What will happen to the SEEDS when the event ends?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Iman7, Nov 4, 2014.

  1. Iman7

    Good morning. :)

    I want do know what will happen to the seeds when this event ends, in order to choose if i use the +250 seeds that i own or save them for the near future, when they came with new things to spend.

  2. sindz

    Most likely they will just get removed - and knowing how SOE handle money transactions they will never get carried over to next years event.

    So spend them or lose them, im 99,99% sure.
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  3. patrykK1028

    They will grow pumpkins and then you will eat them. Bon appetit!
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  4. Iman7

    I would like to know the official answer for this subject. I allready have the white and noir (black) skull that are the best XP (+20%). So i don't need to buy any of other mask's. But i would if i knew that the seeds will be gone... :cool:
  5. XTCAndy

    Please, for the love of God, just let them remain on our account and carry over till next year. I bought a flaming skull for 300, and I just acquired 258 seeds and could buy another flaming skull, but honestly I'd rather just save them and perhaps next year save up to get that 1000 skull, which I'm guessing will take a lot. I did manage to get 300 + 258 + 100 (pumpkin head) + 2 of those 25 masks (50) so I got 708 total which means it was probably possible to get 1000 but to do so would have required most of the month and thus very little time that you might have gotten to wear it.

    I did manage to get one of the giant pumpkins? It was in Esamir. I felt it was largely a waste of time looking on Hossin. I got more pumpkins there not looking and waiting till the end of the alert as finding them there was nearly impossible. I did find about 3 the whole month there. I found a similar amount on Amerish. I felt they could have put more on these two continents. Indar too but it is what it is.

    I personally did not care for the frankenstein mask. I bought it and the skull mask.

    The directives need to be changed. 1 giant rare pumpkin per player is probably all that is realistic. Asking anyone to find 2 of them is literally insane design and unfair to the extreme. Unless it will be a bit more likely, I considered myself lucky to get 1. Asking me to then find it again is like asking me to get struck by lighting twice.

    I also did not want to do the slasher or candy gun. I might have considered the slasher but I didn't like the noises it made and the Candy gun, like the flare and snowball gun are badly designed. IF you require them to get 'kills'. They should count as Kill Assist = Kill for directive. Also hitting once with it is not easy, and if you do, hitting two times with it is nearly impossible. Hitting once and then knife killing someone gets a Kill for the knife not the candy gun. I would recommend weapons like this do like 500 damage. You may think Wow that is so much. It would still require 2 shots, but yes it would be possible and I bet it wills till be difficult. I saw the flare gun in action. I personally think it should do the same damage as the Underbarrel grenade launcher and part of the point of it is you can lob it into rooms and stuff like that. I really could not bring myself to buy this guy, as it is purely a gimmick weapon. If it were fairly cheap, sure, but it is not. I also do not plan on getting the flare gun or snowball gun considering they are the same thing. They are gimmick weapons. Fun to mess around with. They should cost about 90 to 125 SC based on how they work right now. If you had priced it at like 250, so it might end up as half off for 125 sure I bet many of us would get it. I personally would not buy it unless it were that cheap.

    Another idea for these guns is to keep the damage as is, but increase the rate of fire, to something akin to a Beamer. So basiclaly your getting an alternative skin for a beamer-LIKE weapon. I did not say make it identical to the beamer, just somewhat similar in what it can do. You can then get kills with it, and yet it would be tedius. There are the rare individual who might be the god-like shooter with these weapons, but basing directives on such people is insane. Most people may never achieve this. If someone thinks I'm wrong and you are like the master marksman with this thing and got so many kills your head literally swelled up to the size of the Moon. Then post it. Again, there are probably someone like this, I doubt most us are like that. I did do a trial and I did get a kill but man it was tedious, not fun and I could tell using that weapon would be the complete opposite of fun. I thus have much better things to spend my money on. I'd rather use the SC toward something else.
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  6. Zotamedu

    Didn't they say that they will go magically invisible until next year when they will reappear again?
  7. ShotMeTender

    They said a lot of things, none of it was as they said before!! Be sure u will lose all of the seeds, personally i really do not care about any events thought, since 99% of weapons are wrong as well as their own damage, and the whole game code should be wrote again from beginning!
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  8. Pirbi

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  9. Fatal_Finn

    We don't have to eat them, bugs will.
  10. DatVanuMan

    Seriously, that's all that happens.
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  11. Axehilt

    After the event, the seeds will serve as a reminder of the time you wasted shooting boring stationary objects, which you could've spent having fun in actual fights instead.
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  12. Iman7

    Can we have any official response from the team?
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  13. barunedpat

    The seeds will be nerfed to next years event. Their value will drop to almost nothing. ;)
  14. Iman7

    Can i have an official answer for this? I have almost 300 seeds and i want to know what to do with them.. I don't need more masks but i prefer to buy one or two of them than loosing the seeds to the next event in the eventuality of them being erased/not saved...
  15. Iman7

  16. Baz13

    Use em or loose em dood.
  17. Champagon

    Why cant they convert to certs:(
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  18. AgentStark427

    I would think they carry over to the next event, like a standardized event currency.
  19. Dieter Perras

    I hope they stick around till next year I was really busy around Halloween this year and didn't get to play much :(
  20. Joexer

    What would be cool is if they were converted to certs and make those wasted hours of my like useful again. Number of Pumpkin Seeds - Player level-(directive certs if obtained) =Cert Payout. So inexperienced players had a good reason to go on those "quests".
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