That the game is not dying. We had something lke this adrer the first server merge too back in february 2013. On release some servers were full, 2000/continent.
Emerald is the only server thats like that, they also had to merge two servers to get it that way, which i think made some abandon ship from other servers, so the game is not healthy.
Oh. Thanks And to Brook, people said the game would die earlier. These days, I only want to play the game MORE and MORE. TF2 isn't as awesome as it once was. The game, for WHATEVER reason, is becoming more familiar to me. No longer is the game EPIC. No, its routine work. I'm a PS2 veteran now, a title I enjoy holding far more than PS1 cannon fodder. This game will SURVIVE. The people will cope as long as they have to; that's what makes this game one of a kind.
Well said, I wish that too. Playing since Closed Beta, I didn't always think it was true, but most of the time I wished it would be. To be honest, having seen the game change quite a bit over the last two years plus, this game has done better than the vast majority of games that have come out in the last 5-10 years. Can you honestly name a handful of games that have kept a reliable player base for so long in the last few years? Sure the game has lost a good number of its early adopters and many veterans got burnt out and left either temporarily (I am one of those) or permanently, but frankly the health of this game (at least playing, maybe not economic) is undeniable for this day and age.
You said it, man. I mean, sure, the devs WILL do some unnecessary things. Loudly coughing, the vehicle buffs. But hey, they LISTEN. Contrary to popular belief, the devs ARE here, reading what we type, communicating amongst one another, knowing that improvements can be made. All we have to do is give the game time. With time, anything can get better.
Connery has been pretty full of late as well, not to the level of Emerald, but a lot more than it usually is.
The opposite of (eventually) dying is eternal life. A curse far worse than death and the single most terrible fate to befall any Human being. Less philosophical, kindly stop whining about "PS2 IS DYING, OMG!" because we will stop playing it only when it's completely dead and the servers shut down. Until then, stop complaining and game on. And even if you were not complaining, just leave the topic be.
I personally can't stand the naysaying "omg game is dying ermagerd!" attitude (I can't see what part of that sort of criticism is constructive) but at the very least you have to wait until planetside comes out for PS4 before you reevaluate the situation. Either it will be at least moderately successful and bring a lot of new players into the fold (some of which will inevitable leak over to PC) and reinvigorate the community as a whole, or it may flop and spell out the slow decline of PS2 into obscurity over the next couple of years. Either way, it's too early to say anything about the future of PS2 until we see what happens there. In the scale of things PS2 on PC is a drop in the bucket to the potential playerbase on consoles - but console players also tend to be pretty "promiscous" and gather towards a handful of "the most popular" games rather than spread out evenly (a lot of "pretty good" titles have ended up with empty multiplayer lobbies very quickly just because they weren't in the top5 most popular), so I tend to think that PS2 on PS4 will either draw a significant crowd or hardly anyone at all. It will be a tipping point for sure... either way. -Stigma