What is this "You aren't hurt but I'm healing you anyway" new trend about?

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Whateverworks, May 5, 2013.

  1. Whateverworks

    Does anyone else see this a lot? Medics running up to infantry in perfect health and using their meditool on them? I don't understand it, and am annoyed with it for a few of reasons:

    1. They are being a complete waste as far as helping their team goes. I'm not hurt, go find someone injured to heal. Or pull out your rifle and actually take some shots at the enemy. (Bonus points: I'm a medic and I can heal myself, thank you very much, especially from that dreaded "absolutely no damage taken" state.)

    2. Applies all the time, but especially annoying at night - you are making my position even more obvious. Thanks for giving me a green glow for absolutely no benefit and drawing eyes to me! (Bonus points: I'm a medic. If I wanted to start up a "shoot me" effect during night combat, I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself.)

    I see a lot of engineers doing this to undamaged max suits too. Is there some kind of display bug out there I don't know of that people who are in perfect health look hurt, or people that are hurt display as having perfect health?
  2. BCKrogoth

    Not gunna defend the "at night" part of it, but holding reps/heals on a front-lines soldier removes the delay between them being hurt and them starting to be rep/healed. If I'm running medic in zerg-esque conditions, I'll attach myself to someone who already has their gun out working on target aquisition, giving them a little more time to get another kill before going down.

    And on the "display glitch" part of it, there is one for MAX suits where it'll show them damaged but when you go to repair they're full health (and the bar fills on the UI). Dunno about for normal soldiers.
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  3. Teoke

    When i play Engi around MAXes i usually keep my Repairbeam on them if i know they're going to get shot at, so i can sort of pre emptively heal the damage, to keep them constantly on high HP, instead of waiting till they've taken abit of damage and then start repairing, so i have to struggle to get the MAXes HP up above 3 quarters.
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  4. Whateverworks

    Thank you! That explains why I see engineers topping everyone off.
  5. CupBoy

    Eh, I'll spray my medic gun everywhere when the heat is on. You will take my nanites and you will like them.

    I'd also rather get a heal when I don't need it than not have one when needed.
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  6. Fumblewatt

    Hes obviously trying to develop a Max + Pocket Engie relationship with you, he wants to watch your **** when you fire at the enemies
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  7. W00Die

    That is totally the case. Skilled medics do not bother though...
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  8. BCKrogoth

    I actually didn't think about it at the time, but I do this frequently. If you're fullly repaired as a MAX (and rolling Dual AI in a Bio, lets say) I'll train my gluegun on you so you see you have a pocket engie and shouldn't worry TOO much about your shield. MAXes who don't know for sure they have a pocket engie tend to be overly timid. Once they know they have an engie, their balls grow three sizes.
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  9. Mefi

    Many players have the [+] icon above them. IDK why it shows, maybe because of nano armor glitch (do you have 0 HP after respawn?).
    I just turn on AOE heal for a moment. If they aren't injured then the icon instantly disappears.
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  10. Mostadio

    Visual bugs are the culprit most of the times I do it. Some are injured with no + sign, some have + sign and are not injured. So if I'm out of the firing lanes I'll just zap everyone and then be on my way.
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  11. Tyrranis

    For me, it's usually said display bug. Other times, I'm trying to heal the injured guy next to him, but the full health one got in the way.

    Or, as with Engies and MAXs, if I see them shooting at someone, I'll hit them with the medical tool to keep them healed.
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  12. WalrusJones

    When I am in a safe zone, I will generally pulse my healing tool on someone who I want to know I will have me on their back quickly, before following them to the next base.

    Its a friendly, if foolish gesture.
  13. Takoita

    I always thought those were beginner medics not used to the UI - I certainly was that way on my first week of medic play. IMHO, people are just forgetting they have 'F' aoe heal available.
  14. Kallowe

    You should probably execute them just to make sure they're not actually spies disguised as medics.
  15. LibertyRevolution

    My medic gun is for healing you, my AOE is for healing me as I run out the fire zone I just healed you in.
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  16. Ixidron

    I don that with people standing on a firing lane, if they are going to get shots, my level 6 medical app can actually allow them to survive, also, I heal recently ressurrected people until their shield refill completely, just in case, I've saved lots of guys using that strategy.
  17. Zagz

    Sometimes, you'll see a guy with half a BR of HP and when you start healing, you realize that he's all good.
  18. Xocolatl

    Well, I wouldn't start healing people when they don't need it (usually I just use my AoE heal in the heat of battle). I find that it is probably better to gun down the enemy, then heal everyone back up (and mebbe res some people). Healing someone under fire will most likely not keep them alive, and you will also take stray bullets and end up dead too because you will be just about dead when you pull out your gun.
  19. Rickenbacker

    The HUD symbols don't always show up. I've done this a few times, and found that a MAX who appeared perfectly alright was actually badly damaged, so I try to give everyone a squirt of my goodness gun, just in case. It's the same problem as when the dorito doesn't show up, and you shoot a friendly, thinking it's an enemy.
  20. Anchor IV

    Haven't experienced this too often but i've seen it. Maybe something to do with the occasional bug you get when you spawn with, apparently, no health?

    My biggest issue for being a medic is people who are near death running away from me. Surely they see their health? I get one second of healing on them but they're sprinting off. Some of them are even shouting for a medic but they try their hardest to not actually get healed.

    Either way my medic could be an olympic spinter with those quads.