What is your Opinion of this Forum Currently?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by EPIC389, Mar 15, 2016.

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  1. Moridin6

    oh BURN . .


    yeah i def missed this, and the inclusion of ego self-stroking console kids? nom
    (not to say all console users are dumb, i mean i Do question your reasoning if you spend 400 on a console and Dont have a pc but its whatever)
  2. Savadrin

    You won't see me defending them.

    I've highlighted the only part of your post worth looking at. And "just like PS4" is the most important part. We draw from the same pool. I don't like nerfing things, and I don't advocate it. I'm also not a mouth-breathing crybaby. So there's that.
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  3. Azawarau

    Im crying but its from all the salt in your posts
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  4. MiguelZaibatsu

    I think you mean your salt I'm not the one responding to your posts. you're responding to mine. do you need a salt shaker?
  5. EPIC389

    I asked to keep this thread civil.

    I guess i had too much faith in humanity
  6. Savadrin

  7. ExiledGirl

    0/10. Thought PC players were amazing at this game because of more experience but they all have negative or sub 2 kds.
  8. Dirge

    Obvious bait was obvious.
  9. thed1rt

    Seems pretty cool to me. But i have high tolerance. (usually)
  10. Azawarau

    Was that for me~?
  11. Alkasirn

    I'm disappointed.

    Now, I'm not sure who I'm disappointed in. Maybe I'm disappointed in a select set of PS4 players that, from what I hear, ruined the PS4 forum and have made literally no attempt to fix themselves.

    Maybe I'm disappointed in a select set of PC players that see a blatant attention-seeking post from said set of PS4 players and decide it needs more drama rather than nipping that behavior in the bud.

    Or maybe I'm disappointed in DBG for thinking only three days of moderating posts but not users was going to make the transition go smoothly (and that's assuming they were interested in making the transition go smoothly at all.)

    I'm not quite sure, but I know I'm disappointed.
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  12. CovertYank

    The lot of you need to get over yourself and get to doing something much more purposeful than arguing over stupid ****.
  13. 1Tap2Tap

    Making dumb statements and calling that "baiting" afterwards as a last straw after being called out on stupidity never gets old, right?

    You scrubs are just lowly attention seekers that try to feel better about your meaningless existence by dissing other players, based on an arbitrary number not important to the game, but only to yourself.

    The senseless, egoistical and simply destructive behaviour you pseudo elitists show makes me ashamed to also be part of humanity.

    Now, please continue to spew your poison into this community, driving away valuable players.

    I, for my part, am done with your useless lot.
  14. EPIC389

    I said this a bit back before

    I hope not again
  15. Akcell

    I feel the same way. Not necessarily because I loved the drama, but because most of the PC threads just feel so boring to read through.

    In a metaphor: many of the PC threads are like N@SCAR, while the PS4 forums were a monster truck derby. Yes, one is far more dirty than the other, and yes one community is more "civilized" (relatively) than the other. Still, sometimes I just want to watch monster trucks jump over school buses with flame spewing all over the place instead of cars making left turns all day.

    You are also correct that PC elitism is very lively in this forum. Just look at this thread. One person said that the nerf/buff threads are coming from PS4 players. Yet, I think both you and I can agree the almost all of names of the original poster for those threads are completely foreign to PS4 Forumsiders. We all know that buff/nerf threads happened once every blue moon on the PS4 section. This leads me to believe that many PC players see stupid nerf/buff threads and instantly assume it is a PS4 user; in reality, all of that stupidity comes straight from those in the PC community.

    I have already decided to gradually move to the PS2 on PS4 subreddit (that Mataku85 fellow seems very entertaining with all of his "freemason" shouting). Not necessarily because of the reasons above either; although they have played a factor in my choice. The main reason is that PS4 players and PC gamers are playing very different games. Most of the threads posted here are not very applicable to the PS4 experience. In fact, some of the weapons that are Underpowered on the PC version are borderline OP on PS4 (for example, the Magrider). Thus, I do not feel like I can relate to any of the threads.

    I am going to miss the ability to make signatures, though...
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  16. Ryme Intrinseca

    At first I was in favour of the merger but it's become clear that PS4 players are not welcome here.

    Unfortunately there is a small minority (to reiterate SMALL MINORITY) of the PC population that is determined to derail any PS4-related thread into a system war. You can see it in this thread already. I have not seen the likes of it since Amiga vs. Atari at school.

    Even more unfortunately, the moderators appear to take the side of the wannabe playground bullies. My main account was banned on these highly non-specific grounds:

    You have been banned for the following reason: This account has been suspended for 7 days for repeated forum guideline violations.

    You can see all my posts since the merger here: https://forums.daybreakgames.com/ps2/index.php?search/9617632/ The vast majority are entirely constructive. There is not one where I have initiated a system war derail. There are a few where I have called out a system war derailer. I'm pretty sure that's why I've been banned - essentially because I have had the temerity to be a console player unwilling to eat PC master race turd sandwiches.

    Obviously I realize it is possible that this post breaches forum guidelines about discussing bans etc so another banhammer may be forthcoming. If so, I think that's a shame, as moderation standards and expectations are certainly germane to the subject of this thread.
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  17. EPIC389

    A suggestion I may have to solve the problem is for the forum community to elect moderators especially those who are on quite often enough

    This way, we can separate good from bad as well as not electing anybody who is willing to abuse their power
  18. DooDooBreff

    i know right.... aim assisted gamers are sooooo good.
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  19. Cyrax Servius

    I smell fish, rotten tuna sandwich to be exact...
  20. HadesR

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