What is your Opinion of this Forum Currently?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by EPIC389, Mar 15, 2016.

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  1. AxiomInsanity87

    The community is now the pinnacle of human excellence and achievement in the gaming world.

    Sources - mettle, world record and insanity.
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  2. Dirge

    Hey look, it's toodles.

    Seriously, exiled grill is a known troll. I don't know how you managed to take bait that obvious.
  3. Imp C Bravo

    4 pages -- troll bait taken. Fun responses. 7/10
  4. Cyrax Servius

    Just say NO to stinky tuna sandwiches left in the sun, like known trolls...
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  5. Cheezy Q

    Negative is a more than reasonable term to use in reference to KDR ratio. A ratio is defined by a standard, and another object's relationship to that standard. Most numbers are defined in relation to the common standard of 0. Anything less than 0 is considered "negative".

    In the case of KDR, the ratio is always defined according to the standard of 1. Therefore anything less than the standard (1) is negative to the standard.
  6. 1Tap2Tap

    But that isn´t the context the game uses it. Otherwise we would have player profiles with K/D values lower than 0.

    The only reason those sad excuses of "trolls" use the word "negative" in reference to K/D ratios is, guess what?

    Badmouthing other players.

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  7. Cheezy Q

    Yeah, I'm not going to get into that argument. Whether or not you choose to take offense to their statements and argue with them, or just ignore them, is your decision.

    On the KDR note, every FPS I've ever seen uses 1 as the KDR standard. Like I was saying, you're "technically" correct in saying that it's not a negative number, as defined through the common standard of 0. But, it's perfectly reasonable to use negative as a term relative to the industry standard of 1, for numbers that don't meet that standard.
  8. 1Tap2Tap

    Yeah, I also am tired of arguing about something that unimportant.

    In my opinion, the forums should be used for constructive discussion on the game, not about personal feuds and flaunting elitism.

    Every player this game can get, is valuable. Even if he/she is just a walking target to shoot at.

    Have a good one!
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