What music do you play to?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dieter Perras, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. Dieter Perras

    Personally when I play I mute the in-game music and put on my own (I've got a playlist for each faction). I like putting songs on my playlists that "fit" the faction I'm playing.

    Do the evolution by Pearl Jam for VS
    indestructable by disturbed for TR
    Uprising by Muse for NC

    I would really like some more songs to add to my playlists (which are unfortunately rather short at the moment) so what songs do you guys play to? Do you have certain songs for certain factions? Can you suggest some songs for me to add?
  2. Devrailis

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  3. Chubzdoomer

    The sound of my own guns accompanied by the orchestra of my foes' death screams.
  4. 3Stan2112

    There are so many in-game audio cues/clues, why would you want to listen to music to obscure them? I've had the in-game music turned off for a long time.
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  5. Chipay

    Bro, step up your game
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  6. Dieter Perras

    Well I don't turn it up that loud understand it's just in the background. I actually find I play better with music :confused:.

  7. Tommyp2006

    as TR

    (whole playlist)

    and this on repeat
  8. Wobberjockey

    i don't play to music, because then i can hear enemy infiltrators cloak and uncloak
  9. Huxer

    This is an interesting to me since I have been playing with my own music for a very long time. I know there are cues and maybe I could hear footsteps on steel better or the sound of a light assault jump jets more clearly if I didn't have my music play, but... so what. I want to have fun not be an optimal killer. Anyone who is this concerned about winning is only going to make themselves rage while playing this game. Honestly, have you ever played a FPS where you got shot in the back so often?

    I digress, I like to listen to soothing music, anything to help me keep myself calm, it seems to help with the "knee jerk" reaction in the moment when all that matters is keeping focused. I load up albums I own and play them, I used to listen to hard rockin stuff like ac/dc or something of the sorts but now I think like a bob Marley, james taylor or enya is better for this game. I tried classical music too, it's okay but it just wasn't as soothing to me personally.
  10. Devrailis

    All my likes.
  11. ShinBreaker

    When I'm sniping on my VS I jam to Blackmill music. It's calming and makes me focus on that specific task.

    Other than that, it's mandatory that I mute all sorts of music because situation awareness, the sounds of gunfire, and the environment around me is important in CQC.
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  12. doombro

    Dubstep when using a bolt action rifle
    in-game music every other time.
  13. Kristan

    How would I hear enemy infiltrators farting around me? Or stomping of the enemy MAX walking towards me around the corner?
    There is so many things to hear that you can use for your situational awareness.
  14. Masten-TR

    The orchestra of my guns accompanied by the chorus of my foes' death screams.
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  15. Chubzdoomer

    That's more like it
  16. WyrdHarper

    I listen to the sound of bad players who listen to music crying. No offense to you of course, but sound makes up a HUGE part of the situational awareness in this game, especially in the air. Picking out an enemy infiltrator cloak (they sound different for each faction) or a scythe or reaver approaching you, or even certain enemy weapons firing, or the different MAX footsteps tells you SO much information about your opponent's location and what to expect.
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  17. Traxiconn

    Allow me to say, don't call people bad for listening to music. I'll have you know that I listen to music while playing and I heard an inf that no one else near it heard. How do I know? People kept running past him. Don't take this the wrong way but quit acting like everyone needs to have a 10 KDR.

    Now on topic, I prefer symphonic metal. And some trance when I'm on at 4 AM flying a mossie for fun without dog fighting. Just stunt flying really. :)
  18. Cromell

    I'm playing to the music of a minichaingun.
  19. WyrdHarper

    I was mostly teasing there. I don't expect everyone to have a super great awesome stats (gods know mine aren't amazing), but at the same time, I'd rather not have sound-blind squadmates. It's also (imo) much much more important for air than infantry, though turning up sound effects can help. Most people miss infiltrators anyway--even though they're quite visible.

    The one thing I REALLY can't stand is when people have music in the background on a stereo or aren't using headphones and are talking in voice chat. I've yelled at people on command for this, because I generally have leader turned up since it's usually high priority, and nothing is worse than someone asking for help in ROCK ON DEATH METAL RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. For solo play music is alright and all, but I'm not a fan of people having background sounds when they're in squads/platoons where voice chat is so so important.
  20. Dieter Perras

    I said it once before

    So I turn it to a volume where it's there and I can enjoy it but sound effects like infiltrators I can still hear.