What is the best all-purpose Assault Rifle of the CM?

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by SinerAthin, Nov 18, 2013.

  1. SinerAthin

    Hey guys.

    So I've been gearing out my medic lately, but I've been wondering about the weapon of choice.

    What is the best all-purpose AR available to the medic?

    And what are their best short & long range ARs respectively?
  2. EvilUnicorn

    If it's a jack-of-all trades you're looking for, stick with the default assault rifle. Buy the H-V45 if you want a CQC weapon, for 250 certs it is good enough to compete with the smgs, and still be pretty decent at bursting at medium range. I'm not very sure about the long range weapon, but I currently use the Corvus.
  3. Kyouki

    Assuming your vanu.
    Long range: Corvus
    General purpose: Stock pulsar
    CQC: HV-45
  4. DocteurVK

    I'd suggest you to have a look at CME for all purpose gun...

    As it costs 1000 certs, try to see how it behaves first.
  5. MajiinBuu

    The only AR I've ever used is the NS-11 Platinum.
    It is extremely accurate, very little recoil. Put a compensator and grip on it and there almost is no recoil.
    Not the best for CQC though.
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  6. hansgrosse

    NS-11's probably your best bet for an all-purpose gun. You really can't go wrong with the thing.

    That said, every faction's stock AR ranks somewhere between very good and amazing and they are designed for general-purpose use, so you don't even have to buy a new gun if you don't want to. Your Pulsar should suit you just fine.
  7. pnkdth

    All purpose, the VS1 Pulsar is what you want.

    Corvus is, hands down, the best mid/long range AR for VS. For CQC, you have a fair few options and I wouldn't limit myself to assault rifles either. For instance, the Sirius(2nd gen SMG) works very well on a support class given how often you switch around your weapon slots, thus have a weapon with strong hipfire capabilities and a large magazine is very useful. Shotguns are also a viable option.
  8. TheKhopesh

    I like this one as well.
    I am working on getting Auraxium on my AR's for my NC medic.
    I am nearly there, with only four AR's to go.

    Both the NS-11A and NS-11P, the Reaper DMR, and the Gauss Rifle Burst.

    Not looking forward to grinding out the Reaper (Though it's not half bad) and Gauss Rifle Burst (This is going to be VERY difficult).
    Both are going to be a PAIN, as my medic playstyle is better suited for CQC than at range.

    The GR Burst doesn't have a 3x burst, so that is quite problematic in CQC.
    I find it very odd that the gun called "Gauss Rifle Burst" doesn't have multiple burst options.
  9. Pikachu

    I hate the NS rifles. They are so accurate when they shoot me.
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  10. Crackulous

    For me, the CME has the same feel to it as the default gun.
  11. DocteurVK

    That's a valid point ...
  12. Crackulous

    Just stating my opinion on it. I don't know how it compares statswise, but I don't see much of a difference between it and the Pulsar VS1. I only trialed it a couple of times, and I don't play medic all that often. My belief is that it's not worth the 1k certs needed to purchase it. What do you think?
  13. FrontTowardEnemy

    For VS, the HV-45 is better than the NS-11A for short range work inside 40m. After that, the NS-11A is superior in every respect. It's also better than the Corvus across the board, as well as every other Empire specific VS AR.
  14. 0ReferenceException

    Best all-round AR must be the TAR with Grip, 1x Reflex, SPA and (optionally) Flash Suppressor. Great in CQC (great hipfire), decent out to midrange while ADS thanks to the grip. (I also use other loadouts with Adv. Laser for more CQC centric battles but I find the grip offers great versatility on the TAR).
    The runner-up for best all-round AR would be the TRV with Adv. Laser, 2x Reflex, SPA and (optionally) Flash Suppressor. This is about as accurate when hip firing as the TAR without an Adv. Laser and still is pretty damn nice when ADS for midrange (but personally I like the TAR better).

    For pure CQC I'd go with either a Nighthawk (auto shotgun), Haymaker (large magazine semi auto shotgun) or the TAR with Adv. Laser. I guess a SMG would be OK as well but I don't like using SMG on my medic (well, on any class except the Infiltrator for that matter).

    For mid- to long-range I'd go with the SABR (2-round burst rifle) with Adv. Grip, 2x or 3,4x Sight, Compensator and (optionally) HVA.Or I might use the T1S Cycler with either UBGL (for lols) or Grip and Compensator for long-range (but I have the SABR for that role). Still, the T1S is very versatile and worth a mention imo.
  15. DocteurVK

    I dont own it, but having used it during one of the PTS test nights for about 1 hour, I found it being very easy to manage.

    Stats wise, It has the same recoil / accuracy stats as HV45, but the lower Rof Makes it much more controllable during long bursts at range (almost no recoil, easy to compensate).

    If its worth the 1K certs ? If you play mainly medic and exclusively Vs, I'd say Yes.

    If Medic is not your best class, no It's not. Definitely prefer the Corvus / HV45 combo, each one fitted for their playground.

    I'd also suggest to get a rapid fire secondary (beamer) when using corvus, while getting a slower one for ranged engagements if you've equipped the HV45