What Makes You Rage Quit

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CovertYank, Jan 5, 2016.

  1. RainbowDash9

    so much this its not even funny.

    but what makes me rage quit is whenever someone in the house gets on youtube >.<
    my town doesnt really have good internet providers so i have to take the internet hostage. but then they get on and i yell at them and they be like:
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  2. Matt0193

    Air/Tank zergs ruining potential fights.
    Liberators being able to survive well beyond what they should while being as lethal to air as they are to ground.
    A2A ESFs killing any desire I have to learn to fly in this game.
    Archers making MAXes almost worthless.
    Spawn Room Warriors.
    Ravens/Gatekeepers/Lancers being massed.
    Being unable to hit Galaxies and Liberators flying above a spawn or building because you can't get the elevation.

    No one particular thing makes me quit but when I've run into enough crap for the day I just tab out and close the game.
  3. Savadrin

    So a tiny bit of distance and small hill or depression can solve the straight up problem, though I really think all AA guns (especially) should be able to point straight up. I don't understand why they can't, because this is indeed annoying.

    Fortunately for TR with the Striker, all I need to do is move about 50m and then the rockets do the rest. Typically, the spawn room area is far enough out from center than I can unload a whole stock of strikers and either blow up a Gal/Lib eventually or simply force them away.
  4. JudgeNu

    I don't ragequit. I just quit.
  5. JohnGalt36

    When people do this to me:

    I know this is a dick move, but I made a few of these videos to prove a point.
  6. Savadrin

    Do it with an engineer, hardmode.
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  7. Colonelveers12

    I feel your pain, whenever one of my family uses the internet at my house while I'm trying to planetside, it's pretty much back to single player for me :/
  8. Vaphell

    gimbal lock affecting the rotational coordinates, or in other words **** stops working. The usual "fix" is to cut off a few last degrees before hitting 90degs.
    Angling works with vehicles because their rotation gets compounded with the weapon rotation, but peasant stuff (bursters, HA tubes) is SoL because always vertically aligned infantry models lack that additional degree of freedom. This is doubly bad in a game where the beefiest units of all can comfortably hover in a dead zone of their "counters" AND attack straight down no problem thanks to a different alignment of their coordinates.
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  9. Bu11ish

    Am max.
    Dies half a meter out of spawn.
    Doesn't get revived.

    Am max.
    Have 2 hp.
    In spawn spamming V3.
    No repairs.
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  10. Matt0193

    Best part is when you're sat with Nanite Repair on regenerating and some prat shoots you "because you're afk scrub".
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  11. Klabauter8

    The "teamplay" in this game makes me rage quit, and is also the main reason why I can't really enjoy this game anymore.

    The game is just full of idiots and lone wolves, which really sucks if the game is so much about teamplay.

    It's like at least every second gunner I get has not the slightest idea what he is doing there, which is really annoying after some time.

    And then on the other hand you can be happy if you get any gunner at all, and don't just have to wait 10 minutes next to a spawn point.
  12. Savadrin

    Takes time to mind meld gunners and drivers, doesn't it? :D

    Always nice to pick up a good gunner randomly though.
  13. SarahM

    Rage... what? I only quit when I need some sleep.

    I thought most modern game engines use unit quaternions to represent rotations to avoid gimbal lock (and save memory), but seriously, even with rotation matrices, limiting the forward vector (aka view direction) to allow looking straight up while preventing the camera/players head from turning over is as simple as computing the angle between the forward vector and the forward vector projected on the plane spanned by the worlds right vector and forward vector and preventing rotations for which the angle between forward vector and projected forward vector falls outside a certain range, e.g. [-60°,90°]. Do note: the resulting angle lies within [-180°,180°], e.g. looking straight ahead would be 0°, looking straight up 90°, straight down -90° (or the other way around, depending on which vector is put into the dot product first). *nitpick*
  14. Savadrin

    This sounds like it's as simple as vector calculus. Though in concept, I get what you're saying :p
  15. 0dineye

    When I am flying a Reaver and encounter a Mosquito. At this point when I see one I will just fly toward it, hop out and throw C4 or Tank Mine at ti. It worked once, better anything my ESF could do against it. Still, I am happy with the balance because it seems like scythes have about the same luck against me.
  16. KnightCole

    Pretty much that, unloading into a guy only to have him or someone else kill me because I was busy shooting a dead guy.......

    That more then anything else.

    Also, when the game starts giving me random, ******** deaths, like dropping me through the floor on load in, thinking that a flat, level, open field is an Anti-Tank mine(with no mine btw). When it thinks a pole is enough to blow my tank up. When you get out of a vehicle and it decides you need to die to the air molecules beside the thing. Random ******** like that.

    But above all, and the main reason I pretty much quit, was the unloading 40 rounds into a single guy and him killing me in like 2, despite me firing waaaay first, scoring tons of hits, and him just turnings, pow...dead....


    Oh, and PLanes....and when I get a MAX suit pulled in my honor....
  17. OldMaster80

    Realizing my team is doing nothing but running after kdr and they're doing nothing to help me.
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  18. Taemien

    Engie with 5 bricks can get two tanks. At least they're ahead in resources when they do it. In the video he showed he's being useless to his team. He spent more resources than the guy in the tank lol.

    A useless LA killing a useless tank in the middle of nowhere. And he gets riled up about it when it happens to him, by his account of course.

    I don't understand people sometimes. They worry about the dumbest of sh-t.
  19. Zeborah76

    that pll stay to much in a save room and shooting other players just for certs -.-
    when we have the man power to take back the base but sadly no

    pew pew in that save room and w8 till the time ticks bye till we lose the base :(
    i so hate that style off gaming
  20. matt0027

    Not sure I've rage quit, but the thing that pisses me off the most is when I'm in a Prowler, taking part in an armor duel, start backing up for cover and reps, and all the sudden there's a TR Lightning that drives up directly behind me, blocking my retreat. Momentarily I get the urge to just start pumping everything I've got into the Lightning, but I just say f it.

    Oh, and when there's a lag spike and you and the vehicle you're closest both blow up. And it says you TKed each other.