What is the biggest farmer of infantry in the game?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, Jul 30, 2015.

  1. Lagreskul

    Personally, looking at my Low "contribution" rank, I am just fine with it, because I will agree that lately I have been not too much of a "team player". I have personally taken a liking to flanking infiltrator which contributes in a way that isn't really direct in any way because most of the time it's focused towards back-capping, running around and flanking people and being a general nuisance. I am fine with this because with every kill, every person I force to waste their time chasing me in the back-lines while ghost capping, is an enemy player that teammates won't have to deal with, whether it is 30 seconds for the duration of their respawn and the walk back after I kill them, or it is for a matter of minutes with them chasing ghost-cappers.
  2. freeAmerish

    What is the biggest farmer of infantry in the game?

    Russian cheaters from Miller!
  3. CNR4806

    The flaw in this stat is that it classifies all sort of support activity as teamplay.

    It is not.

    I have a staggering 70% support stat with a lowly "farming" factor of 15%, putting my "contribution" stat to ~40, but all I've been doing is just sitting comfortably in a repair Sunderer and relaxing behind people who are actually fighting in their tanks or Sunderers, all while whoever that happens to be on my guns farm me even more XP.

    Sure, whatever that I happens to keep under the repair AoE tends to survive longer, and that eventually helps the team push, but my mentality of doing it is that of a cert farmer. It is not all that different from "killing so many people from farming, my team eventually takes advantage of the opening and pushes through", really.
  4. Pelojian

    See infantryside players the following solutions to countering vehicles

    1) pull a vehicle/tank yourself (they call these guys heretics and pretend they don't exist anymore)
    2)get rekt because they don't have any useful gear to counter with or don't want to use the gear
    3)use gear to counter vehicles, tank mines, engineer AV turrets, C4 or heavy rocket launchers, teamwork.

    If i want to counter an enemy vehicle user i'll ether slug it out with an MBT or use a lightning and lure him into a tank mine trap if he's in an MBT. assuming that the enemy is undamaged and no allies are firing on him.
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  5. MarkAntony

    let's see here...
    70% playtime as engy.
    7 out of the 10 weapons with the most kills are vehicle weapons.
    2 other "weapons" in that category are mines. this leaves 1 carbine with a whopping .37 KDR and average to worse than average Acc/HSR and a lousy 5 KPH.

    and you have the audacity to tell infantry players how to play? don't make me laugh. You have no clue what it is like to play as infantry. Don't talk about stuff you don't know anything about.
  6. ColonelChingles

    I have about 70% time as an Engineer as well.

    And 3/10 of my top weapons by kills are vehicle weapons! :eek:

    And I have relatively low KPH with those remaining 7/10 things! :confused:


    Only 18.5% of the time is spent in a combat vehicle (183.522 hours out of 993.6 hours)!

    Wait a sec.

    If your theory is that someone who plays frequently as an Engineer, has few infantry weapons in their top 10 by kills, and who has low KPH means that they are a vehicle player... how can I, someone who about 81.5% of the time plays as infantry, still have similar stats?

    1) I like playing Engineer. On foot. I follow MAXes, repair Sunderers, and resupply my buddies.
    2) As an Engineer I pretty much use just two weapons: the Cyclone (which I use on my other classes as well) and my Razor. So even though I play Engineer very often, there are not a huge number of weapons in my top 10... because I only use two. Whereas I switch things up with my Lightning.
    3) Low KPH comes from playing support. I'm not exactly the most lethal player out there when I'm running around with my face full of MAX bum.

    So take it from me, someone who is primarily, over 80% of the time, an infantry player. I completely agree with everything that Pelojian says. Infantry should totally need to rely on other tanks to fight enemy tanks. That every single infantry player except one lone class can solo MBTs is some of the worst hand-holding I've seen in a video game that's supposed to reflect combined arms.

    Oh, and I looked up Pelojian's stats... he only spends about 31% of his time (204.018 out of 658.7 hours) in a combat vehicle... meaning that he plays as infantry 69% of the time. Which means that he too is primarily an infantry player.

    On the other hand Chack321 only has 5.7% of his time (72.123 out of 1,261.9 hours) in a combat vehicle... meaning that Chack321 plays infantry 94.3% of the time.

    So in terms of trying to get a balanced picture of infantry-tank balance, do I want to trust:
    1) Someone who splits his time 69-31 between infantry and vehicles
    2) Someone who splits his time 94-6 between infantry and vehicles

    It's not really rocket science at that point... one of these players has a clear bias in terms of choice. :p
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  7. ColonelChingles

    FYI, some other famous "tankers" and their gameplay splits:

    EliteEskimo- 49.2% in a vehicle (636.036 vehicle hours, 1,292.6 total hours)
    Alarox- 44.3% in a vehicle (1,040.444 vehicle hours, 2,349.1 total hours)
    Calisai- 35.4% in a vehicle (826.161 vehicle hours, 2,334 total hours)

    This just simply shows that tanker don't spend most of their time in tanks or other combat vehicles... most of them spend the majority of their time as infantry.

    In fact, based on this data, these so-called "tankers" are really the best ones to listen to in terms of balance discussions, because they have the most skin in both the vehicle game and the infantry game.

    On the other hand someone who plays 95% as infantry has much less at stake when it comes to careful balance issues.
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  8. MarkAntony

    there is a clear difference between 3/10 guns and 7/10 guns (actually 9/10) but i guess that is too hard for you.
    1. doesn't account for your horrid Weapon KPH
    3. no it doesn't. overall KPH yes. but not weapon specific.

    if you wanna take infantry VS vehicles advice from someone who can only AV kills as infantry with mines then go ahead.
    and that was always my point. here is a guy who couldn't kill a vehicle as infantry to save his life and spends a third of his time being in a tank telling infantry players how to do it.

    and frankly anyone who sees your posts knows how much bias you have pro tanks. my guess the only reason for you playing outsides of vehicles is because they haven't been buffed to the stupidly OP levels you want them at.
  9. MarkAntony

    wow you are really good at manipulating numbers lol.

    but thanks for actually showing how much playtime the most dedicated tankers have. about half. that means that someone with 30% is actually a huge tanker. it's all about relativity lol. good job disproving yourself.

    EDIT: I phrased this wrong. You are not good at manipulating numbers. just good at drawing idiotic conclusions.
  10. ColonelChingles

    How could I be biased towards tanks? I am primarily an infantry player!

    It'd be like an NC player asking for Prowler Vulcan buffs. It's hard to imagine a case of bias when you're rooting for the other team. In those cases it just means that you have a situation so blatantly unfair that really any reasonable person starts asking for change.

    So when I, an infantry player, ask for massive tank buffs, that's because tanks are in extremely dire need of them. Otherwise I, an infantry player, wouldn't be asking for them!

    Let me just ask you something.

    Say there is a balance issue between the NC and TR factions. Two players give their opinion.

    Would you trust:

    1) The player that plays NC 95% of the time and only plays the TR 5% of the time.


    2) The player that plays NC 50% of the time and TR 50% of the time.

    This really shouldn't be that difficult. The most trustworthy player is the one who has the most evenly split time between the factions. This is because they have the most experience on both sides of the coin, so to speak. Whereas the player who is 95% NC might definitely have pro-NC bias as well as not enough experience playing as TR to have a truly useful opinion (opinions being different than statistics).

    The same is true for vehicles and infantry. Just consider them to be different "factions". The closer you get to an even 50-50 split, the more likely you are to arrive at a fair and balanced opinion on balancing infantry and vehicles.

    But just as how someone who has 95% of their time in a vehicle can't be trusted to give a useful opinion, someone who has 95% of their time as infantry also will not provide a useful opinion.

    That's why I would value Pelojian's opinion on the issue far more than yours. He has much more evenly split experience, which helps to eliminate misconceptions as well as bias. Though I still suspect him of being too favourable towards infantry because he's short of 50% time in a vehicle. ;)
  11. Pelojian

    Whoop de-doo, so what most of my weapons are vehicle weapons, also accuracy stat doesn't mean squat if you don't know how the other person plays. weapons are good at killing they are also good at suppression and drawing enemy fire or making less skilled vehicle drives reverse straight onto your preplaced mines to punish them for getting tunnel vision.

    who cares about HSR? so what you can hit a smaller target and get more damage more then someone else?

    I play engineer give out ammo, repair vehicles, maxes and turrets. sunderer for repair,/resupply, spawn point shielded sundie to harrass less skilled aircraft users and make the really silly ones die when they try to ram me, skyguard as support roles killing doesn't matter in those respects.

    claymores useful for punishing the players that aren't cautious and punishing them again if they are stupid enough to try an pass through the exact same area the last mine got them.

    We each play for different reasons and have different preferences.

    When on foot i prefer support, i'll be the first to admit i'm pretty bad at taking out other players at close range, which is why i prefer to use claymores as my solution to that problem and relying on allies.

    when i'm in a vehicle i ether want to support allies or i want to destory enemy assets to make my allies assault or defense easier. this mean going after tanks, sunderers, trying to kill annoying harrassers with tank mines or baiting more dangerous vehicle users with tank mines or using long range fire to harass enemy tanks in a lightning and make them waste time firing on me or chasing me.

    tanks need to more like real tanks(enough to not be made of paper, but not too powerful to warrant harsh restrictions on use), if you come running at one with C4 you should get chopped up by a coaxial, tanks should be like ESFs requiring teamwork, distraction to take out or tanks should remain as they are and esfs should be just as vulnerable to a skyguard as C4 is to tanks.

    Coaxial is a great solution, with tank cannon as they are and coaxial being direct fire you cant spam them at infantry behind cover like the tank cannons at launch, LOS kobalt weapon makes it balanced.
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  12. MarkAntony

    Ok. since you completely missed the point again. He was someone who can't take out vehicles as infantry trying to tell people playing as infantry who to do just that. he was not talking about balance. he was talking baout something he has no idea how to do because he has never done it.

    as for your question: I would trust the guy who can actually, you know, use facts and numbers. doesn't matter how much you play what. if you can actually make your case with numbers I might listen to you. The only thing oyu have shown me is that:
    a. even with my paltry 6% playtime in combat vehicles I am still better than both of you combined.
    b. even the top tankers have 50% so that is a good baseline which means that 30% is A LOT.

    See but what you missed. again: this isn't about balance. this is about someone with 0 track record of taking out vehicles as infantry telling other people how to do just that. I am simply saying he has no idea what he is saying. just like you...

    And again. even if my comment had been about a balance discussion: your opinion doesn't matter more or less depending on your playtime. get some objective number and tell me how bad vehicles have it in this game...

    1. This was about him teaching something he knows nothing about. Would you trust a teacher who has never done the thing they are teaching?
    2. if you want to make this a balance discussion then show me some numbers about how bad those poor vehicle users are doing...
  13. MarkAntony

    again. my point is simply that you have no place to tell someone how to fight vehicles because you have never done it.
  14. Alox

    Anything shooting at spawnroom/teleportroom exists.
  15. Pelojian

    You claim i've never destroyed vehicles as an infantry player and yet you mention tank mines, which is the best preventative method of destorying vehicles.

    you could amend that to claim that i've never used a rocket launcher, MAX AV or C4 to destory enemy vehicles but you've yet to show anything that proves i've never killed vehicles with non-tank mines as infantry.
  16. FBVanu

    The "mentality" is not an issue. You are supporting your team, if you like it or not. You receive a Cert/XP incentive for doing so....
    I also assume that you keep your repair Sundy alive, in case you get fired upon.. you, at least some times, made sure your Sundy survived, or pulled another right after. Either way, you support your team by bringing that repair Sundy.
    That is exactly why Auraxis.info puts a higher emphasis on support. PS2 is NOT all about killing.. you can earn huge XP and Cert numbers without ever killing anyone.. Are some support roles easier to accomplish than others? Certainly. but they are still support.
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