Flak armor, pretty much keep flak armor on heavy, engineer, and medic at all times. Ammo for infiltrator and light assault. Nanoregen for max.
Yeah, you can poke your head out 2 and a half seconds quicker - or potentially live long enough to be able to get to cover.
Hm maybe I'm the only one here, but i play medic with grenade bandolier level 1. I just like it to have a second grenade available. Brought me lot of kills inside air-tower stairways or other bottleneck-areas. I don't certed the revivie grenade yet, but this will also synergy well.
oh, i´m sorry, there are no recharge-the-shielde-kits. but i think for a more offensive medic this would be good: nanoweavearmor+maxed healability if you get shot, just switch on the healthing. DO NOT FORGET THE HEAL-THING TO HEAL YOURSELF ^^ it saved my a s s soooo many times. or in 1vs1 it´s nice, if you don´t have the GR-22(or the other CQC rifle). or advanced shield cap. with medikits. but why picking medikits? you already have the ability to heal yourself. so a better shieldcap with maxed selfhealability would be the best
I understand this argument but is it taking your AOE heal into account whilst being shot at? Medics can directly control their damage by heals and resto kits.
I use the medkits on my medic because I don't have C4 and don't have anything else to put in that slot yet. It has saved me a few times though.
Somebody posted a graph a few days ago. Basically, with nanoweave 1 you survive 1 more bullet. With nanoweave 5 you can survive 1 more bullet and up to 2 in very rare situations with very large damage drop off. I'm not entirely sure high levels in nanoweave are worth it.
Medic is the only class I use nanoweave on. And I have a very hard time with how so many people don't see the point of it. Oh well.. I'll keep tanking and spanking while everyone forgets this is a medic discussion..
You are not taking into account the medic's nano regen ability which basically throws all of that out of the window. Read through the thread and youll see. Basically the Regenerative capabilities are enhanced by the higher health basically giving you much MUCH more health in a fire fight especially if you know how to disengage and draw out a fight but for the most part you wont need to. Nanoweave armor and max nano regeneration means you are more durable then a HA but with less fire power and more team utility. Not to discredit Heavy Assaults which are still just as important in any engagement of not more but the medic is perfectly capable of handling himself on his own. On the other side if you are the type of medic that holds onto the group as tight as possible and almost never takes out their firearm then Flak armor is going to be superior. Airstrike from a liberator? No problem let me just rez you all and heal myself before he can make a second sweep. Stuff like that.Its very important that you can survive situations where your squad couldnt when crap hits the fan and Flak Armor is perfect for this. Shield regen isnt really useful as it applies no direct improvement to durability(only the delay before you can get into a fight) and ultimately that isnt very useful for a Combat Medic especially with the regeneration abilities. Its effectively only good for keeping your shield up so you dont take health damage...except you can easily heal health damage with the push of a button unlike with other classes. TLR Nanoweave for Combat Medic, Flak Armor for Team Hug Medic
You make some excellent points, didn't think about the synergy with the nano regen. I'm pretty happy with how my medic is doing offensively (melting face with the TRV). Right now I'm saving up for the lvl 6 med tool, will look into enhancing my nanoweave and nano regen further afterwards.
nanoweave owns all. I very often survive every sniper shot with lvl 4 nanoweave. some guys can get you down to 2 bars of HP (0 shield) with one sniper round. I assume that would kill a lesser soldier, without nanoweave.
Flak Armor if you want to really play the medic role in the heat of the battle... it will honestly keep you alive more times than you can count. OR Nanoweave or shieldregen if you want to pretend to be a one-man army.
Not really. Flak protects you from indirect hits from: rocket launchers, grenade launchers, hand grenades, tank fire, A2G rockets, turret cannons, and assorted other explosives that don't hit you directly in the face. The vast majority of your foes will be attacking you with firearms, which Flak provides absolutely no bonus against. Using Nanoweave, which still provides some protection against explosives, makes you better capable of reacting to any threat, instead of just one type. You can always run for cover from most explosives, but chances are that if you're getting hit by stuff that blows up, you're going to get killed, regardless of what kind of armor you're wearing. I'd rather say that Flak is for if you don't have the patience to not charge headfirst through every doorway you see, with no concern for whether there are mines there or not.
It was a funny read though, to see how perceptions have changed. Flavor points very strongly towards Nanoweave or Flak nowadays, when last year there were far more suggestions being bounced around