Hello everyone, I'm trying to figure out what I should purchase with my certs next. I just bought the Carnage AR (I picked HA on my Quiz thing so I got the EM6) and am torn between buying the ALS for the Carnage AR, or buying Rez Grenades and Grenade Bandoleer 1. I know that the Rez Grenades are a cert grinding machine, but I find myself needing to pull out my gun more than I do heal... I already have Rank 5 Nanite restoration field thing (not the shield bubble, the AOE heal thing) and I think Rank 2 ASC (Since i can heal myself with the restoration field, I would think that ASC would be more useful than Nanoweave.) Thanks, Skiptrac3 of Connery's 666th Devil Dogs!
Have you maxed out your medic tool yet? That would be a good place to put your certs, if you haven't. In the long run, this will probably increase your cert gain more than rez grenades. If you've got that already, well, you could probably go either way on the ALS or rez grenades. I mean, there's no reason not to buy both, and will only take a few hours more to earn the extra certs.
I'm 5/6 on Medic Tool, So would the 500 Certs be more useful in Medic tool or Tier 1 Nade Bandolier and Rez Nades?
If you can control your burts for mid-long encounters (so that you won't need the forward grip), the ALS on the Carnage is godlike in CQC situations. If you plan to stick to that weapon for some time, get the ALS before going for res nades / bandoleer.
Just hit BR40 in the past four weeks specializing in Medic and Engineer. I think I purchased Rez grenade (1), then maxed Medtool, and only then went and maxed Grenade Bandolier. However, with Grenade Bandolier you don't have the durability of Medics with, ASC, Nanoweave, or Flak Armor ... so I tend to hang back using a longer range weapon so I can throw grenades where they are needed. Only one of my four AR's has a laser sight on it; the rest have grip.
You have your gun out more than you heal? Let me tell you a trick I learned playing Medic. It is called follow the stupid heavy. The young recruit is silly-- 'e thinks o' suicide. 'E's lost 'is gutter-devil: 'e 'asn't got his pride; But day by day they kicks 'im, which 'elps 'im on a bit. Till 'e finds 'isself one mornin' with a full and proper kit. Gettin' clear o' dirtiness, gettin' done with mess, Gettin' shut o' doin' things rather-more-or-less. --Rudyard Kipling replace young recruit with stupid heavy and kicks with revives and you'll get the idea.
Oh yes. I main medic, and one of my biggest mistakes was not wanting to save up the 500 certs for the last rank of the medic tool! (That and maxing out triage. Still the worst 1,350 certs I ever spent. Though it has gotten a bit better now that it heals outside the vehicle too.)
I would strongly suggest not forgeting shield restoration field ("the bubble") after medical tool, self-heal and armor are maxed. It has more uses besides the obvious cert farming (+10-20 xp every other seccond in a choke point even when your are dead isn't bad though). Marking the choke point where team's help is needed the most at the moment sometimes works wonders and speaks louder (and faster) than typing in chat. And on a funny note, if you ever find yourself lonely, abandoned and outgunned in a battle - just place the bubble, it works as a magnet and the backup will surround you in a form of teammates who's shields are down (on the condition that you are more-less at the place where your are supposed to be as a medic).
Here are my two loadouts I use all the time. Support Medic Revive tool lv6 (must have MAX level) Shield regeneration field lv6 (very helpful for your guys to get back to full strengh and it has a 7 meter radius) Flak armour lv4 (so you can survive those stupid grenades and rocets, also no need for the last level, 40% resistance is enough) Med kits (so you can heal yourself) Reznades (farm friendlies with them I use this one in BIG fights where grenade/rocket/c4/MAX spam kills hundreds of people left and right and I am in there trying to heal people. Or when I just want to support my team more or when we are holding a point/defending. With shield bubble and revive tool I can easily get 30,000 score/hour or about 100-120certs per hour. You will get ribbons for reviving, healing and shielding Assault Medic Revive tool lv6 (MAX level is a must have) Life regeneration device lv5 (your health will always be full, this allows you to be much more dynamic and no need to have med kits) Nanovawe armour lv5 (this and life regeneration gives you a lot of extra health to work with) C4 (now you can hunt MAXes and vehicles) Grenades/Reznades (they are both solid options) With this loadout I can survive 2-3 more bullets, making me very strong in 1v1 fights. With c4 and life regeneration I become much more active and dynamic on the battlefield able to handle more situations. Weapons All NC assault rifles are good.Carnage AR is my favourite because it is good for CQC and middle range fights. It has fast ROF, good recoil (just pull your mouse down), good hip fire and 0.75 ADS MM!!! I use forward grip and 1x reflex sight. It is THE BEST Suit slot Nanowave>ASC=Flak armor>Grenade bandolier>Ammo belt This shows you how many times each suit slot will come in handy. In my opinion nanowave will save your life the most times (also dont use ASC with Shield bubble and spaming reznades can be expensive as one costs 75 nanites and one is usualy enough in most situations)
Weapons/Suit: Deciding GUN you want to **** out; yeah. I admit using some station cash for that; (and unlocks on any toon, another bonus). Tool/Ability: Mediapp 6 asap (even if you're assault medic) that's my best advice. 1. Medi Tool/app 6 > Rez Nades - Many get it to 4, then say hmm Id rather get rez nades (500 cert vs 400, yes, Reznades are awesome, but pale in the use your 6 rank tool gets. You won't notice until you get it; the difference in range, heal/revive speed, not only does it allow you to heal/revive faster and further out of range but because of that, you survive longer and don't need to worry about healing off anyone after revival. 2 meter more range over rank 4 is very noticeable, and revive speed from 45 to 65% is too. Less so but still very great is 40-50% heal speed. But really - best 500 certs as a medic I've spent. C4 - don't forget! I know many medics esp support focused don't get it. If you focus on assault; maybe you go for this over Revive Nades first. I'd def get Rez Nades first. But even the biggest support medics need c4. I neglected it for a while but it makes you so much more lethal; I don't run and hide when MAX's come or a vehicle shoots at me. Okay, yeah I will at first But I don't feel helpless. I can at least take a max out or try and hurt a vehicle enough.