have a lot more willing opponents, especially in the form of players who aren't heavily guarded about their K/D ratios. Currently the only players who find themselves in a lot of fights against the VS are either the newbs who don't know any better but quickly learn to avoid it .... and the rest are either spawn warriors or cheese users or railjackers/RAM50 butt-touchers who walk an extra 500m around a mountain just to snipe your sundy respawns and AV mana's
  6. a-koo-chee-moya

    Magrider: Just worse DPS Prowler and less armor Vanguard
    PPA: Moving on over to Kobalt
    LMGs: Everything else in the Vanu arsenal is just watered down Gauss Saw, minus Polaris, so things will stay the same
    Scythe: Mossy has the least pixels... But if your going to nerf BV on Saron, at least buff Hailstorm to compensate
    Camo: meh, I probably miss the times people don't shoot at me.....
    No Bullet Drop: Everything it would be useful on besides Lancer and Vortex would already have been removed.
    Accuracy: Check out some stats and you'll soon find that accuracy is a stat shared between NC and VS https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/167dmg-600-rof-143-652-698.202583/
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  7. TriumphantJelly

    To the first commenter:
    And this is how a non-troll thread turns into a troll thread.

    Ah well, I give up. *Throws hat down*

    To everyone else:
    I was just interested :rolleyes:
  8. a-koo-chee-moya

    If we went with the majority, each faction would receive a nerf, Tanks would be removed, air besides gals (who would of course have Bulldogs removed) and valks as well, and all weapons would receive major TTK nerfs. So pretty much everything that has any sort of AI option.
  9. TriumphantJelly

    Post moved for me, forget what I said to the "first poster".
  10. Zotamedu

    The only thing I actually care about on that list is the camos. VS needs to be generally lighter, or rather they need more teal and less black and very dark purple. I hate fighting VS at night.
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  11. NinjaTurtle

    The only thing that need to happen is PPA nerf.

    Everything else is fine they can have their 0.75 LMG, they can have their swag tank (which I love, better than the fatguard), they can have their no bullet drop etc
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  12. Paragon Exile

    Me after VS nerf that has no actual basis in reality;

    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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  13. Pineapple Pizza!

    Far fewer mags would be built, and they would more-than-likely use AP / Halberd and only attempt to gank. The Mag would be completely unable to fight toe-to-toe at longer ranges against any 2/2 tank (something they can only sort-of do right now) and abusing terrain to make peekshots would be even less effective than it already is.

    You would see TONS of lightnings; lightnings EVERYWHERE. Instead of mags on mountains, you have vipers on hills.

    Scythes would have to stick to rocketpods, so they wouldn't be able to stray far from friendly AA protection like mosquitoes / reavers could with AI nosegun / AB pod setups.

    If the 0.75 ads penalties were also removed, you would see slightly more Pulsar LSW. If not, then there would be mostly pulsar / smg / battlerifle, since midrange VS lmgs are kind of bad.

    Reavers would go from being the best ambush ESF to the best everything ESF.

    The "I'm not trolling" bit sounds a lot like "I'm not racist, but..."
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  14. Yeahy

    So, if we went with the majority, NC would recieve a buff.

    The Vanguard would have the same mobility as other tanks, and the strafe speed would be increased by 5 or 6 kph.

    Effects? Discuss.

    AH/Canister; better at range, splash increase, less damage fall-off, What'd happen?

    LMGs would have 0.75 ADS added.

    Reaver would be thinner, maybe a muzzle-velocity buff. Hover mode improved.

    Camo would be considerably dimmer.

    No bullet drop would be added

    Most weapon would have an accuracy and recoil buff.

    What would ACTUALLY HAPPEN???

    Discuss. Not a troll thead.
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  15. Bruhja

    I agree.

    Cammo's should ALL be faction specific. sure all factions should have access to colors for all continents as well as night. but I should NEVER, EVER see enemies wearing each others uniforms, or one of mine.

    There's a term for that I think its called a "Turn Coat".

    In a twitch based game there is no time to squint at the monitor to Identify the enemy from the corner of your eye.
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  16. TheMish

    It'd be a paradise.
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  17. NC_agent00kevin

    Not touching this thread with a 10 foot pole...
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  18. LightningWolfTigrBer

    We probably wont see them revert the grey to black armor changes they did awhile back, as this was done to improve the VS's overall aesthetic. I agree though that they should have a lot more teal, and maybe make the purple a bit brighter.
  19. Alarox

    I despise threads like these. That is all.
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  20. LIKE A BOSS!

    I bet if you removed no bullet drop for 1 day nobody would notice.
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