What is your Opinion of this Forum Currently?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by EPIC389, Mar 15, 2016.

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  1. Hegeteus

    There's a lot of people raging over things they know very little about. I wish people would just play the game and not crap their pants in rage when things get a little rough
  2. Azawarau

    Needs more shotguns

    I swear i dont play NC
  3. Dirge

    It's so boring. Truly mind numbing.

    The PC forums are a mosaic of ridiculous suggestions and pointless nerf / buff, all carried out under the guise of intelligence and civility.

    The PS4 forums are a bunch of idiots, trolls, and elitists who like to yell at each other.

    Combined, we have seen some really interesting dynamics.
    1. A bunch of people from PS4 saying that they love PC and are glad the horror of the previous forums is over. I find this truly hilarious, because every single one of the people saying this have done nothing but contribute to the death of PS4. What is more, none of them have posted anything other than their little treatises on how it wasn't their fault, followed by barely concealed trash talk. This alone reveals how shallow they are.
    2. The trolls from PS4 are trying, but with limited success.
    3. PC elitism is alive and well, and is coming mostly from terrible players with worse arguments. Hilarious.
    4. Drama dies. Very quickly. It makes me cry.

    So yeah, I'm on the verge of quitting. There doesn't seem to be a point to it all without drama. I think the only purpose of these forums is entertainment, and if that is lacking I have trouble seeing the reason for its existence.
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  4. Cyrax Servius

    Dirge, I apologized and took full responsibility for my part in things, you should read back a day or two.

    Oh and I'm back, been playing for a week with no hard crashes.

    Just tell your court jester to use more thought and sound more intelligent when slamming others about stats, as you can see, 99% of the community has taken a dislike to stat slinging. Gee, two separate forums, same opinion, hmmmm. Kind of like an old argument in defense of hunting, "Venison is tasty, 1,000,000 Coyotes can't be wrong".

    But please, don't quit the game for a lack of drama dude.
  5. Old_Cherokee

    Drama is life cy
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  6. Azawarau

    All of them? Every single one?

    Posts like this are truly the worst
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  7. Cyrax Servius

    I know, he aint leaving, first time he see's a wild Cyrax running loose, he'll stay, they always do...
  8. Cyrax Servius

    That sig says a million words Cherokee...
  9. bLind db

    Well, forumside is absolutely hostile to any infantry-side players, most users have no concept of balance between the different forms of combined arms, and any elitism makes the poster a scumbag, regardless of what their opinions are.

    In the end, forumside is every bit as useful and functional as the development team has been since beta: it's ****, it's always been ****, and it will always be ****.
  10. Conro

    Poor kitty. :(
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  11. MiguelZaibatsu

    yes every single one of them. Does the truth make you cry? Do you need a tissue?
  12. Savadrin

    Oh, this scrub is rearing his little head again?
  13. MiguelZaibatsu

    .74 kdr shouldn't you be trying to get something nerfed since that's all you pc players know how to do
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  14. Savadrin

    Did you manage to come up with that all by yourself?
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  15. MiguelZaibatsu

    Do you want me to point out every single nerf post made by pc players? I can bump them all if you like
  16. Savadrin

    You're just a troll. I want nothing except for you and your ilk to be quiet - like the PC players who perpetually harp on console players for no reason. I want them quiet too.

    If you had anything even remotely clever to say, I might like your persistence. But you're a broken record of a toilet flushing. That's all.
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  17. Cyrax Servius

    Schools out guys, can set your watch by it everyday...
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  18. Eskel3

    Lol they're playing kiss azz. If you want some drama I'll be happy to start some for old times sake.
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  19. Moridin6

    i took a forum break..

    i missed it
  20. MiguelZaibatsu

    look how terrible pc players are at fps games I mean look at all these threads. Yeah they can aim better because of M+KB but obviously can't do anything outside of that with the rare exception of actual good players just like on ps4

    https://forums.daybreakgames.com/ps2/index.php?threads/share-your-hack-ussations.239206/ A whole thread where people with 1 kdr's get accused of hacking by other terrible pc players

    Do you want me to go on? every single one of those is a pc player that can't adapt
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