What was the magrider like before it got nerfed?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by IamDH, Nov 21, 2013.

  1. IamDH

    I heard that it could climb mountains but that doesnt really seem useful at all
  2. DevDevBooday

    It was death on (not) wheels.
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  3. VSDerp

    heres a video i recorded while back with a mag on the side of a amp station lol
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  4. headshotsultd

    You can still get magriders in weird places by riding on top of galaxies since they and sunderers are the only two vehicles that don't take damage in the process.
  5. Kociboss

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    It was able to get in places looking down where you weren't able to fire at it with another tank... and also the would simply by pass most of the roadblocks on the hills and shell the bases from hills... just take a look to quartz ridge and imagine that....
  7. YamiNoTenshi

    It was a hovering machine of death, full of fish and horror.
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  8. EMP1RE

    Magriders before the nerf were hilarious.

    I would be flying along and decide to land on top of an unassailable canyon to repair... Boom! My Reaver is in a million pieces. WTF? Magrider sitting on the opposite unassailable hill. Try to LA him. Can't climb hill with my jet pack. Priceless.
  9. treeHamster

    Haha are you sure that wasn't VanuLabs pissing around? It's either that or a flying saucer because the old Maggy couldn't do that.
  10. SenEvason

    I don't know, being able to climb mountains and other terrain where only aircraft could reach seems pretty useful in all sorts of situations.
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  11. deggy

    The Maggie can still get to a lot of those places, but it's more challenging.

    Ask the people who were nice enough to repair my tank when I took it up to Vanu Archives.
  12. Kapernum

    What are you on about. The old Magrider could do anything you wanted it to. It was a wonderful machine, worthy of the Vanu Sovereignty.
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  13. Linus

    Yes it is possible to do that on this spot with the magburner, because the hill is enough high and really close to the wall
    The hardest is to go down at the other side, you can land on a building top, but you have a high chance to be stuck
    I should try that with an harasser, one day
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  14. Phyr

    A Godless killing machine, that could occasionally fly. (allegedly)
  15. Paramecium

    The big nerf to the magrider's movement was rolled back a long time ago. The only remaining nerf is fwd+strafe speed. It used to be a lot more additive, meaning it was easier to climb things. At the same time they nerfed the fwd+strafe they did a nerf to the physics of the mag that made it almost completely unable to climb, that lasted a month or so and they rolled it back. You can now climb the same stuff you could before, it just takes a little more accuracy and patience.

    The real reason the magrider is seen as a lower tier in combat against other MBTs is because at the same time they nerfed our mobitlity they also BUFFED the projectile speed of the other two MBT cannons, while the mag's cannon got no buff. Projectile speed increase is a huge factor in parabolic arc, which effectively makes the other tanks far superior at hitting moving targets, and being a moving target is what the mag is supposed to do better than the other tanks.
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  16. Xasapis

    Well, the main thing was that it could really climb where other tanks couldn't.

    Then SOE decided that no tank should climb most mountains, so they applied butter to the entire planet.

    Then CU2 came and Magrider couldn't overcome a pebble without coming to an almost complete halt.

    Since then and in the course of the past ten months, the Magrider has been restored somewhat to be able to climb mountains, though it still has slightly worse traction compared to the other two. The other big difference is the hover height, the Magrider sits a lot lower today (top rival chassis is what default used to be). And of course Magburn, that only slightly helps with speed climbing these days (up to sometime during summer, magburn would do nothing if you were in an incline).

    The biggest, imo, thing was that the Magrider's secondary (Saron) was very potent back then. The end result was a bigger portion of Magrider drivers being 2/2 as opposed to the other factions obviously winning tank battles. Also, since all tanks had the same canon characteristics with the exception of damage, the Magrider could operate at longer ranges with the help of Saron. And of course, trying to hit a target with the Magrider canon at long range was an exercise in frustration, considering how easy it is to dodge shells at long ranges. Which of course bring us to the Magrider of today, a close to medium range tank, both due to the main tank limitations and also due to Saron modification.

    Bottom line, it wasn't just the loss of hill climbing, that happened for every ground vehicle in the game, that made the Magrider the ... problematic vehicle of today. It was the modication of many factors along with the introduction of new. For example, very few people were using lock on rockets back then, decimator did not exist, nor AV engineer turret.
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  17. treeHamster

    Haven't you heard? According to all the whiny babies in this game, moving is OP because it means you have to aim to hit it. So that's why the VS keep getting mobility nerfs.
  18. Prudentia

    i remember a Picture of Rayden78 (one of Millers better tankers and an Outfitmate) on a mountain shoting down on Inf and the Guy complaining that only Magriders can go up there and therefor they are OP... it was Zurvan Amp Station and Rayden drove down from the crown :rolleyes:
  19. Calisai

    The biggest was being able to activate the magburner while the tank basically faced upwards at rediculous angles... that allowed you to scale cliffs. The current Mag can probably get to about 80-90% of the same places, but it takes a lot more work, time and the effectiveness when you get there isn't as great. They also nerfed the amount of fuel the Boost uses (a tap uses 1/2 of the fuel by default, it used to use just a fraction).

    It could also hang on the side of a hill much easier than it does now by holding reverse... even when almost pointing straight down, however, that was almost required to offset the bad placement of the gun ( the downward angle that the Prowler and Vannie could shoot was a huge advantage if the Maggie couldn't force itself half over a cliff-side to line up a shot ).

    They've also played with the hover height on and off... A fully certed chassis used to make it so those vehicle barriers were less than a speed bump. (Mag can still get over most of them, but it takes a bit of positioning+boost and has a chance of catching on them)

    Also, the strafe had no inertia... so you could A-D-A-D and have instant response... nowadays there is an amount of inertia that slows down the change in direction, combined with the velocity increases to the other two MBTs, this has negated a majority of the OPness of the ADAD strafe (it used to work much better in medium ranges)

    Most of the issues with the old Mag were the fact that at the time of all this mobility and ability to shoot down from weird places was compounded with the sheer lack of AV against MBTs at release + the power of the HE weapons (which have been nerfed into near uselessness) + Bad Spawn/Base design giving infantry very little cover to hide behind.

    The increase in AV turrets and lock-on RLs has made most of those "cool spots" that the Maggie can get into... not a very tactically sound choice.... however, they make good youtube videos. ;)
  20. Paramecium

    Yes the Saron change to 6-shot clips was the nail in the coffin for the Mag's place as a long range platform. I miss my saron 1.0 with its quirky fire-delay. Beautiful weapon.