I've been playing as a VS Medic for approximately 3 weeks now and I'm still enjoying it a lot. I've already gotten the fully certed level 6 medical applicator and fully certed nano-regen. As for the suit, I've gotten all levels of Flak resistance except for the last which I'm hesitating to buy because it's 1000... At the moment, I have 300 spare certs, using the Stock Pulsar with a laser sight. (I haven't bothered with getting a new weapon up to this point since the Pulsar with the laser pointer is good enough for me; focused on other more important things first.) Also, I've certed one level into C4 as I don't really find Medical kits useful as a medic... What should I get next as a medic? Save up for a new weapon? (I heard that H-V45 was really good) Cert more into vehicles? (I only have the S-AMS and the level 1 Magburner) Any advice would be appreciated. Please post and comment below. Thanks.
Specialize your medic to be more situational on short, medium and long range engagement by getting a gun that fits each situation. I think the pulsar is best in medium range engagements (not a vanu myself so cant say for sure). So get a gun that spits bullets fast when u think u will be fighting at short range and a gun that does lot of damage or has fastest projectile velocity for long range. all gun statistics https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...=VS&sortcolid=35&sortasc=true&rowsperpage=250 check stats for each gun here. I'm thinking about getting C4 for medic too because the health items just arent worth it with medic ability.
A solid weapon is pretty important for a Medic. Fairly high priority. The H-V45 is excellent at close range. I used a grip on the stock Pulsar so my hip fire ability was worse than yours with a laser sight, but the higher fire rate + naturally tighter hip fire was very noticeable for close range fights when I trialed the H-V45 (did it during a Bio Lab fight). With two ranks to get the advanced laser sight it's even better. Only caution is that if you're missing, you blow through your 30 shots faster and have less time to correct and you will blow through all your ammo a little faster. Worth the extra oomph over the Pulsar, imo. You can still burst fire at longer ranges. Suppressor/Soft point is optional, as it will decrease bullet velocity making longer range shots more challenging. The only reason I still use the Pulsar is because I was close to the 100 cert medal (under 100 kills to go now), after which I'll likely rarely use it over the H-V45 if ever. The other main close range option is a shotgun. Trial them first, the range at which it'll reliably kill is fairly short (shorter than an Advance Laser sight H-V45 can hip fire, imo). You can click the semi autos fast enough to make the automatic version (Pandora) not too important. Nova has an extra 12 shots in reserve over the other two (two extra loaded with 8 vs 6 and 40 instead of 30 extra). Extended mag will add 4 shots to any shotgun so the extra two isn't that major. Can also put on slug ammo and a scope for long range shots. VS get to enjoy no bullet drop making long range shots significantly easier to line up than other factions. Don't have a long range weapon yet personally as I was ok with Pulsar + Grip. Heard the CME is ok (some find it underwhelming, friend seems content with it) and the new Corvus has gotten some positive reviews. The second C4 is rather nice compared to a single brick - lets you kill any tank you can sneak up on. You'll put full health Sunderers down to burning (die after 20-30 seconds if not repaired) with 2 C4 - it won't insta kill them without damage from another source, but it's a very good option to have. Single brick is basically for killing an enemy MAX and the rare kill on a wounded vehicle. Agreed with med kits being redundant on a Medic, especially when you focus on the class and upgrade the heal aura. Some people love Revive grenades. I'd rather have the normal frag for extra offensive options in combat, but opinions vary. Pretty expensive - they'll take awhile to pay for themself. They rezz people at 50% health regardless of your med tool level. Low priority, imo. Final rank of Flak is on the list for me too. Another 11% is worth it, just a matter of when those 1k certs won't feel more effective spread around elsewhere. I imagine it'll be a few months as personally I'll be certing out a few vehicles more extensively first (Medic/Engi split, personally). On the vehicle side - Scout Radar on the Flash. Judge it based on rank 2 before getting rank 3 (rank 1 is too short). You will not regret it. Best certs I've spent anywhere in the game.
depends on your playstyle, if you're full support then getting another is weapon is useless vs. lvl 6 flak if u want more kills etc the NV sight is cheapest/biggest bang for buck upgrade imo, lasers is cqc and at that distance u dont need anything beside practice. and the stock CM weapons are good forever. if you want to provide abit more medium-long range helpfulness i guess the ns11? altho i see Cm as a backline, keep infanrty movin forward thing. I chose flak6 cause most times im healin/revivin areas spammed by grenades/launchers/stupid air rockets/etc......so yah
Another thing to think about cert spenditure....its double xp for another 8-10 days???? save for the most expensive stuff is what i think. Unless of course you got an outift blah blah blah rolling bases etc.
If you want to blow up vehicles spend those c4 cert points on a light assault. A medic is great for many things, But light assault is far and away better for blowing up vehicles.