What Makes You Rage Quit

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CovertYank, Jan 5, 2016.

  1. johnway

    Nothing hacks me off faster than a massive deathstreak and if its to the same individual that makes it even worse. I must admit i am a k/d stat ***** and it bugs me when i find that i'm dying more than i'm killing. It shows i spend more time being prey than killer, i'm being detrimental to my team but worst of all, someone else is having fun at my damn expense and humiliation.

    More often however i quit in disappoint. if i can't get into a fight or find some excitement in this game i just groan and play something else.
  2. MikeyGeeMan

    Teamkilling. If it's happening all over the place I log off. And play arena total war or csgo.
  3. zaspacer

    When both Indar and Amerish are Continent Locked.
  4. DarkJackal

    When I had other stuff to do and I forgot to do it.
  5. Diilicious

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  6. AxiomInsanity87

    The irony is that i switched to ps4 from the pc version lol.

    It doesn't get any more elite than playing with all the people who pretend they turn aim assist off lol.
  7. Liewec123

    sometimes whatever i pull will be the wrong thing,
    like spending 15 minutes on burster max staring at empty skies, switch to AV/AI, step away from the terminal and get lolpodded / dalton'd...
    or trying to fight infantry with Comets (doable but harder than AI weapons), finally switch to AI weapons because there are no vehicles and a lightning will roll over and kill you almost instantly.

    things like that came make me say "FU then!" to the game, atleast for a short while before i come back to repeat it all over again :p
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  8. Abraham with Cheese

    What makes me rage-quit more than anything else is to see that my K/D and/or score (which I use as a means of seeing how much I am contributing to the team/objective) are very low after at least an hour, though only if latency is unplayably bad, my fps continually drops to where certain points look like a sped-up slideshow, or just being off-game for that day.
  9. oberchingus

    Non-rendering AT Mines and Lockonside 2.
  10. cobaltlightning

    For me, back to OP, it's when I'm not listened to, or my own tactic isn't even considered.

    A couple examples was to try and gal-drop behind a big enemy fortified position to defend a base, but Mr. Platoon Lead. said 'Naw, let's farm 'em.' Five minutes later we lost the base.

    Next one is me saying we won't be able to take that one base with a 45%-55% population disadvantage. 'Naw man, we can DO IT!' ~3 minutes later all our ASMs are blown up.

    Last time a public platoon leader listened to me, we won an Indar alert with a marginal lead.
  11. bLind db

    I can add max-****ter spam and garbage server quality, which is fortunately becoming 100% uptime in this game. Thanks for that, DBG.
  12. Archard

    Getting pushed all the way back to the warpgate by both factions just to see 1 hex out in the middle of the map with 96+ allies fighting the Alamo.

    More of a sad-quit.
  13. jmdafk

    For me its largely when i start getting owned.
    You know, the times you ambush an infil when you have an auto shotgun and fully charged sheilds. He simply ADAD's a little to avoid everysingle round you fire, then flicks round and kills you with a handul of shots from his pistol, or in the case where he has just killed 5 of your team mates - his seemingly infinite ammo SMG.
    After 20 deaths like this i realise its time to un-install the rubbish that is PS2 (then wake up the next day gagging for more cool PS2)