What is the best continent?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheFlamingLemon, Oct 6, 2015.

  1. Eternaloptimist

    My preferences change from time to time. Currently I vote Amerish as no 1, followed by Esamir. Amerish has more cover for open ground infantry battles with a bit of ability to evade armour but not too much, like Hossin where I find the visibility poor and lines of sight too short. Esamir has the great, sweeping open plains for big armour pushes. I enjoyed Indar a lot in the past but it is getting boring now and Hossin, well, I only like the big fights (which seem quite rare) in the big complex bases.
  2. Shiaari

    North America.
  3. VonStalin

    Amerish with Indar textures and sky would be the best.
  4. zaspacer

    1) Indar = love the design. Love the flow and different gameplay experiences in different areas. Fun for me as Infantry or Air. Variety and depth in topography and terrain is great. As Air, good and intuitive ways to break line-of-sight, but not overly easy.
    2) Amerish = it's pretty good. Some neat design with some fun flow and gameplay experiences. Pretty fun for me as Infantry or Air. Variety is decent in topography and terrain. Don't like the black drip-sand-castle spam all over the place: overly limits flow of ground movement (though not nearly as bad as at launch), gets boring as a play experience.
    3) Esamir = lack of variety and depth in topography and terrain. Too Tank friendly at the cost of being bad gameplay for other Units. Don't like as Infantry (can't keep Sunderer alive vs. Tanks) or Air (very few ways to break line-of-sight, non-intuitive giant purple spikes). Terrain has almost 0 impediment to Tanks, so there is no strategic selection/control of approaches or defensible positions. Terrain provides almost no cover or break in line-of-sight, so there is no real surprise movement or surprise deployment setups.
    4) Hossin = lack of variety and depth in topography and terrain. Too many narrow terrain bottlenecks. Visibility is permabad and not fun. Don't like playing as Air (too hard to spot and avoid Gank Squads or Aces). Don't like playing against Air or Vehicles that can use terrain spam to break line-of-sight easily. Flora that non-intuitively impedes Vehicle movement. Population is usually a ghost town.
  5. Scr1nRusher

    The Oceans

    Because they are filled with Salt.......lots of Salt.
  6. Antillie

  7. SQPD

    Indar. Indar 2013 was a nightmare. Indarside 2 and being stuck in the valleys. It sucked but oh was it fun.
  8. TheShrapnelKing

    Indar always feels like an actual battle, because its bases are laid out to fit the terrain they sit on, whereas most bases on the other continents are just plopped in the middle of whatever terrain they happen to be on and never feel like they should actually be there.

    Bases on Indar feel like actual bases, places where structures would be built and there is advantageous ground to control. A battle on Indar feels like a battle. This is true for some bases on Amerish, but not all. Esamir is the worst designed continent period. Hossin is actually the best designed, but no one plays on it. But battles there don't feel like battles either for the same reason they don't on Esamir: it feels like a Flag Domination round in COD, confined to a self-contained base, largely disconnected from the map around it. Indar doesn't have the problem - the Crown feels important, cuz you're on top of a mountain. Hvar tech plant feels important, because it's on a high bluff with a narrow winding road up to it that is very defensible. The Crossroads Watchtower feels important because it's at the top of a rise at a bend in the road, commanding the approach to lands beyond. The Indar Comm Array is a large ridge overlooking both Indar Excavation and Dahaka Amp Station, so obviously it is advantageous to hold.
  9. SQPD

    Don't forget The Crown.
  10. 1Tap2Tap

    1) Hossin

    Many different base layouts and much cover for infantry / vehicles alike. Sometimes hard to drive a vehicle around.

    2) Amerish

    Interesting landscape topography which often makes for good tactical fights between bases. A little bland sometimes, not as various as Hossin.

    3) Indar

    Also interesting topography, but too many "cheesy" places to shell bases/the enemy in general from. Also overplayed.

    4) Esamir

    Only one tech plant. Too much long range vehicle fighting because of flat surroundings in combination with high distance between bases. Too less cover for infantry, except in bases, which sometimes are literally surrounded 360 degree by a high wall excluding vehicles out of basefights completely, what i find a bit excessive.

    So Hossin > Amerish >> Indar >>>>>>>>> Esamir imho.
  11. MuggieWara

    I love them all except Indar.

    Amerish is my favorite for purely aesthetic reasons.

    Indar its not that i hate,avoid or anything but it has too many bases that create unending stalemates.I think the terrain,albeit beautiful,is poorly designed making the northern warpgate owner disadvantaged most of the time.