What should I spend my 500 Certs on?

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Lamp23, Mar 10, 2013.

  1. Lamp23

    I play as TR Combat Medic, have 500 certs and don't know what to spend them on. I have already bought the T1S Cycler, with the under barrel grenade launcher, compensator and 2x Reflex sight. I have the first C4, a level 5 medical applicator (not going to upgrade that any further), a bit of flak armour and level 3 nano regen field. I also bought the vehicle starter pack with SC. I've got the tank buster for the Lib, the Halberd for the Prowler, the rotary for the Mosquito and the spawn utility ams for the sunderer. Any suggestions on where to go next?
  2. Lamp23

    Any help would be appreciated.
  3. Suroped

    We will probably get certs reset next month so you can buy whatever makes game fun and don't forget there will be VR training area next wednesday where you can try out guns and attachments. First get IR/NV, basically must have scope for your favorite gun. If you still want to use reflex sights at night get flash suppressor, enemies are still able to see you on the minimap but you won't get blinded by muzzle flash and it has less accuracy reduction than suppressor. Second C4 is a good choice but don't expect to be a vehicle destroyer, it's HA and EN role. If you get C4 get level 4 flack, it's as i remember 39% splash damage reduction. Mineguard for sunderer or flash if you so desire. Don't buy grenades unless you really want to. I see you are in a big outfit why not ask people there?
  4. Lamp23

    Thanks, didn't think of asking outfit.
  5. RasFW

    We will probably be able to BUY cert resets if thats what you meant.

    500 certs and you play a combat medic with an outfit? Revive or healing grenades. They will looooove you. If you already have that, grenade bandolier. So you can throw multiple heal/rev nades.
  6. Cardozo

    I don't understand this. If you main medic you MUST max your applicator. Reviving folks takes no time at all and they hop up with full health. You would be mad not drop the certs into your applicator.
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  7. Lamp23

    I know level 6 is good, but atm I don't really feel like I'm missing out using level 5, and I'm more interested in other upgrades :p.
  8. Kinmaul

    If you are a dedicated medic then you are missing out. The increased range and the full health revive means you get back to shooting people faster.
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  9. ytman

    Lvl 5-6 isn't a huge difference compared to the Revive Grenade.

    If you like being in the Sunderer you could always get the ammo utility upgrade. If you like the Prowler Rival Chasis + Front Armor is a good upgrade. HEAT is all you need in MBT v MBT battles (AP is nice but you sacrifice a lot) and certing into zoom/ammo capacity is great, reload is also good.
  10. Cardozo

    My medic is fully certed except for triage (2xc4, max applicator, max flak, revive grenades, max nano regen etc.) and I can tell you from experience that the applicator is the best upgrade you can get both for getting certs and supporting your squad. To each his own though, I suppose. If you really refuse to upgrade it, you have a few options. From what I've seen, the T1S doesn't have that much stopping power. You might consider trialing the TAR and TRV to see if either one of those would justify you giving up your underslung grenades. Flak armor is nice, you might as well almost max it (the last level is 1k certs which is a pain and only worth it if you're swimming in certs). Nano regen isn't terribly expensive and it's worth maxing. It's alright at AOE healing but it really shines at keeping you alive during/after firefights. Drop a point into triage. It's not too expensive and it comes in handy when you're in a vehicle. Grab the second block of c4 too. You can knock out lightnings and tanks with just the c4 and set sundies on fire. It's not terribly expensive and it will keep your sundy alive while travelling. It's also handy for slowing down engies that try to tankmine you when you're deployed.

    I would also like to echo what was said about gun attachments. The night vision scope is a must have for every gun that you run. It gives you a HUGE advantage at night time over guys that run reflexes and the like. You should definitely run at least a flash suppressor (if not the regular suppressor) at night as well.

    Edit: revive grenades will eventually pay for themselves, so you may as well pick them up. It feels great to toss one and get 1k+ xp in a biolab. They can also really change the tide of battle.
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  11. Dusty Lens

    I know other people will, and have, echoed this: Upgrade to the final tier of medical applicator. I know it is expensive. It will pay for itself very, very quickly. The final tier of medical applicator is very likely the most definitive and observable final tier upgrade to anything in the game. The additional heal time, reach and effect will allow you to heal much more much more quickly.

    I was extremely wary about investing the certs in the final tier. The first time I used my upgraded applicator I broke into a grin.

    However, if you're dead set against it may I suggest a second brick of C4? If you already have the under barrel grenade launcher 2x C4 and a boomer will be enough to total a Sunderer. Furthermore the second block of C4 will allow you to nuke any tanks that you chance upon.

    I've made a ton of regret certs in this game. 2x C4 and the final tier of medical applicator have not been amongst them. The C4 have proven awesome on so many occasions. The medical applicator has paid itself off time and again. Both are excellent investments.

    Or, if you don't have it yet. Get the TRV. It's a fantastic addition to your close quarters armory.
  12. irishroy

    do you play medic often?
    IMHO, they aren't really worth the certs^^
    the bounce like hell.
    but everybody has its own opinion on them :D

    a lvl6 medgun is better than the rezznades/healnades.
    for these fancynades you have to trade your fragnade away....^^
    if you're interested in my Combatmedicguide
    i am not a pro concerning TR and VS guns, but i think the certifications"guide" is a very decent one.
  13. RasFW

    I honestly do not, but I've seen them used to great effect. And heal nades are very nice to walk into.
  14. Cardozo

    Ignore this. Here is my own opinion on them. I have 200 hours logged of PS2 currently, 97% of which is medic. I have capped bases because of revive grenades, I have gotten 1000+ xp from numerous grenades, I can't speak highly enough of them. Yes, they bounce, that's why you control them. The AOE from them is large enough that it doesn't take much practice to use them effectively. If a scatMAX or something clears a point, throw a grenade in, then pull the max away. Your buddies can retake the point and help you finish him. If you come around a corner and see 10 dead bodies and 5 enemies, don't bother shooting. Throw a grenade and sacrifice yourself. Chances are one of the guys is a medic that can bring you up after they clean up the mess. Revive grenades are incredibly situational, but when you come across the right situation they are glorious,.
  15. irishroy

    ignore this.
    well, i didn' want to bring the "hurrdurr, i've played more hours than you..."-argument...
    i have played ~280hrs....
    u said, they are very situational, and they are.
    i just think a fully certed medtool does a better job, because of:
    -the very long range that the healbeam has (i think 4.5m or something like that)
    -1 rezz=1s
    -rezz at 100% health

    and please don't be so rude, just because you had some special moments woth your nades.
    i also had some awesome kills with them.
    trust me. i have played 280hrs
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  16. Herrick

    I personally found the final tier of medical applicator kind of underwhelming, I didn't notice any increase in range despite the fact it's supposed to be double that of the previous tier or any increase in speed. So basically it was just 500 certs to put people back up at full health. No idea if this is intentional or just typical SoE brand quality control.

    Revival nades are as annoying to aim as normal ones but good for recovering after some Airchav/tank as blown his load over your squad, for best results pair it with flack (and as a medic you should always have flack). Healing grenades are useless because you're a healing grenade yourself.
  17. irishroy

    a fully certed medgun:
    longer range
    higher healrate
    faster rezztime (1s)
    rezz at 100% health.
  18. Herrick

    I know that is what it is supposed to do. I can read item tooltips.

    What I'm saying is I'm not sure if the changes are actually in game. I still have to be on top of someone to heal/revive, I've not gotten any improved range at all.
  19. drNovikov

    Max level med applicator.
  20. GalacticBulge

    I'm going to echo the majority of the the sentiments of others and say that maxing out your medical applicator is worth it. You'll be racking up cert's more quickly and will recoup the investment after a few days of normal play.