VR room will help you. Now that UBGL went down the way UBS did, there is not really much reason to use the T1S though, IMHO.
Thanks for the input. Personally, I'm not a big fan of the S variants though they do offer a little more in the way of utility- smoke was usually my preferred so the changes have not really affected my overall perception of those attachments. I know VR is a good suggestion and I will certainly put in some time testing there before I am able to unlock- it's just that this can be tedious with all the weapons/loadouts and there have been times where I have walked away with what later felt like a false impression so I was looking to supplement what I can get from VR with some personal experiences. I posted a similar thread in the LA class discussion and someone pointed out that there are no TR ARs that have the advanced forward grip options. They feel there is no easy counterpart among ARs for the AMC (no adv. forward grip, all TR ARs have higher ROF than AMC) so it looks like I will have to make some sacrifices and probably settle on something fairly different. Perhaps I should have said outright that I am looking for something mid-longish range that benefits from 4x scopes and higher as I tend to prefer a sharp shooter role. I know TR is hardcoded to lack a bit in this area, especially compared to NC where I have my main, so I am not expecting the same experience but so far I have been very pleased with the AMC considering I do not have all the attachments I want yet and not a lot of time with the weapon.
If we are talking 'mid-longish that benefits from 4x scopes', then try how SABR goes for you. There is no other real option in the TR AR arsenal as far as I know. I've seen people recommending T1B for the role, but I'm hesitant to recommend the thing, to be honest.
Yeah its hard to find those. I found Jaguar to be useful in every situation but that is not what you are looking for. You can only chose between SABR/T1S but I would go for SABR its good weapon in sharpshooters hands. Its not perfect for all situation but you should love it.
So far, yeah it looks like SABR is great suggestion. Curious about the T1B, as Takoita mentions, the stat sheets do seem to be suggestive in terms of handling since the horizontal recoil is relatively minimal and balanced LR- so I am wondering why some would be hesitant to suggest this option. These are on the top of my VR training list right now. Anyone have any other suggestions besides these two, or is this probably the best place to start testing?
For some odd reason tr medic didnt get 652rpm\143dmg auto rifle, like engi and heavy have. Instead we get burst fire 167dmg SABR. Its not a bad weapon but its burst fire. So if you not fan of clicking you might wanna avoid this gun. If not its laser beam accurate. Just dont use HVA and you good. Here is how you should see ingame weapons. 1. Defauld good in all situations. 2. S grade with a little worse stats than default but lots of attachments including UBGL\shotgun. 3. B grade with a little better stats than default but only bursting. 4. Close combat inaccurate but fast. 5. Long range accurate but slow. 6. Something random. Like jaguar, tar or bull. This is applies to all factions and classes. Exceptions heavies don't have burst weapons. Best choice here for you would be NS weapon or stick to the T1 cycler. NS more accurate but cycler more deadly. If you good at headshots NS would be your best friend. It can be really lethal in close and still deadly up to 250m. And yeah the SABR, but im not fan of it. I think TR should get the usual 143\652 as the AMC and Rhino. Faction which supposed to get the most high fire rate, get burst fire only as the only choice for long range. Burst fire weapons should not be the only option. Added. Here is something, if you didn't know. The guns with one sided recoil is better for you. Since you can easily compensate it. All NS weapons have it. T1 and SABR don't.
As for being hesitant about T1B, the only quantifiable reason I can name is that the benefits of being forcefully locked out of full auto do not seem to outweigh the downsides. "Surely I'll be able to limit myself to burst fire on the default T1 if I really need to?" I thought to myself. "Trigger discipline would be good for me anyways." ..yeah, no. I've just happened to pick up TRV some time ago and fell madly in love with it. Not that I necessarily do better with it than with the T1 - in fact, I'm pretty sure the stat site is telling me otherwise - but you would surprised how such a simple thing as the firing sound of your gun can transform your gaming experience.
In terms of performance similar to the AMC, the T1S with a Compensator, 1x/2x Reflex, Grip, and SPA or no ammo (ARs don't need HVA as much I think) is the closest. Its ROF is actually slightly higher, but it controls extremely well with all the recoil mitigation factors in place. Although it won't have the AMC's hipfire versatility, as it isn't a carbine and is running a Compensator (although you can go without at most ranges). In terms of best ranged damage output, SABR-13 for sure. It may well be the best Assault Rifle in the game and it's certainly one of the top weapons in the hands of a player with good aim. However it's a 167 damage burst weapon so it's really nothing at all like the AMC in that respect. Personally, I like and use both. The T1S is my generalist and midrange pick, with the T1 as my close quarters choice and the SABR for longer ranges and outdoors. I could easily use the SABR at midrange or even close range though, I just don't like having to click that much. I'm also tempted to replace the T1 with an underbarrel smoke launcher T1S and IRNV to gank people in smoke, but I like the reliability of a T1 with Laser Sight and the RPM edge is most important when hipfiring.
You can have one thread in two places at the same time? If so, I was not aware, thanks for the info. I figured that medics and LAs would be a good place to solicit, since AMC is a carbine and I'm asking about ARs- I also did not want to clutter the always cluttered "General Discussion".
Oh so you just wanted answers from both LA and medics. Makes sense, but now you get all your opinions cluttered about in two places and people posting in one thread aren't necessarily aware of the other. The simplest thing to avoid separate discussions on the same topic in situations like these is to just link from one thread's OP to the other
I'd say NS-11A if you want similar RoF/Handling or the SABR if you are looking for a long range weapon.
T1S Cycler with compensator and grip is the closest TR AR to the T5 AMC. NS-11A is noticably different in ammo capacity and its recoil pattern.
I like the T1B but it's not a mid-long range gun. What messes it up there is its first shot recoil multiplier. At longer ranges, you need to fire at the mid-lower body or else your last two shots will fly over his head. The last two shots land close together but not near the first. HVA improves your ability to lead and reduces drop, but you ironically have to aim a bit lower because of that extra vertical recoil impacting the other two bullets. If you toy around in VR shooting at the targets on the field, you'll see what I mean. Exact same issue the M16A4 had in BF3, I might add. It does kick *** in midrange environments like inside the walls of amp stations. You can rip off some rapid and accurate bursts there without needing to compensate much for that grouping issue. And since horizontal recoil is essentially nonexistent, especially with a grip, you can just aim at the centre body and walk the shots up to a headshot. I run mine with a 2x, grip, and HVA.
TRV USERS UNITE! I have Auraxianed every assault rifle now and then went back to my beloved TRV. Best assault rifle, has alot of personality and burps death.
This is exactly how I feel about the NC's Reaper DMR. Lots of personality, and hits like a freight train.