What level/type of jumpjets needed...

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by Lovecraft, Jan 10, 2013.

  1. Lovecraft

    to be able to use the LA class effetively?

    at least lvl 3 ?

    is lvl 6 (500certs?) overkill?

    will I need to max out Both jet trees ? are there specific things/tactics I wont be able to employ with one type of jet over the other?
  2. belthazor3457

    The default jumpjet is capable of allowing you to fully rock-climb the crown, and hover over a tank while dropping 2 C4 ontop of it and detonating while far enough to avoid taking damage. You can already do a great deal with the default. Upgrades allow you to do these tasks more efficiently and spend more time in the air. You can be extremely effective with just the default.

    So the real question is, do you often find yourself going "COME ON JUMPJET RECHARGE FASTER!?" or "if only I had one more half-second of flight time..."

    if this happens often, invest in jumpjet upgrades. The former happens to me regularly and i invested in a fully maxxed jumpjet and I use rank 6. I am quite content with the results.

    (of course, C4 > jumpjet upgrades)

    A light assault can be effective at rank 1. You only need rank 1 to be effective. Upgrades just offer you -more-. = )
  3. Kronic

    Last sentence is perfect. You have enough juice + recharge at lvl 1 to be useful.
  4. Wolfwood82

    But more flight time is always better for longer runs.
  5. metrotw

    i have both max certed and if they added another level, even if it was 1000 points, i would get that too. you can pull off some crazy stunts and "miraculous" plays with max certed drifter/jump jets that you simply cannot do at lower levels. if you just want to be a tower\shotgun monkey or biolab farmer then 1 or 2 levels of jump jet is all you need. if you truly want to be able to adapt to any situation at any time, then both type at max level is a must imo.

    quick example. yesterday while fighting at feldspar i took out THREE vanguards and a good 15 troops on ONE charge of max drifter jets using 2 c4's (on wounded vans) and 3 nades (guys were clustered behind one of the buildings preparing to zerg)...without THIRTY seconds of maxed out drifters this never would have happened. they never saw me ;) .
  6. Ghoest

    Like everyone else is saying the jumps jets are useful at level one.
    But I think you should get to 3 quickly - because it is noticeably better and its cheap.

    As for drifter jets - wouldnt bother at all until you were planning on taking them he whole way to5(or whatever max is.)
    The the last level offers a huge jump in effectiveness.

    But - you dont need drifters to play the class. You do need jump jets.

    How I would spend points
    1 scope/sight (30 points)
    2 nano armor 1(1 point)
    2 jump jets 3 (60 points)
    3 fore grip (100 points)
    4 C4 both(700 points)

    If you buy a gun other than the starter carbine you might buy different attachments before the C4