what is more recomended and efectiveness:revive grenades or health grenades?

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Navoletti, Sep 14, 2013.

  1. Navoletti

    well i need unlock 1 slot of this two option but i not decide what nd why is more good...

    if i use revive grenades the people that revive first have full health but need wait for charge the shields?if happen this posible the enemy kill easy other time the people...

    if i use health grenades this grenades in the impact return the full health of the people and max?

    what ratio have the effect of this 2 types of grenades?
  2. Flashtirade

    Revive grenades revive at half health. Allies do not come back with shields, so they have to wait.
    Healing grenades do not overheal. They do not heal MAXes either.
    Revive. Both grenades are very situational, but rez grenades are more useful and you get more XP for using them right.
  3. Sossen

    Revive grenades will actually pay back the certs you pay for them.
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  4. Lazaruz

    You already have two things for healing, so go with the rez nades. Ever since they lowered the infantry cost from 100 to 45, there's no reason not to use them in my opinion. They are more useful and earn you more certs than the healing kind.
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  5. SirIBON

    Take Rez Grens.
    Both Grens do not affect Maxunits!
    As said you can heal them with your tool. I have both and it is very seldom that i could use the Healing one effectivly.
    All dead Mates do not get the benefit of the healing one.

    I think the health level of the Rez depends on your Tool. My mates are full i think.
    Max the Medictool.
    Go for Teamplay and not for Certs.
    The Certs will come for Teamplay.
  6. JudgeDeath

    Revive nades ... no doubt about it. One can turn a loosing situation to a clear win.
  7. Fox Reinhold

    Rez grenades, although the healing grenades do have their place if you know how to use them. If you get a grenade bandolier, you can keep an entire biolab full of friendlies at max health with those nades :)
  8. MavCooL

    I hope res nade detonate on impact like conc nade though
  9. Traxiconn

    BioLab + Res Nades = CERTS FO DAYS
  10. Pikachu

    Revive grenade nondoubt. You have lots of dead team mates and you cN revive them all at once. Ans it can be done from distance. You throw a grenade in one direction then you run in another to revive the other guys there by hand. It is good grenade and it sure makes the certs roll in. Make use of it in tight battles where lots of people die at the same place, even if its hopeless fight. Lots of players are dumb enough to accept the revive... just to die 1/2 second later.

    Healing grenade needs a big buff. The effect is too low but the duration is the real issue. Its way too short. Tripple it and it could be good.
  11. TR_terror

    I have both and I tend to run with Revive grenades the most. Both are situational but it my experience the situation for revive grenades occurs more often.
  12. Xasapis

    The only way a medic can heal a MAX is via triage when both inside a vehicle.
  13. Adept

    I have only the healing grenade and it's not very good. It's only good when there are almost no other medics.
    I've once pushed into a generator room with some heavies with a healing grande popped inside and my aoe heal ability activated.
    That was the most effective use of it I think.
    Can't recommend it :(
  14. Kociboss

  15. KnightCole

    Atleast revive grenades are sure to hit something.....
  16. PWGuy93

    From a play perspective the healing grenades keep players alive, that means they are actively fighting the enemy. For me if I remember right it's around 8 XP per tick of healing.

    The revive grenade isn't really helping the fight as they rez with no shields, partial health (67% if correct) and are disoriented long enough for enemies to kill.

    If you have cleared the room of enemies, then why use a revive grenade at all?

    If you haven't cleared the room of enemies, are you using the revive grenade for your XP gain or their benefit knowing they will immediately die upon revive?

    This is just my view, I prefer to ensure the person I revive has a chance.

    There are situations where I do use revive grenades, mostly when I can't reach the player, like on a roof or hillside.
  17. KnightCole

    Healing and Revive grenades..once you fill your team with more Shrapnel, they begin to heal and revive...magical stuff I tell ya.
  18. Caserion

    I always preferred revive 'nades, seeing an ally dead to far and too dangerous to revive and then throwing a revive grenade while the enemy focuses on me is great. Especially when my squad mate that was just revived kills them from behind.

    No one expects you using them unless they're familiar with the sound.
  19. FieldMarshall

    Revive grenades. Nothing more satisfying than instantly reviving an entire squad.
    Heal grenades doesn't really do that much more than your standard (free unlimited) AOE heal to justify spending resources on it AND taking it over Revive grenades.
  20. Crackulous

    Frag grenades. Throw them at your friendlies and they'll show you their affection. Also, if you're not NC or TR, disregard this message.