What is the the striker suppose to do now??

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LT_Latency, Feb 15, 2014.

  1. ScrapyardBob

    At a minimum, the Striker needs its lock range and flight time extended. Or the rockets need to be sped up by about 50%.
  2. Jalek

    It's a flare gun. If that liberator isn't giving you any love, just lob a string of bright red flares at it and they might pay attention to you.
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  3. Frosty The Pyro

    one engineer can outrepair the damage done by ANY single launcher (or several pheoinx). For shots to kill a tank, take the amount of shots needed with the G2G or G2A (or annihilator sense they uped its damage), and mulitply by 3, then subtract 0 to 2. I could calculate the exact numbers if you want, but it will be around 23 to the front IIRc
  4. S7rudL

    Its worthless. Use the one that's both A2A&A2G and be done with it.

    Use the A2G one when you are pushing out with the team, it can dumb fire.
    You will be overjoyed of dealing a decent amount of damage at a point blank range to a tank.

    Bursters and the lighting anti-air thingy can take care of the air.
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  5. Ravien

    Once it acquires a lock, it should be able to maintain said lock out to the same range as a regular lock on missile will fly. It's too easy as an ESF pilot to simply afterburn out of the lock on range of the striker, it's much harder to outrun a fire and forget missile. I think using terrain to disrupt the lock is fine because 5 striker missiles does a lot more damage than a regular missile, but this would help give it a bit more usefulness. (and buff the range of the phoenix too)

    Keep in mind the striker isn't all that bad though, since you usually don't get more than 1 shot against an ESF or competent tank with regular lock on launchers, either. The striker can put several missiles in doing possibly more damage than you'd do with a regular launcher, but it's more situational like the other empire specific launchers.
  6. sustainedfire

    The Striker is pretty garbage right now.

    Its a lot of time spent "aiming" and doing nothing, for a rare chance to get a few hits before the vehicle points at you and strikes YOU down in a second.

    Its has far too long of an acquisition/fire and track time to be usable in a fast pace FPS "MMO" - There are hundreds of enemy players looking for the one jerk who decides to use a weapon that leaves them defenseless and tunnel visioned into one target.
  7. Nephera

    given that it takes a long time to do its maximum damage potential all while the operator is exposed it should probably have short lockons.

    If they dont want to do that it needs to be reworked entirely.
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  8. Tommyp2006

    Balance issues like this are what happens when you make an empire specific weapon a slightly modified but still essentially the same weapon as a common pool weapon. It really needs a rework to make it unique.
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  9. Halcyon

    Collect dust.
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  10. CrashB111

    Then don't make the Annihilator a lock on launcher, make it a portable AV mana turret.
  11. Riku

    I'm drowning in those tears -- I never said it was any good overall, but I did say that it's best suited for very specific situations, and is thus a sidegrade. Whether it's worth using or not for that arguably small advantage, I did not judge.
    Just clarifying...quote someone else for your complaints unless you wish to discuss statements I actually made. :)

  12. LT_Latency

    It's not worth using over other guns, this is what makes it useless. I would be happy if it was = to the annihilator at the very least. But it's not. Any good gunner will put a bullet between your eyes while you are delivering your pay load

    The phoenix has a distinct reason to pick it over another launcher. You can drive it around corners.

    Can you see the difference here?? or are you just going to try and troll like a dummy??

    Every single TR has a striker, We used to spam it like crazy when it was OP. No one shoots it any more for a reason even though we all have it.
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  13. Riku

    Jesus somebody teach those striker monkeys how to read.
    I'm too tired for that right now :)

    Good night!
    - dummy troll
  14. LT_Latency

    What situations.

    Against Air. ----- It' not good.

    Against tanks --- Medium and short the driver will kill you ---- long range you lose your DPS as you wait for your rockets to get to the target and pray you don't get sniped.

    Same with liberators. It's dangerous as hell because your stream of rockets gives you away and you have to stand still like a sitting duck with the gunner shoots back while your rockets travel to the target. when you could have been hiding a reloading another gun.

    You are just better off picking another weapon.
  15. Riku

    OK, you really seem to need some help here but I'll leave after this post, hoping it clicks:

    I can only tell against air, and where it's best against air is against targets that stay within 500m, and basically nothing's shooting you while you're a sitting duck. One example is oblivious liberators with noob gunners etc.

    Personally? Personally I think that thing is utter crap and deserves a slight buff.
    But I didn't take a subjective position, but instead an objective one (because that's what the title asked for), to come up with a situation where it can (hypothetically) shine. I did not make any statement as to whether the weapon overall is good/balanced or not, nor did I judge if the advantage was anything compared to all the disadvantages. I was merely informing somebody of one possible role of the striker, as, I repeat, asked for in the title.

    What do I get for that? I get tears raining down on me, posts quoting me to tell me their purely subjective opinions on that weapon, not discussing any statement I actually made...not to mention offended.

    I would care but I'm too tired now :D Now that the bathroom's free I wish you a good night.
  16. LT_Latency

    I think you read too much into the title. It was a rhetorical question
  17. cruczi

    All the Striker needs is fire & forget with twice the lock on speed of Annihilator. Done, balanced.
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  18. cruczi

    You mean G2A and G2G
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  19. DeadlyShoe

    exactly so.

    annihilator and striker have backwards lock times when looking at just those two weapons.

    of course a long lock annihilator would be too ****** when compared to the dumbfire-capable launchers - which just exemplifies the problem with the striker.
  20. HowCanSheSlap

    Striker still does very high DPS if you land all the rockets. This makes it deadly against anyone who doesn't run away immediately. As a pilot, I know I have to **** if I see striker shots approaching me.