What is "OP" about each faction?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Popper100, Oct 10, 2014.

  1. FactionTraitsFTW

    VS: MAX
    TR: MAX
    NC: MAX
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  2. Ztiller

    If that's true, how come nobody is complaining about the SVA-88 anymore? There is nothing about LMGs that just says that they are incompatible with 0-75 ADS.

    POunders are OP because they are good against infantry, something that the Fractures and Comets got nerfed for being. Comets, Falcons and Pounders are generally regarded as CQC AV and Anti-MAX weapons. However the Pounders does both CQC AV, Anti MAX and AI.

    They should get the same AI nerf as the Cmets and Fractures got.
  3. MonnyMoony

    edit: deleted because it was pointed out on another thread that I was mistaken.
  4. Klondor

    Slow the hell down, bro. Of course i'm going to have bias toward the TR, i've been playing TR since day one.
    I play VS and NC too, but not as much. All of my experiences are related to the receiving end of the deal, keep in mind a lot of the time i try to take careful consideration about the things i view as OP. I also gather that you failed to the read the section where i specifically said: "If i could name any currently "op" item in our arsenal, it's probably the Vulcan in it's proper range, it devastates enemy armor when it has an upgraded magazine capacity."

    I could have typed a whole article on the TR's Onslaught chainguns, and i was actually going to include the MCG because of how much people really hate being killed by it, i would have even cleared up some points, but you have to come in a ******* attack me. So forget it, i'm gone, brah.
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  5. Brineskald

    SVA-88 got nerfed to the point it's a bit less accurate than Orion, a higher RoF gun. It used to be a trade-off where Orion was the CQC jesus LMG, and SVA-88 was your all-rounder with better accuracy. Now Orion is just better at everything pretty much. SVA-88 is still probably a decent weapon but there's no point in using it while the Orion exists.

    The reason .75 ADS shouldn't be on LMGs is pretty simple though, they're heavy large mag size suppression/support type weapons and they now sensibly have poor mobility stats in other areas like hip-fire. There's no good reason you should be able to strafe ADS faster with an LMG than most carbines.

    Falcons are great against infantry too. Just not as good vs. multiple infantry or flak, but even the Pounder is pretty rough if you don't have support. As a cheesy mid-long range weapon it's basically a quick reload dumb fire launcher and you can snipe one-shot kills on anything not wearing flak. Ravens are also quite good vs. infantry, while being the best AV. Comets used to be good w/ZOE but we know how that went. Comets and Falcons are also easier to use against vehicles than the Pounder.
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  6. z1967

    VS: Teamwork
    NC: Teamwork
    TR: Teamwork
    NS: Teamwork
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  7. Ixidron

    Funny how people complain about the shield of the worst performing tank according to stats and the shotguns of a MAX that only works in door camping.

    TR: Prowler main cannons (best performing tank by a huge marging) and banshee (maybe), everything else looks normal to me, pounders are good but not OP.

    NC: Ravens, people say jackhammer, I say my 250 cert all class shotgun performs on par, they say SMGs, but hell, for me VS SMGs are way better, when I tried one I was like OMG I can aim with this thing and control the recoil.

    VS: only complain is the PPA, everything else seems ok.
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  8. Borsty

    Actually the only thing I can think of is: PPA.
    I play all three factions, and the only thing that's really out of balance is the PPA. C4 is too strong, but all 3 factions have it, same goes for the infantry farming ability of the ESFs. Scatmaxes rule Biolabs, but everybody knows that Biolabs are a huge design failure themselves and avoids them.
  9. Xasapis

    Could it be because VS pull 6 times more PPA Magriders compared to the other two factions? ;)
  10. z1967

    Other factions pull 0 magriders. Therefore 6*0=0 which means that I am nitpicking way too much.
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  11. Xasapis

    Well, they pull whatever inferior technology they think that can hurt the mighty Vanu troops.
  12. Zotamedu

    TR: Dakka
    VS: Lasers
    NC: Shotguns
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  13. z1967

    Yeah, I knew what you mean. VS do pull around 2x more PPA-H harassers than TR and NC (not combined). Pull rate for PPA is around 3x-5x more than TR and NC (Again, not combined). VS really do love their PPA :p
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  14. Andy04

    everything is OP in this game because of screen shake, bad hit detection, Lag and hitching :p
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  15. MonnyMoony

    All the main guns of the other two factions cause more damage than the main guns on the Magrider from an AI perspective - so perhaps the reason vanu pull PPA as an AI option is to make up for the shortcoming in their main gun AI efficacy.

    The other factions may not pull their dedicated AI secondaries as much - simply because they don't have to.

    Looking at MBT weapons in isolation is IMO taking the wrong approach. You need to look at an MBT loadout from a combined perspective. Some factions secondaries may be more or less powerful in a particular role because their mains make up for it.

    I know I certainly get insta-gibbed a hell of a lot from P2 HE and HEAT
  16. Bananenweizen

    And VS puts the ES AI secondary on their MBT 6 times more than other factions because... Well, surely not because the PPA+Magrider is a significantly better thing to sit in than Canister/Kobalt+Vanguard or Marauder/Kobalt+Prowler in the current metagame. Rrrright?
  17. Xasapis

    Of course it is better. I don't think anyone can argue that.
  18. abaddun

    I am going to go back in time to the 1st of September 2013.

    VS: ZOE

    TR: Vulcan, striker, prowler lockdown, fractures, repeater.

    NC: Sod all really.
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  19. hostilechild

    Not sure about OP but some things are annoying as hell, due to over use by a faction (and typically this does mean op)

    Everyone migrates to what gives them the biggest advantage (best weapon in a category/ best armor setup)

    But when 1 setup becomes the go to for everything its OP, or to somewhat broader, everyone uses it.

    Banshee, i see nothing else on mossies
    PPA? same thing i never see anything else anymore.
    prowler ap (lockdown), never seen a prowler with anything other than AP (mostly true for all main tank guns though)
    Orion? (don't consider this op, basically a 50round smg not really a true lmg)
    Scatmax? (again not really OP, just annoying, all max kill fast and much easier to rocket then VS max ) This is one the devs actually got right, great cqc, **** everywhere else, too bad they didn't give a great long range option that sucked cqc. (actually falcons are pretty dam good at this once get good)

    (If everyone uses it and nothing else in that category, therefore OP? well at least its out of balance with others in the category or wouldn't be the only thing being used) Its ok to be better at av or ai but shouldn't be the go to for both or the only thing used because all the av or all the ai sucks for that category. Just like something should be short/med/long range better not best in all situations.

    Devs have really screwed up a lot in regards to making items situationally the best vs overall the go to item.
  20. MonnyMoony

    I agree that everyone migrates to what gives them the best advantage - but don't agree that necessarily means OP. It could be they go to that loadouts because the alternatives simply aren't as good (best of a bad bunch).

    Where PPA is concerned - it may be annoying that this appears to be the go-to AI loadout - but as above, the AI capability of the Magrider mains are worse (and in some cases far worse) than the equivalent weapon for the other factions. I would even argue that the dedicated AI main of the magrider (the Supernova VPC) - may actually be less effective in the field than the Prowler's middle of the road weapon - the P2 Heat.

    If a faction are overusing a particular weapon - it could be just as indicative of poor options as much as over powered-ness. Making the options better could be just as effective at stopping overuse of a weapon as nerfing it into the ground.