What is your Opinion of this Forum Currently?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by EPIC389, Mar 15, 2016.

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  1. EPIC389

    Ever since the PS4 forums merged with PC forums, its been rather civil in general but flame wars still occur.

    So my question is, to both PS4 and PC players

    What is your opinion of the people who play on the other platform or both?

    Please state your reasons

    I would like to see this forum flourish, but we don't live in a perfect world so, hopefully at least we can all have a universal agreement to keep this civil
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  2. DooDooBreff

    or you could just start another troll thread like youve done here.
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    Overall: 6 / 10

    Content is mostly good and on-topic (people will have differring opinions anyways), design matches PS2 nicely, but technology is cave-man era. The forums are insanely slow, page fully reloads almost every time needlessly. There've been some improvements with quick replying and post editing done with AJAX (you are not thrown a white screen in front of you for 3-5 seconds), but overall it's a website from cca. 2006.

    The post editor is also a mess, it should be markdown, or at least offer a version with markdown, so you don't have to fiddle with all the nifty controls prone to errors.
  4. EPIC389

    May have unintentionally made it seem like a troll but I honestly just want to see people's opinions
  5. Moz

    I really don't care what platform you play as long as the posts are literate, concise and actually worth reading (i dont have to agree with what you are saying for this to be true).

    I see a lot of "nerf this or that" threads from the PS4 crew that the (more experienced, sorry but its a fact) PC crew have discussed, concluded and moved on. This can be frustrating for the PC guys as i'm sure it can be frustrating for the poster as it appears their points are not being taken seriously. I'm sure this is the route of some (not all) of the flaming we see from time to time.

    Just to re-iterate, I have no issue with what platform you play as long as your posts aren't drivel.... (PC players are prone to drivel as well).
  6. Taemien

    As a PC player, I've noticed the quality over all of the General Discussion has dropped.. slightly. Personal attacks are a bit higher. And the substance of posts has gone down.

    With that being said though. This is still heads and tails better than most MMO forums. For the most part most PS4 players seem to have an ability to engage in intelligent conversation. Even those who are quick to 'fly off the handle'.

    Here's my advice... to both sides:

    1. Don't personally attack. It doesn't help ones argument. Don't flame. Don't Troll.
    2. Don't take posts seriously. Just cause someone disagrees doesn't mean they're insulting or somehow 'not getting it'.
    3. Have substance in your posts. Formulate an opinion and be thorough without being repetitive.
    4. User proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling.* As well as proper spacing**
    5. Have fun. These forums are about a game and games are about fun. Don't be so serious 100% of the time.

    * Spell out your words. This isn't reddit, twitter, or your phone. You've got a keyboard, use it.
    ** This helps with turning a wall of text into something readable. Put a double space in between paragraphs. Make sure paragraphs are sentences grouped up by a particular thought.

    "Clear writing and clear speech is a indication of a clear mind."
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  7. Liewec123

    i think its plodding along contently as it always has, slightly more drama llamas, but its nothing we're not used to ;)
  8. MiguelZaibatsu

    all of the nerf threads are coming from pc players
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  9. Khallixtus

    The forums are fine. They aren't great, they aren't bad.

    Most of the stuff is on topic and relevant. Not all the stuff is perfect, and neither is everyone (this is inevitable), but it's livable.

    The actual forum isn't great, its slow and a tad annoying to use, but its good enough to be usable for anything you'd normally need.

    Solid 6.27/10 from me.
  10. TorakkIT

    2 types of dramas have been merged in a single forum and now they are clashin, that's all i have to say :)
  11. Diggsano

    Planetside 2 on pc and ps4 are differen games (small but they are there)and each should have a forum and be traded as 2.
  12. Katten_BoB

    Coming from the PS4 forums, I must say that it's been a realy good improvement for me.

    I don't see so many "medkitz, git gud, madcuzbad and 1v1 mi bro" posts as before the merge :}
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  13. Reclaimer77

    But surely part of you knew when you hit "post", you are asking for a conflict right? I mean come on, be honest. I'm staying out of the whole "give opinions" thing, but I'm betting money this thread will devolve into something toxic.
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  14. Trudriban

    needs more memes
  15. Mezinov

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  16. OldMaster80

    I am civil and I have nothing against console players :)

    We're all here because we love ps2 we should really fight less here and more in the game (and buy some cosmetics, bundles, and subscriptions every now and then).
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  17. AxiomInsanity87


    A large number of people i have met on ps4 are ex pc anyway.

    Usually blokes who don't want to carpal tunnel anymore or don't want to finish work and then sit in the exact same spot for 6 more hours.
  18. Demigan

    First I must say that I've already come down on some PS4 posts. I have a problem with FPS's on consoles. I don't think I've attacked the actual person behind it straight away with my comments, but it wasn't exactly nice.

    Further, I don't have a problem with PS4 players in itself, I just find the gameplay I've seen from PS4 nail-biting frustrations to watch, where I'm constantly thinking "But why on earth aren't you doing X!" only to realize that a Console simply has much more limited situational awareness to the players, and that some tactics can shine on a PS4 due to this that would be suicide on PC.

    As for what I think of the PS4 players... I think there's many that have blended in with the regular PC crowd and I haven't noticed. It's the half dozen that are easy to pick out as PS4 players that ruin the image I have of PS4 players in general. There is usually an insult or challenge burried inside their post at the adress of another person or group, or there's some kind of temple being build for themselves about all their l33t sk1llz and some nail-biting frustrating gameplay video tacked on to "prove" it.

    All that said:
    Welcome to all those anonimous PS4 players that joined and I didn't notice at first glance! You are most welcome to join and discuss, just be sure that everyone, PC and PS4 players alike, should from now on make clear if they are asking for PS4 changes or PC changes, because the two are completely separate in how you play it and need a completely separate balancing to match.
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  19. Cheezy Q

    I gotta agree here. I haven't seen a nerf/buff thread started by PS4 players.

    Some of the same arguments linger over from the PS4...but the same vitriol isn't there. It seems like it dies down a little quicker than PS4 did. That's pretty good.

    As for PC vs. PS4, there are a few annoying PC forumsiders that constantly deride the PS4. It's annoying and short-sighted, given that the PS4 platform only helps the PC...but, whatever.

    Beyond that, it seems fine mostly.
  20. AxiomInsanity87

    "A lot more tactics are possible" is more fitting.

    The sluggish ui makes any kind of rapid tactics moot though.
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