What is your favoured TR carbine and why?

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by Chopptimus, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. FieldMarshall

    I have been using the T5 for a long time and a general purpose Carbine on LA

    I mostly ADS unless targets are closer than 10-15m. You can abuse the T5s accuracy to reliably get headshots.
    I like that it has access to Adv Grip, as i ADS almost always anyway.
    I like that it has the fastest bullet speed of any Carbine in the game. Compareable to sniper rifles
    The reload feels pretty fast.

    I dont like its slow rof and low bullet damage. However, lower rof makes it easier to control its (already low) recoil.
    And lower bullet damage can be somewhat negated by how easy it is to go for headshots.

    This vid pretty much explains why i love this gun.
  2. Paperlamp

    The T5 AMC would be great if it were just 698 instead of 652 IMO. Every 652 RoF 143 bullet damage weapon I've used has just been too underwhelming TTK wise enough that the accuracy advantages end up feeling nullified.
  3. gregfox89

    Except the Trac-5 is actually pretty great
  4. Demyer

    Didn't want to start a new topic, but when did they break AMC and Jaguar animations?

    Both guns are closer to the camera in idle animation, but back in the old position during shoot or reload animations.
    So they're constantly moving back and forth. It's not that big of an issue, but it looks silly.
    The real issue is when ads and burst firing both guns have a quick jump to the up and left which is completely messing up my aim.
  5. MorganM

    Compelling analysis; I'll have to check out this gun.
  6. MorganM

    Right now I love the Jaguar for close range. 1x Reflex and laser site for epic hip fire. Vertical recoil is minimal. Horizontal recoil is practically non-existent. It's just so easy to put so many rounds into your targets.

    Anything beyond close range I go to myTRAC-5. It's a great gun! 2x Reflex, forward grip, suppressor.
  7. Dead soldier

    T5-AMC mostly for looks :)
  8. hawken is better

    I copied Drathamus' setup and put the 6x on the AMC (although I used a suppressor instead of the compensator) and I must say, this thing is a ******* monster. Like, it's good enough to the point where I'm worried that SOE is gonna nerf it once more people catch on :(

    As a Terran, when you're actually given a weapon that can reliably hit targets from more than 18 inches away, you marry the damn thing.

    Lol @ out sniping Gauss SAW/AC-X11 users, then getting hackusation tells.
  9. Crackulous

  10. lunate

    They nerfed it T-T. TAR is still okay cause of its sound and the way it fire. It's like an NC gun.
  11. Crackulous

    Haha, aesthetics make for half of its appeal, eh?
  12. splaser

    *Offtopic* question: Does the UBG on the Trac-5S do damage to vehicles? If so, how effectively?
  13. asdfPanda

    Pretty much lol. That's why I don't use the T5 AMC.
  14. cruczi

    T5 AMC. I love how controllable it is, especially with compensator & foregrip. The compensator's effect on recoil is immense, whereas the impact on hip accuracy is barely noticeable.

    Easy headshots up to 20 meters or so, and very consistent killing power beyond that (partially thanks to HVA). It's the only carbine I use, and if I ever get around to playing LA on my VS and NC characters passively certing up on reserve, I will use their "long range" carbines as well. Guess how happy I was when I found out a couple hours ago that the long range carbines were on premium member sale for 1SC each
  15. Duban

    I have the purple metal for the Trac-5S, T5 AMC and Lynx so let me shed some light on the weapons.

    The only advantage the Trac-5S had was the UBGL which can't 1 shot players anymore so it''s not worth considering. That leaves the Lynx and the T5 AMC which means Damage vs Range. At close range it doesn't really matter which weapon you use, the player that hits the opponent first is usually the victor damage or not. That leaves the T5 AMC's superior control at range as the biggest advantage in comparing the two weapons.

    Honestly, the AMC is my go to weapon for that reason. It's great and if you're going to fight in close quarters combat you're better off grabbing a shotgun. Hell, my go to shotgun is the barrage for the same reason. It's actually useful beyond point blank.